T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July 1924
home he soon drifted away from Judaism. Shortly after his marriage, misfortune overtook him, and then domestic troubles developed, for in many Jewish homes when “ pov erty comes in at the door love flies out at the window.” He was taken ill and his life was despaired of, and in his great need he sought for God. Providentially some Christian tracts were placed in his hands and he became greatly concerned about his spiritual condition. He was determined to leave no stone unturned until he had found out the truth about God. One evening he went into a little Rescue Mission for Seamen, and there again heard the Gospel message. Workers, at the close of that meeting, sought to persuade him to then and there settle “ the great question,” but he refused. One day he came into the office of the Jewish Department, and carefully and clearly we went over the way of salvation with him, clearing away last-minute doubts and perplexi ties, and that evening at the close of a meeting of the “ Fish ermen’s Club” he publicly professed acceptance of Jesus Christ as his Messiah and Saviour. Word has since come from him in the city to which he has gone that he is giving a good clear testimony for Jesus Christ, and in many ways is showing evidence of a changed life. If death should now overtake him, and it may soon, as he is still suffering, he will, unlike the Rabbi of old, “ know which of those two roads he is on.” SPANISH DEPARTMENT R obert H. Bender, Supt.— Gospel Meetings and H ouse-to-H ouse W ork among 50,000 Mexicans in Los Angeles and Vicinity. “ That seeing they may see and not perceive: and hearing they may hear and not understand, lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.” |N all Latin America, this week called Holy Week, and especially Good Friday, is celebrated by all Roman Catholics with many special services and street processions, a prominent feature of which is the image of Christ carrying a large wooden cross. How true are the words heading this article— “ seeing they may see and not perceive.” In spite of enacting the crucifixion of Christ, they are far from comprehending the finished work of Christ. The work among the Roman Catholics is doubly hard because they know about the death of Christ on the cross and are, therefore, classed as Christians. Many think that because the priest has baptized them and they attend church, they are Christians, and yet they know nothing of sins forgiven and of cleansing through the blood. Con sequently, we have to show them that Christ’s death on the cross is the only effectual means of pardon. Many think it is presumptuous on our part to claim forgiveness of sins this side of the grave, yet we praise God that a great num ber of these deluded ones, who have been sitting in dark ness and the shadow of death, have been translated into the kingdom of light. We have about eight different groups of believers to whom we are privileged to take the message of Light and Truth, and it is indeed a source of great joy to minister to them, building them up in their faith. As much as possible, we are seeking to encourage them to tell their own people what Jesus Christ has done for them, and several have said that they want to study and prepare themselves to this end. No doubt the readers of the King’s Business will be sur prised to learn of some facts concerning Mexico which have
And so let us remember the words of the Psalmist, “He that goeth forth, bearing precious seed shall doubt less come again rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” Out of Darkness into Light In our mail one day we found a letter which breathed of discouragement in fighting sin and temptation. It refer red to a statement we had made regarding the possibility of being victorious in time of temptation as suggested in the book of Romans which we were studying in class. The letter ended with the threat to give up and end life de liberately. There was no name signed and so we bowed our heads and claimed that dear soul for the Lord, asking es pecially that we would be put in touch with her and that her life would be protected from herself until we could tell the glad story of Jesus and His love. We made an appeal for many to pray for this dear one and we took our place of victory behind the Cross of Christ and asked for that soul in spite of all the demons in perdition. Then came a letter saying that the writer .desired us to stop praying as she was feeling worse than ever. Well we knew that this was not the time to stop, and the prayer of faith continued to ascend to the Father. Then because we could do no other, we gave out an invitation from the public platform of the class, asking this soul out of Christ to meet us at a definite time and place. By the good mer cies of the Lord, she had the courage to come and make herself known. A two hour conversation, in which many difficulties were cleared up by the work of the Holy Spirit, and we were at that sacred point many reach in personal work where there was nothing left to be said, the next thing being to go to our knees. After earnest prayer we stopped and told this seeking soul that she must ask the Saviour to come into her heart herself,'that being one thing we could not do for her. Then, after a pause, came the precious words of invitation to the dear Lord and the request for forgiveness for sin. A few days later came another letter telling of the new found joy in reading God’s word and learning to pray, and the absolute confidence that John 20:31 was true. So now we crave the prayers of the great King’s Business family that this babe in Christ may grow and may be definitely led into a life of service for the Lord. 3a» 3&S WORK AMONG THE JEWS James A. Vaus, Supt.— Bible classes and Personal W ork, Street Meet ings and Semi-monthly Mass Meetings for Jews o f Los Angeles. noticed that the old Rabbi commenced to weep, and turning to him he said, “ Rabbi, why do you weep? Surely so great a teacher as you have been are not now afraid to die?” The old Rabbi answered, “ Should I not weep? I see two roads open before me, the one leads to ‘Gon Aden’ (literally Garden of Eden, or Heaven), and the other leads to ‘Gehennum,’ and I do not know which of these two soads I am on." Hysterical and in an agony of mortal terror at such a time, Jewish men rave like wild men in their fear and torment. God has often used this fear of death to turn many Jews to the Saviour. It was so in the case of a young Jewish man whom the writer met a short time ago. He had been reared in an Orthodox Jewish home, but like so many young Jewish lads before him, when he left his ABBI Yochanan Ben Zachai, who was a great teacher in Israel in days gone by, was lying on his death bed. About him were gathered some of his Talmudical disciples. One of the number
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