King's Business - 1924-07


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July 1924

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j ¡| § | § § fI

Current Comment

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“Under present conditions it is a desperate job to get a crook into jail and a desperate job to keep him in.” —Exchange. DR. HENRY VAN DYKE Dr. Henry Van Dyke gave up his pew in the church some time ago be­ cause he could not endure the ortho­ dox preaching he had to listen to. He has become an ultra modernist in the­ ology. In an address recently he de­ nounced the Presbyterian General Assembly in scathing terms because of its strong stand in favor of prohi­ bition. It seems that strict prohibi­ tion does not go well with modernism, or, at any rate, opposition to prohi­ bition does not inhere in strict evan­ gelical Christianity. And here is one of the things that ever shall be a standing argument against modern­ ism, as the term has come to be ap­ plied. It does not produce the high­ est quality of moral fruit. It is said that an infidel once challenged D. L. Moody to a debate. Moody proposed that they both open a mission in the slums of New York, and see which one would show the greatest evidence of improvement in the community. The infidel did not accept the proposal. Whether the story is literally true or not, the principle involved is true, and will apply to those who are challeng­ ing the evangelical views of the Bible and its teaching.— Telescope. W H A T A N O T H E R W A R W I L L M E A N Sir Olivfer Lodge is not a guide we can recommend in matters of Chris­ tian faith and doctrine, but as a great scientist he can enlighten us on some features of the application of science to warfare. In his address at the Na­ tional Free Church Council, at Brigh­ ton, he pointed out that warfare among the so-called civilized nations involved fighting mainly by machin­ ery, guiding tanks and submarines, and aeroplanes from a distance with­ out human bodies inside, so that they could be laden wholly with high ex­ plosive, poison gas, and disease germs. This was what we should be coming to if sanity was not recovered. The people at home who made chemicals and explosives were just as essential as the people at the front, so that broadcast destruction seemed logically indicated. Women as well as men must be slaughtered. The wounded must be prevented from recovering, and children must be prevented from growing up. Wholesale butchery and destruction was the most efficient way. Such cruelty and bloodthirstiness were appropriate to savages. Massacre was not fighting, and it was towards mass- (Continued on page 455)

nomenal growth in that short time. It is just an instance of what may be expected when the Old Bible and the Whole Bible is magnified. Dr. Cox is famous for his Noonday Prayer Meeting which is known all over this and other countries because of the many wonderful testimonies which have been borne to answered prayers. CATHOLICS ARE A MINORITY IN THE WORLD Dr. John F. Carson in his recent sermon on “ Why I Am a Protestant” gives the Catholic population of the world as 253,500,000 and the Protes­ tants as 412,700,000. In the United States the Protestant Church has ac­ cording to Dr. Carson, a constituency of nearly 80,000,000 and the Catholics 18,105,000. In spite of its claim of being the oldest Church in the world (which is not true), and in spite of its boasted fine organization, and in spite of the special favor of God (which also is untrue) the Roman Church has not kept pace with Protestantism.— Rev. Edwin D. Bailey, D. D. B I S H O P B R O W N BROUGHT TO TRIAL Bishop W illiam M ontgom ery Brown of Galion, O., has been summoned to appear before a court at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Cleveland, May, 7. He was summoned on charges o f “holding and teaching publicly and privately and ad­ visedly, doctrine contrary to that held by the Episcopal Church.—Associated Press Dispatch. This man has been for years pro­ mulgating the rankest kind of Bolshev­ ism, having gone so far as to publish a book entitled “ Communism vs. Christianity” in which he designates the beliefs and practices of the his­ toric Christian church as silly super­ stitions. At the same time he has been occupying and enjoying the emoluments of the position of Bishop in the Episcopal church. Is he obtaining money under false pretences? MODERN INCENTIVES T O C R I M E Richard E. Enright, Commissioner of Police for New York City, Says: “ The deadliest criminal combina­ tion we have to face is the pistol and the stolen auto, and they can be elim­ inated only by Federal action.” “ Sentimentalists have robbed pun­ ishment of all its terrors. Prison to­ day is a social club.” “ Crime has been made so realistic in motion pictures that a boy can get a genuine education in crime tech­ nique by watching them.” “ The screen does an enormous amount of harm by giving an utterly false idea of life to young boys and girls.”

NATIONAL NEWSPAPER INDORSED BY CHURCH A movement to establish a “ great national newspaper” to be printed daily except Sunday in at least three great centers which would provide “ a suitable and satisfactory mouthpiece for the Protestantism of our whole country” received support at the re­ cent New York Methodist conference, —Exchange. BIBLE READING BILL PASSED IN ARKANSAS The Arkansas House of Representa-: fives has adopted by acclamation a resolution recommending that some portion of the Bible be read in every public school and college in Arkansas each day the school is in session. An amendment incorporated in the reso­ lution provided that the reading be “ without comment or discussion.”— Exchange. CHURCH BOARD HONORS NIECE OF NAVY HEAD The Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions has announced that Miss Susan Shedd, niece of Secretary of the Navy Wilbur, has been appointed director-general of Near East Relief orphanges for the Persian area center­ ing in Tabriz. Her appointment was made in recognition of her recent achievement in moving 400 children, from Hamadan, 400 miles overland to Tabriz.— L. A. Herald. THE “ IMMACULATE CONCEPTION” An error into which we are liable to fall and of which some of us have been actually guilty is that of con­ fusing the “ immaculate conception” of Mary, the mother of our Lord, with the “ Virgin birth” of Jesus. They are entirely different. The “ immaculate conception” is a Roman Catholic doc­ trine that the birth of Mary was sup­ ernatural and that she was without original sin, while the “ Virgin birth” refers to the birth of Jesus, who was conceived of a virgin by the Holy Ghost. The one makes Mary an ob­ ject to be worshiped; the other de­ clares Jesus only to be divine.— Bap­ tist and Reflector. REAL MEN’S BIBLE CLASS The Strand Men’s Bible Class, of Memphis, Tennessee, organized by Dr. Ben Cox, Pastor of the First Baptist Church of that city, recently celebrat­ ed its third anniversary, 425 members out of the enrolled membership of 8.49, posing for a photograph. The class began with a membership of thirteen, and has certainly had a phe­

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