King's Business - 1942-09

September, 1942



all else for her, and-she dared to believe the objections woüld disappear when the, time came for her to go. Her way to Africa had seemed closed’ many times, chiefly-through her poor health. But a recent check-up had given-her hew hope, for the doctor had told her she had a clear bill of health now. ' She already had sent her application to the Africa Inland, Mission, and now she had but to await the Mission’s acceptance and God’s time in sending her forth. Dark a? the outlook whs, in world condi­ tions, she firmly believed that,- if the Lord tarried, she would get to Africa yet. But .what to do in the waiting inter­ val had been a perplexing question during the last semester in school. Then she had been led to apply for a scholarship to Camp Wycliffe, there to study, a system of phonetics and in other ways to train for the work of a missionary. She picked up a letter that she

JUDY’S LIGHTED STEPS [Continued from Page 334]

already had read many times. It was the'pptice that she had been granted thé Scholarship. She scarcely could believe it yet. Strange, she thought, how you asked God for something and then -were surprised when -it was granted! ' .; • , "■' . v ’• Shé Closed her notebook and looked about the room, realizing how, soon , she would be léaving'tt. : A sadness crept .into • her heart. She ,thought of the many girls who had gone out of this room to live their lives. Pfob-, ably they had felt; as she did, now, a bit sad but yet more satisfied than sorry. The school had been, her home, and.„it -would be hard to- leave-this haven. But there Was a sense of well-being over'the completion of her 'course, and there, was joy in- going out into the future in God’s will. After all, it was but one, more step with God. \ . ! “Step: by Step, I’ll follow Jesus,” shè began to sing, taking a picture frotn the wall to wrap it for packing!

Her heart had stood _still- as she had heard the doctor give his decision for an immediate appendectomy, and she had summoned all her strength to protest because she had no money. No one had paid any attention to her, and for a moment she had-ex­ perienced a feeling of sick terror.- Then, quickly, the terror had given way to peace. “I will trust and not be afraid,” she had whispered. God’s ravens we r e ma n y , s h e thought .reverently, looking at the - figures which told of the provision, for that operation and her hospitaliza­ tion; the latter met by a special gift, the former by the surgeon’s refusing a fee when he learned she was pre­ paring for the mission field. And this was but the first of other times of "necessary medical attention. Totaling sofhe of the figureV'pn the page before her, Judy gasped to see that the Lord had given her in the last' six years because of a long interruption with illness) in medical attention alone, the equivalent of be­ tween $1,300 and $1,400, since She had learned do trust her way to Him, Sometimes the Lord had led to* em­ ployment whereby she could earn the needed funds, and sometimes, when she was not able to work, He had provided in other ways. “And He not only supplied, but He has supplied the best every time,” she mused. Judy smiled at the next entry, but there were tears in the Smile. .The Lord had been so good to her to give her back her family. It was early in 1939 that she learned she would Ifave to give lip her school work for a time because of the con- , dition of her health. A letter re­ ceived from her mother had brought her a great deal of joy, for it was am invitation for Judy, to return for a visit home in the summer. But . the doctor had wanted her to go im­ mediately. E n c o u r a g e d by her mother’s letter, Judy had written and asked whether she might come in the spring rather than wait until summer. Her reply was a railway tick-' et from her father and an assurance she would be welcomed! That had ‘ meant more than any one would ever know. - It had been hard to make' such a long b.reak in her school course, but if had brought her a precipus gift. Just before she had left'home again, her father had asked her fo forget his former action and to be assured his home would be her home! The subject of fhe mission field was still taboo—her father had .ordered that it not be mentioned to him; and she knew her mother and sisters secretly hoped her health would prevent her . going. But God had undertaken in

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