T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July 1924
The Final Anti-Christ Rev. Fred Eugene Hagin Mr. Hagin is the author of: “ The Cross in Japan,” - “ Russia and the Russians,” ;“ The Jews and Zionism” and other helpful and Scriptural books. In his book entitled “ His Appearing and His Kingdom” the subject of this article is treated at greater length. S HE ANTI-CHRIST is a person. He is a world prince—-a dictator. Paul calls him the “ Man of Sin,” the “ Son of Perdition,” the “ Lawless One;” John calls him the “ Anti-Christ” and “ the Beast;” Daniel calls him the “ Little Horn” and the “ King who shall do according to his will.” Christ is he “ whose coming is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.” (2 Thess. 2 :9). They will have these powers in their own per sonalities and will doubtless employ a host of demon-pos sessed mediums and others well versed in the laws of na ture and the human mind; for “ whosoever acknowledgeth him he will increase with glory.”
Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar of the terrible image which had ten toes, saying God “ hath made known to the king, Nebuchadnezzar, what shall be in the latter days.” Thè ten toes are the same as the ten horns of Daniel 7 and the ten kings of John’s day, who had “ received no kingdom as yet.” The Little Horn “ shall put down three kings” of the ten, and from this vantage ground he will Step into authority and leadership over the other seven kings. As John saw him in Revelation 13, the Anti-Christ was a beast. He had “ ten diadems” and his seven heads were the remnants of six great kingdoms, plus a seventh. The five, Egypt, Ninevah, Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece, had already fallen in John’s day. The sixth, Rome, “ is,” and “ the other,” the seventh, is “ yet to come,” which is a great confederation of ten powers, later on absorbed by the Anti- Christ, who makes the eighth, and yet he came out of the confederacy and therefore “ is of the seven” and is thus seen in the vision as “ having ten horns and seven heads.” His Dominion Will be World-Wide but will center in the Mediterranean area for the beast came “ up out of the sea.” Louis XIV. of France said, “I am the State,” and Boling- broke remarked that Louis was “ the best actor of Majesty that ever filled a throne.” But he will be surpassed by the Anti-Christ. Millions will worship the beast saying, “ Who is like unto the beast, and who is able to war with him?” His natural and Satanic powers will cooperate with his egotism “ and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods.” And thus for “ forty and two months” he shall continue as the Dragon’s over-lord and with a bloody, iron hand grip “ every tribe and people and tongue and nation.” He will be Satan’s Adopted Child. For “ the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority.” Satan tempted Jesus with an offer of world-wide dominion if He would worship the Devil. Satan has had his try with Alex ander, the Caesars, Mohammed and others. At last, per haps in no distant day, the devil will stage his favorite re presentative. Hell will open and “ up out of the abyss” he will come. Jesus said, “ I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him will ye receive.” (John 5:43). The Beast in his exaltation gives his subjects a “ mark, even the name of the beast, or the number of his name,” (Rev. 13:17) thus confirming the Lord’s forecast of his character. This world autocrat will have an accomplice who has “ all the authority of the first beast,” since the Anti-Christ’s premier is su preme in his new idolatrous religion and "maketh the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast.” Both the Anti-Christ and His False Prophet Will Have Super-normal powers. The False Prophet “ deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by reason of the signs which it was given him to do.” (Rev. 13:14). Paul says that the Anti-
Both. Jews and Gentiles will be deceived by “ their great signs and wonders.” In the “ holy place” of a newly built or improvised Jewish temple the Anti-Christ will seat him self for a time. Agnostic Jews will hail him as a substitute for their long looked for Messiah. “ He sitteth in the tem ple of God, setting himself forth as God,” said Paul. Jesus, alluding to the same tragic incident, says, “ When there fore you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel, the prophet, standing in the holy place( let him that readeth understand) then.let them that are in Judea flee unto the mountains.” Mark and Matthew have no specific reference to the destruction of Jerusalem— as is given by Luke. Matthew and Mark refer in detail to this installment of idolatry, based upon the worship of the Anti-Christ and the images which will be made to represent him. God-fearing and Christian Jews will flee at this time, if obedient to our Lord’s warning, and be providentially and perhaps miraculously tucked away in the mountain fast nesses of Edom and Moab. The Anti-Christ Comes to the World Stage at a Time When a Dictator Will be Welcomed. And, strange to say, many European governments have chosen by their uncer tainties to have a dictator instead of king, president, con gress or parliament. The Anti-Christ will be a child of destiny and the hour. Millions not far from the Great Sea are hungry, they are war-weary, facing uncertainty, dis order and revolutions. Satan will put out his false child of promise. He will promise bread, good government, sta bility and peace. And perhaps after a short whirlwind of clash at arms, he will actually fulfil his promises and keep them for a time. He will even assure the Jews of their homeland. He will not trifle as England has done. He will let them flock home by the millions and his officials and his treasures will assist them to accomplish their age long desire. It is then, in the height of his popularity and success, that he breaks his covenant with the Jews, throws off his mask and reveals his alliance in the Satanic trinity, viz.; that of the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet. Then It Is that Rebellions Shall Truly Shake the World. Many will defy him and “ a great multitude, which no man can number, out of every nation and of all tribes, and peo ples and tongues,” shall be “ beheaded for the testimony of Jesus” , and “ come out of the great tribulation” to their welcome above the sky. Since our Lord has said, “ Except those days had been shortened, no flesh would hq,ve been saved,” we can but faintly imagine the wide sweep, the terror, and the cruelty of those days. To make our Lord refer to the destruction of Jerusalem under Titus is to set forth one’s ignorance. Neither Jewish flesh nor Gentile lives were imperiled at that time. Millions of Jews were not in Palestine when Jerusalem fell into Roman hands. Those wicked Jews whose sons had slain our Lord were not (Continued on page 469)
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