King's Business - 1924-07


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July 1924

and woman, appealed to Him—rich and poor, old and young. He was God, moving among His creatures, Himself hungry and homeless, touched with the feeling o£ their infirmities, winning to Himself the wicked sin­ ners, the weak and afflicted, and saying to the fallen woman, “ Thy sins are forgiven thee; go in peace.” Follow Him in your heart life, and every day consider Him—your Christ! Consider Him on the Cross. Stop, now ! Bow your head and your heart! You are to look upon the

CONSIDER CHRIST JESUS! We find in the Book of Hebrews a three-fold appeal to “ consider” Jesus Christ,—first, as “ Apostle and High Priest” (Hebrews 3:1); second, as the “ Receiver of gifts from Abraham” (Hebrews 7:4) ; third, as the “ Endurer of suffering” (Hebrews 12:3). Now, the word “ consider” as used here means to contemplate, to seriously view ; not a hasty glance, but a definite, deliberate, daily look. We once had the privilege of seeing Munkaczy’s marvelous painting

world’s greatest tragedy—God subjecting Himself, in the form of man, to His own law of sin and death. There can be no annulment of that law; there must be execution. If there is to be any surcease of earth’s sorrow, God must provide a way. “ The soul that sinneth it must die.” Death has passed upon all men because all men have sinned. God cannot vio­ late His own law. He must be the victim, and fulfill the law. The law pf sin and death cov­ ers, like a canopy, the whole race. Heaven’s victim is held by cruel nails. Drop by drop the life blood is poured out. Death claims Him. But that is not all. Sin means separation from God. He bears the sin of the world and He must therefore bear the wrath of God. Daylight disap­ pears. Darkness, like a great cloud, covers the earth. From the anguished heart of the suf­

of “ Christ Before Pilate” and we tarried for more than an hour before it. It fascinated us. It held us. So let us learn to look upon Him who is our heart’s fond hope that, as we gaze, we may be changed into His likeness. Consider Jesus Christ as Creator. The Bible so declares Him. “ All things were cre­ ated by Him.” “ He is before all things and by Him all things consist.” He “ laid the founda­ tions of the e a r t h . ” “ The heavens are the work of His hands.” He is “ the Alpha and the Omega, which is, which was and which is to come, the Al­ mighty,” “ the same yesterday, today and forever.”

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IJAIL, Thou once despised Jesus! n Hail, Thou Galilean King! Thou dist suffer to release us; Thou didst free salvation bring. Hail, Thou agonizing Saviour, Bearer of our sin and shame! By Thy merit we find favour; Life is given through Thy Name. Paschal Lamb, by God appointed, All our sins on Thee were laid; By almighty love anointed, Thou hast full atonement made. All Thy people are forgiven Through the virtue of Thy blood; Opened is the gate of heaven. Peace is made ’twist man and God. Jesus, hail! enthroned in glory, There forever to abide; All the heavenly hosts adore Thee, Seated at the Father’s side.


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There for1sinners Thou are pleading; There Thou dost our place prepare; Ever for us interceding. Till in glory Thou appear. — J. Bakewell (1757). ÎX1®©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©®©©©®©©©©©©©?

If this is true, why not think of Him as such? Can you visu­ alize Him as existing before all things, before any thing? Can you see Him in the creation of the heavens ? Can you see Him laying the foundations of the earth? Make your own picture gallery of your Lord and look upon it day by day! Consider Him as a Creature, “ The image of the invis­ ible God, the first born of every creature.” View Him as a Man in the midst of men. See Him in the cradle, cooing to the mother. See Him playing with the other children. See him in the school. See Him working at the carpenter’s bench with Joseph, the husband of Mary. How patient through all the thirty years of preparation for His ministry for the children of men! Follow His footsteps, walking in the King’s highway! Consider Him as Christ —the Anointed One. Thou­ sands of years have passed since the first promise was recorded concerning Him. Hundreds of prophecies center in Him. Now He is here, the Wonderful One, with a great heart of love pulsing with pity for a lost world; going about among the common people; teach­ ing them the Word; touching them with healing hands; sympathizing with all; seeking their best interests; making no distinctions. Every boy and girl, and man

fering Saviour there issues the cry of the lost soul. “ My God! my God! why hast Thou forsaken me?” and Death’s dagger takes the last drop of blood. As a man, He lived, He labored, He loved, He died. But He left His testimony that “ by the shedding of blood there is remission for sin.” A new law has been brought into operation—the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus—which makes men free from the law of sin and death. Consider Him as Conqueror. He died, but death could not hold Him. His body was borne to the tomb, but He ascended to His home in heaven. Death had met its destroyer. He dealt the death blow to death. He signaled the dawn of the new day with a shout of victory. “ The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law; but thanks be to God which.giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!’ ’ .; All heaven is aglow over the triumph! All the saints shout for joy ! And to us it is given to be more than conquerors through Him that loveth: us. Do you not

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