King's Business - 1942-09

September, 1942



they failed to'find Him, they turned back to Jerusalem. There He was in the temple, talk­ ing to the doctors -and asking them questions. “And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers” (Lk. 2:47). When Jesus’ parents scolded Him for lingering be­ hind, He said, “How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” (Lk. 2:49). , Yes,. Jesus knew, where He was all the time. He knew, too, that God was His Father, and that His place was in His Father’s house. Jesus was not lost at all, but because others are lost, He had to be about His “Father’s business.” That business is finding those who are lost and sav­ ing them for God. Has He found you? He would like to save you this morning.

with the flower of love. If we want love, we must plant the seed of faith, and then grow. There is no other way to get it. There are no short cuts. Golden Text Illustration 2 P eter 3 :18 A bright little girl of about .eight summers was wisely teaching a bit of a brother some two years younger than herself to master the difficult art of riding &■ bicycle. After many fruitless trials, the little lad steadied himself as he wobbled from side to side and proudly shouted, “I’m mov­ ing. I really am moving!1’ His sedate young sister eyed his movements calmly, and coldly re­ plied: “Yes, you are moving, but you are not going!” How true this is in the Christian life! Bishop Fowler used to put it in this terse and homely way: “Lots of folks are like a yard engine, that toots its whistle, rings its bell, and makes a lot of noise, but never goes anywhere.”— The Northern Christian Advocate, In the Temple L uke , 2 :40-52 1 MEMORY VERSE: “He is thy Lord; and worship thou him” (Psa. 45:11)., APPROACH: FouY-year-old Benny was visiting on the farm. He loved watching the ducks, the chickens, the little calf, and all the other Sights cally for him, but couldn't find him. Two hours later he awoke and tod­ dled to the house. Loving arms grabbed him: . “Benny, Benny, where have you been? We were so frightened when we lost you!” He lifted puzzled eyes. “I wasn’t losted,” he said. "I knew where I was all the time. I was asleep;in the hay.” LESSON STORY: Today we have the story of another Boy whose par­ ents sorrowed because they thought they had lost-. Him. He wasn’t lost either: He, too,, knew where He was all the time. More than that, He knew He ought to be just where He was. : When the Lord Jesus was twelve years old, His parents took Him with them up to Jerusalem. On their way home they discovered that He was missing. They loaded for Him among their relatives and friends, and when that we r e very new to him. One day he wandered off from the fam­ ily, and went to the barn alone. He stayed so long that he g r e w drowsy and fell asleep in the hay. H is p a r e n t s searched franti­

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Object Lesson G rowing in G race

OBJECT: A toy balloon, with a small outline' of a cross .traced on it in ink. » LESSON: How many of you think you could have a good time playing with this toy balloon? Yes, but this balloon does not want to be played with. Instead, it will tell you a won­ derful truth about the Christian life, j, As you look at it, at first you do not notice its being different from other balloons. As soon as I put a little air in, you Vill see that there is an outline of a cross on it. This cross reminds us of Christ. The more air I put" in the balloon, the larger the cross becomes, and the more easily it can be seen. In the Bible, Peter tells us that we should “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of. our Lord and Sav­ iour Jesus Christ/ (2 Pet. 3:18). Per­ haps you wondered what'is meant by growing in grace; and why we are told to do so.- When we grow in grace,' we become friore like Christ. When the balloon stops growing, the cross does, -too. When a Christian stops growing in grace, he cannot in­ creasingly reveal Christ. If I let some of the air out Of the balloon, it be­ comes smaller, and so does the cross. What a shame it is for a person to shrink spiritually, for when he does, the World cannot see much of Christ. The Lord is most pleased with His

“OBJECT TALKS” 20 bright talks to boys and girls illus­ trated by familiar objects. ^ “Talks on Texts” 20 Children’s Sermons. Illustrated by fascinating- illustrations. “Paper Tearing Talks” 15 Gospel talks. Paper is folded, then torn and the object is unfolded. Inter­ esting tp old and, young. Full direc­ tions. One Pastor writes: “Tour talks are the best I have ever used or have been able to find.*‘'Over 47,000 in use. Each Set $1.00 All Three $3.00 55 talks—whole year with the .children. Haddon Service, Box 164B Fairfield, Conn. .

Clergy Clothing, Cattoekt


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