King's Business - 1942-09


September, 1942


% Saviour b e c a u s e of your faithful witness? May We hasten the crowning day by ,gathering in the lost ones for whom the Saviour died. -' 3. As a Brother (3:12, 13). Here the believer is brought before us as a loving one, and love, Godward and manward, -is emphasized. The thought of the, passage is: “The Lord multiply you i n .love until you have enough and. to spare of it.” There is not too much to spare of love among Christians .today. Paul’s exhortation may be translated: “So that you may not only love one another abundantly, but also all mankind.” Can we Say that we are the true kinsmen and friends of ail Christ’s little ones? What shame will be-ours as we meet the gaze' of Christ if we have not been kind to the members of the household of faith! Paul points to his own ex­ ample as he urges others to love. “Night and day” he thought of others. As a nurse, he cherished the needy (2;7). And he here characterizes broth­ erly ]ove as the evidence of a life of holiness, A loveless heart can never Succeed in the quest after holiness, for true love sanctifies the one who loves.

field, missionaries who serve the Lord among primitive peoples need special­ ized training. Prospective missiona­ ries can secure the key for unlocking these unwritten languages, by taking the scientific training in the new courses at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and -if possible also in the still more extensive work at Camp Wyeliffe. May God, m u l t i p l y the tongues- in which His truth shall be proclaimed! ; IN VIEW OF CHRIST’S COMING [ Continued, from Page 328] pion in receiving his laurels. The apostle expresses a similar joy in 2 Corinthians 1:14, and in Philippians 4:1. This “crown of rejoicing” acts as an incentive to service. What a thrill will be .ours to realize that souls Will be won* because of our" influence and testimony here below! Would it not make for a mighty revival if every belieVer truly lived and labored ih the light of Christ’s return? Are we as zealous as*we should be-over the win­ ning of our own loved one? for the Lord? Mother, w h a t a b o u t your daughter? Father, what about your boy? Christian worker, -Sunday-school teacher, what about those committed t j your care? Will others greet your PROFITABLE BIBLE STUDY By Wilbur M. Smith Seven simple methods with an an­ notated list of the first one hun­ dred best books for the Bible stu­ dent’s library. Chapter headings: Seven Great Things the Study of the B i b l e Will Do for Us, Eight Methods of Studying the Bible for Our Own Soul’s Nourishment, and Further. Suggestions a b o u t the Manner of Our Bible Study. Price',.,........,.;........:..:::..:..,...... $1.50 C. T. STUDD Famous Athlete and Pioneer By Norman Grubb The epic story of “C. T.',” one of England’s best all-round athletes who renounced, wealth and position to answer the Call, faoing a life of hardship and danger with courage, self-denial and endurance. Price........... .... $1.50

OTHER TONGUES AT BIOLA [ Continued, from Page 331]

animate objects. For example, the missionary unaware of s u c h cate­ gories of thought may make'a serious mistake in preaching to the natives “We all have sinned,” and using the exclusive personal pronoun "we,” thus implying that the speaker and his American, friends indeed have sinned, but the native listeners •are not in­ cluded among the guilty ones. In Another language; a special affix indicates that the object is classified either as an alienable or inalienable, essential or unessential property of the possessor. One may be at à loss to explain that a horse is classified as an essential and inalienable prop­ erty of the man, but his wife, though essential, is considered alienable. One language may insist upon expressing the time ih which an action occurred; another language" may express only the ■ quality of an action, whether it was habitual, intensive, dUrative, iterative, punctiliar, and the like. There are almost an infinite num­ ber of variations in languages. And therefore a study of the various pos­ sible forms of expression-is essential to one preparing to learn an aborigi­ nal language and reduce it to writing. ' To avoid months and years of de­ lay after arriving on the mission A HANDBOOK OF ANCIENT HISTORY IN BIBLE LIGHT By Dorothy Ruth Miller In her classroom experience, the author found that, she knew of “no ancient history now. in print writ­ ten from a Christian standpoint, but that all t e n d to undermine the Christian faith, since all are based on the assumption that the evolu­ tionary theory is true.” . . v Here is a history adaptable as a text for Bible schools and colleges. Price ............... $2.50 GRACE By Lewis Sperry Chafer This volume, by the President of Dallas Theological Seminary, Sets forth the glories of Divine Grace with their exact relation to human conduct. Price.... . $1.25 California' patrons please add 3% sales tax .

'. As the shadows gather, Paul woujd have us increase and abound in love, “growing and glowing in love.” Alas, [Continued ' on Page 359] VALUABLE REFERENCE WORKS

THE SUPERNATURALNESS OF CHRIST By Wilbur M. Smith In this volume it is the author’s desire to, encourage people (both old and young) to carefully exam­ ine for themselves the evidençe for the supernaturalism of Christ. , .'. Dr. Smith attempts to set forth the basic facts involved in the. birth, the .transfiguration, the miraculous acts, add thé resurrection of Jesus Christ, that all who read may have an opportunity to come to a defi­ nite conclusion _as to who Jesus Christ is. Price,,..... $1.50


Addresses on the Way of Salvation. A treasure-house of inspiration and practical help to gospel workers. Price.... ..... ............... $1.50


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