King's Business - 1942-09

•September, .1942



child grew,- and waxed strong hi j Spirit; filled with wisdom;, and the grace of God was upon him” (Lk. 2:40), And now He desires to grow in the lives of His followers.

children when they ’are; constantly growing in grace, because He knows that they will be. better able to re­ veal Christ to others. Christ Himself grew in! life, for -we read, “And the

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OCTOBER 25, 1942 STEPS TOWARD SOLUTION OF THE ALCOHOL PROBLEM •E cclesiastes -10: 1 7 A mos ,5 :21-24; R omans 14 :19 -212 C orinthians 6:17; 1 P eter 4:1-5

II. T he A cceptable W orship (Amos 5:21-24)

K c e le sla .te s 10:1? B le s.e d a rt th ou , O land , When th y king- is th e son o f n o b les, nhd th y p rin ces ent in due sea so n , fo r -stren g th , and n o t fo r d ru n k en n ess! Am os 5:21 . I h a te, I d esp ise your fe a st riay.s, and 1 W ill n o t sm e ll in you r solem n a s se m b lie s .. 22 T hough ye o ffer m e -bu rn t o ffer in g s and you r m ea t o ffer in g s. 1 .T ill n o t accep t th em ; n eith er w ill I regard ’ th e p eace o ffe r in g s o f y o u r fa t b ea sts. 23 T a k e .th o u a w a y , from m e the. n o ise o f-th y so n g s; fo r I W ill n o t h ear th e m el­ ody o f thy- v io ls.- ; - 24 B u t - le t ju d gm en t run dow n as w a ters, and rig h te o u sn e ss as a m ig h ty stream . -%.■ R am ans 14:19 L et u s th erefo re fo llo w a fter th e th in g s w hich,, m ak e fo r p ea ce, and th in g s W herew ith one m ay e d ify a n ­ oth er. 20 F or m ea t d estro y n o t th e w o rk o f God. A il th in g s ind eed are pu re; put it is e v il for. th a t m an w h o .en teth w ith o ffen se . 21 . I t is good n e ith er to ea t fle sh , nor .'to drin.k w in e, nor a n y th in g w h ereb y th y - b roth er stiim h leth , or is- offen d ed , or is m ade w ea k . ’ 2 C orinth ians 6:17 W h erefo re com e out from am on g th em , and be y e sep a ra te, sa ith th e. L ord, and to u ch n o t th e un clean th in g ; and I w ill r ec e iv e yon. \ P e te r 4;T. F orasm u ch th en a s C hrist hath su ffered fo r u s in i th e fle sh , a jm y o u r selv e s lik e w is e w ith th e sam e m ind: fo r h e -that h a th su ffe r e d iu th e fle s h hath . .ceased team sin : 2 -T hat h e n o lo n g er sh ou ld liv e th e - rest o f h is tim e in the' fle sh to th e lu s ts ■of lhen, b u t-to th e w ill- o f .God. 3 Ifor th e tim e p a st o f our life m ay s u ffic e n s to h o v e w ro u g h t th e w ill o f th e -G en tiles, w h en w e W alked in. la sc iv io u s­ n ess, lu sts, e x ce ls, o f »vine, r ev e iin g s, ban­ q u e tin g ., and ab om in a b le id o la tr ie s: 4 W h erein th ey th in k it str a n g e th a t y e ra n n o t w ith th em td th e som e e x ce ss o f rio t, sp e a k in g e v il o f y o u ; . 5 W ho sh a ll give* a ccou n t to him th a t is read y to ju d g e th e q u ick and th e dead. GOLDEN T EX T : “L et . ju d gm en t ran dow h as w a te r s, aad rig h te o u sn e ss a s a m ig h ty stream ” ■t Am os 5 ij4 ), DEVOTIONAL R EAD ING : Isa. 1:16-20. Outline and Exposition I, T h E; A ssured B lessing (Eccl. 10:17) FTAHAT LAND b l e s s e d whose highest leaders are of noble character. It is doubly blessed when its “princes,” those holding high positions, take due thought of their strength and refuse to:-allow it to be weakened. and ruined by drunken­ ness. We should remember that it is easy for those in high places to for­ get they. are men of like passions with others and that, having full op­ portunity to satisfy their desires, it is a great temptation to allow, their pas­ sions to run riot to the undoing of themselves and those under, them.

Because I s r a e l outwardly main­ tained forms of worship while inward- .ly the nation' rebelled against God, the worship could not be accepted- God always discerns hypocrisy. While men may perform ¿11 manner of cere­ monies to please God, their hypocrisy —when such exists—causes God to re­ ject the worship. Israel had offered sacrifices deceitfully, and Amos was raised up to bring reproof. Because the people’s worship was unmixed with true' heart affection for the Lord, their religious rites became Obnoxious to Him. He closed His ears to their prayers (indicated by the in­ cense), and instead of being a sweet smell, that incense was as a stench before Him (v. 21). Their worship (the burnt offering) was refused by | Him. Their whole natures (the meal offering) were rejected. Their hypo­ critical attempt for fellowship (the peace offering) was repugnant to Him ( (v. 22). Their song of false praise was a mere noise to Him, .arid their in­ strumental music He refused even to hear (v. 23). All they did in the way of worship was a hideous parody upon the worship He desireg. What God really desired, and what would make their worship acceptable, was true judgment and righteousness (v. 24), neither of which was found in , Israel, and for the lack of which cer- ■ tain judgment was to fall upon them. u III. T he A ppropriate W alk . (Rom. 14:19-21; 2 Cor. 6:17; 1 Pet. 4:1-5) . The believer’s conduct that is. pleas­ ing to God is a walk of self-forgetful­ ness (Rom. 14:19-21). It makes for peace, a n d eliminates mu c h that BLACKBO ARD LE SSON

. B e s t

t V i s: h e s . ' from '

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