T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July 1924
Trie Euodia Conference (The “ Euodia CIub” is the name given to the Bible Classes ior High School girls, under the auspices of the Bible Women’s Department of the Bible Institnte of Los Angeles. As “ Euodia” means “ fragrance,” the name means “ fragrant for Christ.” At the present time there are thirty-six of these classes in the High Schools, the Junior High Schools and in a few of the Grammar Schools in Los Angeles and the surrounding towns).
The Conference was definite in its message from begin ning to end and the one aim was to lift up Jesus Christ in all His beauty to thel hearts of the girls— to lead those who had never accepted Him to accept Him as Saviour, and to help those who had already accepted Him as Saviour to surrender fully to Him and give Him first place in their hearts, to step out with Him trustfully in that close fellow ship that gives heavenly peace and joy in life and keeps the heart singing from morning till night. That sincere aim so pleased the Holy Spirit that He took of the very sweetest and most precious things of the Lord and showed them unto the girls who assembled there. By the end of the second day there were few hearts that had not yielded unconditionally to the Lord, and the quiet sweet joy that came into the lives of these girls was a real testimony to those who had not yet yielded. They felt they were mis sing something real and true and they felt strangely wist ful and yearning. One by one these few rebellious hearts yielded and lent their sweetness and fragrance to the group. One of the most impressive services was the one held at the summit of Peace Hill Friday evening— a vesper service in the moonlight and at the foot of a great, beautiful, elec trically-lighted cross which stands at the top of Peace Hill and sends its message afar from that point. As the girls reached the summit and were waiting for the others to arrive they sang fervently and gratefully,
The third Annual Conference of the High School Girls’ Euodia Clubs was held April 17th to 19th at the Pacific Palisades, and the Lord surely just opened the “ windows of heaven” and poured out such a blessing that there was hardly room to receive it! He did “ exceeding abundantly”
SOME OF THE TEACHERS MISS MABEL MERRILL (Second from left) SUPT. OF EUODIA CLUB above all that was asked or thought. Three hundred and seventy girls were in attendance— girls of every descrip tion and condition of spirituality. Girls who had loved the Lord and walked with Him for years; girls who had just been introduced to the Lord Jesus Christ through the medium of the Euodia Club and who knew Him very slightly; girls who had had a heart-hunger for something, they knew not what, and who had never made the acquaint ance of the Lord Jesus Christ and who came to the Con ference half wistfully and half incredulously, rather doubt ing the reality of Jesus Christ and His power in the life of a girl; girls who seemed to love only the frivolous side of life and who were anxious to get away from anything of a serious trend and who came only for the good time that they knew they were sure to have at the Conference. All kinds of girls were there, but as the dear Lord looked down He saw the heart and the need of each girl and met that need there as the girls were assembled together. And may it be said to the praise and glory of His great name that not one girl was there who did not receive a very definite blessing from His hand. The Conference was under the direction of Miss Mabel Merrill, head of all the Euodia Clubs of Southern California, and the whole program was beautifully planned and car ried out. Special cooperation and courtesy on the part of the Palisades Company helped to make the Conference a great success from the standpoint of management and was thoroughly appreciated by all who attended the Conference. The list of speakers included Mrs. Ralph Norton of Bel gium, Miss Helen Byrnes of Chicago, Miss Elizabeth Merritt of Long Beach, Miss Ethel Elliot of Kankakee, 111., Miss Florence Barnes of Hollywood and Miss Winifred Rouzee of Los Angeles. Each speaker was used of the Lord to bring very special blessing to the girls and the messages have found permanent abiding places in their hearts.
“ At the cross, at the cross, Where I first saw the light.”
Then as the whole group assembled and seated them selves at the foot of the cross, they sang reverently and softly,
“When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of Glory died.”
It was Good Friday night and hearts were strangely tender to the message of the Cross and its message sank into the
A SMALL GROUP OF THE GIRLS WAITING FOR LUNCH deepest sacred spots of the heart that night. After the song a “ Say- So” or testimony meeting was held and the meeting was closed with a season of prayer in which the girls prayed earnestly that they might be used of the Lord (Continued on page 459)
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