July 1924
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
the difficulty would vanish. And so it did! Miss Havergal sang: “ Be Thou Thyself the answer to all our question ings.” And He Is! Have you come to know Jesus in such a real way that, no matter how great the objection or difficulty may be that lies in the way of accepting Him, you can with all confi dence say, “ Come and see” ? This is far more effective than mere argument. Jesus Calls Helpers. John 1:35-46. Memory Verse.— “ Jesus saith unto him, Follow me.” John 1:43. Approach.—How many of you boys and girls like to do things for your teachers at school, and be real helpers? Do you know, boys and girls make the best kind of helpers, for they can move about so quickly to run errands and carry messages. You remember the ELEMENTARY story of the night when Jesus came to Mabel L. Merrill earth as a little baby how God chose the angels to be His helpers in carrying the wonderful message to the shepherds, then the shep herds told others, and the wise men told others, and then Jesus went about telling the people how to be saved. Let us bow our heads and thank God for letting us be helpers in telling the precious gospel story., (Prayer.) Lesson Story.—When soldiers go to war one of the weap ons they carry is a sword. Last week we heard about a battle that was won by our Lord Jesus, who not only had a sword but used it. Clifford, you tell us about this bat tle, and what happened. Yes, Jesus gained the victory over Satan, and if we are faithful in using the sword of the Word of God, we too can win out in the battle with Satan. After this battle, the angels came and fed and cared for Jesus, then He went over to the river Jordan where John the Baptist was. When John saw Him coming, he said, “ Behold the Lamb of God.” John called Jesus the Lamb of God, because He was to be offered up as a sacrifice on the cross, as lambs were offered up on the altar. Two of the men who heard John say this, followed Jesus. When Jesus saw them following, He asked them what they were looking for. They asked Him where He was staying. Now listen to the words Jesus answered. “ Come and see.” Just think, an invitation to go to the place where Jesus was staying. How wonderful that was! The two men went with Jesus and stayed with him that day. Now the names of the two men who went to see Jesus, were John and Andrew. (Not John the Baptist). Now of course they had a wonderful visit with Jesus, and when they came they were very happy, and Andrew thought of his brother Peter, and went right out after him and told him they had found the Messiah who the prophets had said was coming, the Christ, and Andrew brought his brother Peter to Jesus. What wonderful days these were to these men, the first followers of Jesus,—when they gave their hearts to Jesus, and put their lives into His keeping; days they would never forget. The next day Jesus went into Galilee, and found another man named Philip, and said unto him, “ Follow me.” When Jesus asks anyone to follow him, He means to become His disciple. Philip was of the same city as Andrew and Peter. Just as soon as these men came to know Jesus, they thought of some one else. Philip found a man by the name of Nathanael, and this is what he said to him. “ We have
found him, of whom Moses in the Bible, and the prophets did write, Jesus of Nazareth.” Nathanael said, “ Can any good thing come out of Nazareth.,”., Philip did not try to tell him any more, but told him to come and see for him self. When Nathanael saw Jesus and talked with him, he said he was the Son of God, the king of Israel. Boys and girls, do you know that when people know Jesus in their hearts, they know too, like these first follow ers, that he is the Son of God, and of course they will follow Him and serve Him. Jesus is calling for helpers today who will follow Him, and go out and tell others and bring them to Him. Jesus is saying to each of us today, the words of our memory verse, “ Follow me.” Have you said yes to Jesus, and are you following? Prayer. .$•&. m THE REVIVAL NEEDED We need—we must have— and by the grace of God we may have, a revival; a revival after the New Testament and early Methodist type; a revival that will change the hearts and transform the lives of sinners; a revival that will les sen the amonut of profanity and Sabbath desecration and decrease the attendance at theatres, balls, card parties, etc.; a revival that is clearly God-sent, Holy Spirit-wrought, and through which souls are converted to God; a revival that will empty hearts of sin and fill them with the love of God; a revival that will fill the Church and the official board with people who are saved from sin; a revival that will increase the number of family altars, the attendance upon the ap pointed means of grace, and that will enable people to live and serve in their daily courses of life, with the conscious ness of the Spirit of Jesus in their hearts and permeating their lives. Such a revival is a five-fold necessity, as fol lows: 1. For the Individual Soul: . “ Ye must be born again.” 2. For the Family: Jesus is the Saviour of the family the same as He is of the individual. Too much emphasis cannot be placed on family religion. The only safety for the family is Jesus Christ. The family altar is a mighty fortress of defense against the devil. 3. For the Community: The community is a big family, and what the family needs the community needs, and what will save the family will save the community. 4. For the Nation: The Nation is as a family or com munity except on a larger scale. How much our nation needs a revival of the religion of Jesus Christ! 5. For all Nations: But for sin, the earth would be a Garden of Eden today. Peace, prosperity, plenty, happiness and contentment would be our rich heritage. Oh, for a world-wide revival of the Pentecost type! The revival needed must begin in the individual heart and work outward and upward. It will never begin at the top and work inward and downward.^-Bev. Robert L. Selle, D. D. Conference Evangelist, Oklahoma Conference Methodist Episcopal Church. ¿Me. ^ 14 . ste ¡¿S; 3H S. S. TEACHERS AND PARENTS! Get acquainted with “ The Children’s Garden,” (Page 429). Over 80 beautiful books have already been sent in by the children engaged in the Bible Study Contest.
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