King's Business - 1942-09



September, 1942


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' onal Readings My Dwelling ’‘One-thing have I desired of the Lord . '. . that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LordV (Psa. -27;4). Some péople never go anywhere ex­ cept on earth . . . yet we are invited to take mental trips to view the One •ojj the throne! And we are invited to make all plans to livè with Christ in the mansion He is preparing for those who love the Lord. Christ is alive forevermore, and of­ fers His life to all, who. cdunt His death to have been for them. ' —The Conqueror. Absolute Steadfastness “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19). • I have been reading Matthew’s Gos­ pel and have been struck as never before by our Lord’s absolute stead­ fastness. Whatever sort of day He had had, however wearisome, as on the i day He spoke, to the woman of Sa-' maria, whatever sorrow had come'to Him, as when'He went to be alone after the disciples had told Him of the beheading of John the Baptist, He was always ready to pour Himself out for/those who came in need. It lias been Such a -help to realize anew the height of the order of service to which He calls us to follow Him in all humility and triumph. —Dohnavur Fellowship. 'Tis Death to be Indifferent -, “For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hear­ ing, and their eyes they have closed”' (Matt. 13:15). . Paul got the defeat of his life, not at Lystra where he was stoned, ior. he bdilt a church there; not at Thes- saloniga, where he was mobbed, for he planted a church .there; 'not at Philippi, where he was beaten with rods and put into the stocks, for he built: a. church there; not at Corinth and at Ephesus, where he was perse­ cuted, for. he built , churches there; not at Jerusalem where he was torn by the mob, for he built a church there; but at Athens, where no vio­ lence was shown him, but where they were indifferent. —Our Youth. 7. Ambassadors of the King “Now then we (are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you 4. 5. 6.


A Worthy Investment Multnomah Schdol of the Bible Interdenominational—«Evangelistic 703 N. E. Multnomah Portland -, Oregon Rev. B... B. S utcliffe, D.D., P resid en t. Rev... Jo h n G. M itchell; D.D., V ieefPres. Rev. Sim on-E . F o rsb erg , D ean .A Standard Three-Year Courses- Intensive Bible Instruction Free Tuition . A Book Department for Your Needs THE POWER OF FACTS . . v ■ Theories and promises don't, save 'ydu. jnoney. on your ■food'. hUisi Neither - doe? ‘“hit '-and: miss’.* shopping . ; . 'hepe, there,- and every­ where. But actual PACTS and FIGURES prove yod DO effect APPRECIABLE savings if you do ALL your shopping at RALPHS’30 .CONVENIENTLY LOCATED STORES» g IS IT WISE To ask God to stop this war? A startling, 1Biblically ,t r u e booklet, 1 dime. Or., the :330-page set, 3 dimes. Or? the UN-abridged TOO Titles set, a ‘‘Spiritual -Gold ¡Wine:” for a $1 BILL, no cheeks. ALL ON B^STANT; RETURN-MAIL MONEY-BACK terms. Is' yonr. soul worth $1? . ■ SCRIFITJKAI, LBAGl’U, K Yminestpwn, Ohio Christmas Cards . W e need 500 C h ristian ^W o rk ers to sell our splendid relig io u s lin e .of C h ristm as an d .everyday g reetings^ calen d ars, s ta ­ tio n ery ,, ■.aacrechi m usic, p laq u es,;’m ottoes, B ibles an d books. Send 'fo r vour. larg e ca ta lo g an d bonTrtrission rate's.- T H E BOONE PUBLISH ING COMPANY* P . O. B o x 200 D es M oines, Iovia '; C losed Sundays j\ o L iquor m Sold '

DAILY Devoti Boundless Asking - “Now Unto him that-is able to do exceeding abundantly above a'll that we ^sk or think, according to ..the power that worketh ip us” (Eph. 3:20). That is a wonderful doxology. The word “abundantly.” means “out of measure” or “him that’ is able to break over all bounds of comprehen­ sion,” How limited is most of our asking, yet He is able to give us in­ finitely more than we ask, even when our faith rises to its great&st'-heights. Moderation in our asking is some­ times a mistake. We dishonor God by our little prayer . . . Let prayer range out! —Keith L. Brooks. 2. Productive Friiit “Ye shall know them by their fruits” :(Matt. 7:16). .Works do not show, the„ character of thè workef, but only his skill: a bad man may make a good chair. Works, again, may .bq good and use­ ful, but do not propagate themselves. Fruit, oil. the' contrary, reveals ;the character of the fruit-beàrèf, and has its seed in itself—is reproductive. :, , , J. Hudson Taylor. . 3. A Few More Shadows ■“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and rev ceive'you unto myself” (John 14:3). So I am watching quietly every ,day. ' Whenever .the sun shines brightly»- 'I rise and say, “Surely it is the shining of Bis face,” And look into the gates .of His High Place Beyond the sea, For I know He is coming presently "to summon me. And when a shadow falls across the • window of my room Where I am working my appointed task, I lift my head to watch the door and .‘ask If He is come. And the angel whispers sweetly in my - home, “Only a few' more shadows and He »will come.” : —Selected. 1.

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