King's Business - 1924-07

July 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


T h e C h i l d r e n ’s G a r d e n Sophie Shaw Meader

How To Become a Member of the Red Book Club A n y boy or girl under sixteen may become a member o f the Red Book Club by studying the Bible lessons as outlined in the Children’s Garden each month and sending in1papers as directed. Papers w ill be rated on the follow in g points: subject material, individuality shown, and grammatical construction. There will be four groups o f children: Primary Group (those under seven years), Group 1 (7 through 9), Group 2 (10 through 12), Group 3 (13 through 15). Rules (1). All papers must bear the name, age and address of child as well as name o f instructor as a guarantee that the actual writing of the story has been done by the child and that he or she has learned all Memory Verses, although inform a­ tion may be given by adults. (2) All papers must be mailed on the first o f the month follow in g the one in which work is given to Sophie Shaw Meader^ 225 W 15th St., Long Beach, California. Extrg, time is allowed foreign contributors. Rewards w ill be given each month for the best work.

FROM MY LETTER BOX I ani sending you the Bible study w ork of my little daughter. My two older girls have joined the Red Book Club. The Children’s Garden has proven such a blessing in our home, for by discussing your ques­ tions a new desire for Bible study was awakened among the grown­ ups so I started in March Dr. T or- rey’s Correspondence Course of the Fundamentals and my o l d e s t daughter w ill take one o f the easier Correspondence Courses of Mr. Brooks. I am w riting you this to show you that not only the chil­ dren but also the grownup people have been blessed by studying the Children’s Garden, for The word of God is now our daily study-book. I do hope the Children’s Garden w ill be continued. "We are trying to get others interested and our daily prayer is that God w ill bless it in the homes of others, especially where there is no hunger for spirit­ ual food. If fathers and mothers would only see that the greatest treasure we can give our children is a thorough know ledge o f His precious W ord and the only surest weapon to over­ come the temptations which come in thevway o f our boys and girls is to have His W ord hid in their hearts. this month July and ending October first. So you may write your lessons for July, August and September and save them until October first, when you may send all of them to me.- They will not be put in book form this time; but you may choose your own kind of paper on whiCh to write. Then seal in a long envelope. 'On October first, send as first class matter to my address. This work will not be re­ turned to you. Special rewards are to be given for this course. See what they are. Notice the rules on this page. All who join our “ Red Book Club,” will receive free a red book and a card cn which is printed the “ Sunrise and Sunset Prayers.” Did you notice in the June Chil­ dren’s Garden, the rewards offered for getting new subscriptions to The King’s Business? One of my Gardeners wrote asking if he might call me “Aunt Sophie.” I (Continued on page 457) Mrs. John De Ridder, Leavenworth, Kansas.


DEAR LITTLE TORCH BEARERS You are really little light bearers for you are carrying your torches (Bibles) into dark places making them light. “ The entrance of Thy words giveth light.” Psa. 119:130. My heart is overflowing with love for you, while my brain is almost dizzy with joy and surprise because of the wonderful books on the life of Christ that you are sending to me from all over the world: books beau­ tifully illustrated, neatly written and containing such great Bible truths. I am proud of every one of you little Bible students. The best part about our Bible study is that a number of children have lately given their hearts to Jesus. Is not that splendid? One little child did not believe that God’s Word could be true; but she has accepted the Saviour lately. Pray that many more boys and girls will study the Bible and receive light. Get them to join our Club. Have you examined the map on this page? The figures indicate the num­

ber of Bible students in each state or country. Do you not wish that every state and country in the world were represented? Although I am writing to you on April 15th, this is really a July letter which you will receive sometime in June; but do you know I have already received 62 books on the Life of Christ and am expecting at least 100. You will be glad to learn that I have received letters from children in India, South America and the States of Montana/"' North Dakota since I wrote to you in May. Our enrollment now is 152. Kansas and Michigan have been playing hide-and-go-seek with each other; but now Kansas is again ahead, California is second, Michigan third, and Minnesota is fourth. Have heard from all but 19 states, (see map). Remember the little girl in India who is a native of that country. She is lonesome and wants you to write to her. Read her letter. I am going to give you a special three months Bible Course, beginning

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