King's Business - 1942-09


Advertisers in the KING’S BUSINESS are dependable, and will appreciate your business.

P a te n te d in U. S. A. an d o th e r c o u n trie s. F a m o u s th e w o rld o v er fo r f ifty y ears.

• Sw eet tone • A sto n ish in g volnm e • E a s ily c a rrie d • In exp en sive S u ita b le fo r M issions, C am ps, S u n d ay Schools, H om es, etcj W rite fo r descriptive folder and prices, GEO. BILHORN & CO. 14 14 M cLean A ve., Dept. K , Chicago* 111. RADIO PROGRAM T A K E S I N NEW AREA Dr. Talbot’s radio broad­ cast is now carried to new points along the north Pa­ cific Coast through sta­ tions KMPC and KROW . Detailed schedule given on page 324.

You can share the Word with others and re­ ceive an income for life for yourself—easily and simply through the Annuity Agreement plan of the American Bible Society. Why not join the thousands of grateful own­ ers of these Agreements—those who REGU­ LARLY receive their checks at stated inter­ vals—those who have that pleasant satisfaction of knowing that their agreement has almost 100 years of success behind it. And, too, wouldn’t it give you a glow of satisfaction to know that you are sharing in the work of distributing the Scriptures to millions throughout the world? “A Gift That Lives” tells you of this grand Plan and how it works. Will you not let us send you this booklet? M_Al_L__THE_COU_PON_T_ODAY American Bible Society, Bible House, New York, N. Y. i | Please send me, without obligation, your ! j booklet KB-25 entitled “A Gift That Lives” I | Name .............. ............................ \ ............... j I Address ........................................................ I ™ .^..^S ta te ................. ¿J

Thrilling Hours in The Book

...CLASS BIBLE STUDY Study the world's best seller with your friends in your church or home through a Moody Bible correspond­ ence course. Organize a class. The Moody class plan provides text­ books, free grading of examinations, and a diploma for each member com­ pleting the work. Half-price to members of a class of ten or more. Free enrollment to leader if entered by Sept. 30, 1942. Send to­ day for free folder on how to organize.


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