T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July 1924
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Any Book Reviewed In These Columns may be Obtained at Biola Book Room 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.
NOTE: It is our intention to endorse in tliese columns, and offer for sale in Biola Book Room, only those books which do not conflict with the five great fundamentals of the faith, i. e., the Bible as the infallible Word of God, the Deity of Jesus Christ, His Virgin Birth, His Blood Atonement for Sin and His Physical Resurrection. However, we wish it distinctly understood that our endorsement of any book applies only to the particular hook so reviewed or offered for sale, and not to other books by the same author, or books whieh may be advertised in the book reviewed or sold, or by its publishers. We shall greatly appreciate it if any of our readers who have any question about any book reviewed in these eolumns will write fully and frankly to the editor regarding same.
joy of baptizing and welcoming into Calvary Church some of those who were won at the debate. This encour aging fact makes me the more willing to do the extra work necessary in connection with these discussions. It also proves again that God’s Word will not return unto Him void, but will accomplish that whereunto He has sent it.” One Hundred New Bible Readings, by Pastor F. E. Marsh (London). A book by this master of Bible Outlines that will be welcomed by Bible stu dents and Christian workers every where. (The Book Stall) 65c. The Living Word and the Written Word, by A. McD. Redwood. A little booklet of nine charts, or diagrams, showing Christ as the theme of the Bible. Very fine, clear, definite, con cise and unusually rich and “ meaty.” 25c. Heresies Exposed. A small book compiled by William C. Irvine (Bel- gaum, India), with much in it. Over twenty-five of the most common here sies are considered with a synopsis of each heresy followed by the Scrip ture refutation. Not only are the or ganized “ cults” exposed and answered, but such common errors as “ salvation by works,” “ evolution,” the “ Kenosis theory,” etc., fully treated. (Fraser Town Book Depot, Bangalore). The Book of Revelation, by R. H. Boll. An interpretation from the “ fu turist” point of view, and in harmony with the best Bible teachers. The “ Personal and Helpful Thoughts” placed at the conclusion of each chap ter, are practical and helpful. (The Word and Work Pub. Co.) 50c, three copies $1.00. What Has a Church a Right to Expect from Its Ministers? by Vernon L. Shontz, Pastor Erie Avenue Baptist Church, Williamsport, Penn. An ad dress presented at a meeting of the City Ministerium of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. A splendid little pam phlet depicting in an exceedingly read able manner some of the problems of the pastor, with helpful suggestions as to the best method of meeting them. (Biola Press) 15c. (Continued on page 466)
coming all obstacles, conquering all enemies and giving perpetual victory.” (Revell) $1.25. „ The Influence of The Bible, by Thomas Tiplady. From historians, writers in other fields of literature, as well as from orators, Mr. Tiplady brings together a great body of testi mony to the unapproachable value of the Book of books. An invaluable treatise, written in beautiful English, showing the inspiring and beautifying effect of the Bible upon English lit erature, and the transforming and moulding effect of the Bible upon the English race. (Revell) $1.00. Erromanga, The Martyr Isle, by Rev. H. A. Robertson, of Erromanga, edited by John Fraser, B. A., LL. D. The authentic and tragic record of nearly thirty years’ missionary activ ity in the cannibal inhabited island of Erromanga, New Hebrides. An in tensely interesting and thrilling story, and an unusual record of splendid heroism that will stir the blood of every Christian who reads it. (Doran) $1.50. PAMPHLETS The Ten Lost Tribes, by C. E. Put nam. A simple, convincing Scriptural argument showing the fallacy of the popular idea that ten of the twelve tribes are lost today, refuting the many attempts to identify the “ lost tribes.” (Bible Institute Colportage Ass'n.) 15c. The Battle Over the Bible. This pamphlet contains the only official text of the first of a series of five theological debates between Rev. Charles Francis Potter, challenger, and Dr. John Roach Straton, to be published under the following titles: (1) The Battle Over the Bible. (2) Evolution vs. Creation. (3) The Vir gin Birth, Fact or Fiction? (4) Was Christ both God and Man? (5) Utopia — by Man’s Effort or Christ’s Return? Copies of each debate will be pub lished separately at 50c each and- the entire series on completion will be reissued in one volume (Cloth) at $2.00. Dr. Straton says in the intro duction to Volume 1: “ I am happy to be able to say that there were several conversions during the first debate, the printed form of which appears in this little book. I have had the great
God’s Word Supreme, by Dr. Arthur H. Carter. A strong, scholarly book on the inspiration of the Bible by this well known English minister, a lec turer in Kensit Memorial College and Editor of “ The Bible Witness.” Very valuable, and ought to be on the library of every minister and student of the Word. (Protestant Truth So ciety) 65c. Bible Doctrines, by William M. Smith, Superintendent of Unión Bible Seminary, Editor of “ The Gospel Min- istér,” Westfield, Indiana. The mater ial is arranged in convenient para graphs for easy reference. Is simple, clear and free from technical terms. (Union Bible Seminary), $1.00. Post-Millennialism and the Higher Critics, by Andrew Johnson and L. L. Pickett, both well-known evangelists and authors. The authors say in the introduction: “ The purpose of this volume is the vindication of truth, the refutation of error, the enlightenment of honest seekers and the edification of Christians” which purpose they have fulfilled. The book is largely taken up with refuting recent argu ments against the premillennial com ing of our Lord by such men as Snow den, Case, Rail, etc. (Glad Tidings Pub. Co.) $1.50. With Christ After the Lost, Rev. L. R. Scarborough, B. A., D. D. A helpful and practical volume on methods of winning men to the Lord Jesus Christ. Of great value to all Christian work ers, whether pastors, evangelists, lay- workers, Sunday School teachers or leaders in Young People’s Societies. (Doran) $1.50. The Reality of Prayer, by Edward M. Bounds, D. D. Another helpful book by Dr. Bounds on Prayer. Those who have had the privilege of reading the author’s other books on prayer will be eager to read this also. The Sunday School Times says, “ Mr. Bounds has a faculty for selecting words to express precisely that which responds to the heart-hunger of those who are seeking spiritual enlighten ment. Dr. A. C. Dixon says: “ If the Church of Christ would pray, as the scriptures which Dr. Bounds unfolds teach us we may pray, there would be irresistible power at work, over-
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