King's Business - 1924-07

July 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


IFIHADKNOWN” this literature twenty-five years ago m y Christian life would have been utterly dif­ ferent,1” writes a Christian woman con ­ cerning James H. M cConkey’s devotional messages. Four o f his latest pamphlets are— “ GUIDANCE” • “ THE MINISTRY OF SUFFERING” “ THE NUTSHELL OF PROPHECY” V “ IF W E NEGLECT” A ll these sent absolutely free, sim ply on application to the publishers. AddressSILVER PUBLISHING SOCIETY Dept. M ., 1013 Bessemer Building, Pittsburgh, Pa.

‘ ‘Biola Best Books**

“ Tke Devil NeVer Takes a Vacation!” We need rest for our bodies, but let us keep even with the Devil, at least! While YOU are Resting Your B O D Y - Help Someone Find REST for their SOUL! Take “ Daddy** Horton’ s book with you— Personal and Prac­ tical Christian W ork by T . C . Horton Price $1.50 Read it! Study it! It Will Wake You Up! It will Help You to Wake Up Others! Two Good Vacation Books by AndrewMurray The Master’s Indwelling This is the one book you need m ost to read today. Order it Now! Boards $. 75 Abide in Christ Fellowship with the Son o f God— an exposition o f the 15th chapter of John. Boards $1.00 A lso Hannah Whitall Smith Buy this book and keep it with your Bible for constant study until you have thoroughly mastered in your own experience the secret. Cloth $1.00 If m oney does not accom pany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. unless otherwise specified. If books are to com e by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. The Christian’s Secret Of a Happy Life

Have you read the thrilling story o f “Cyclone Macks” CONVERSION?

This and 12 o f his best sermons just o ff the press. Sent postpaid to any address upon receipt of $1.50 H McLendon Publishing Co. Bennettsville, S. C.

MEET ONE OE OUR CORRESPON­ DENCE STUDENTS The photograph printe'd herewith is that of Mrs. Sarah J. McQuaid, of Santa Barbara, California, who has completed her fifth Bible course and is now reporting work on her sixth course in our Correspondence School department. Mrs. McQuaid is over 80 years young and the secretary of the Correspondence School declares that her work would pass for that of a person many years younger than she is. Mrs. McQuaid has followed these courses in order to have a regular system of Bible study and she tells us that she often uses her lessons as a means of approaching the subject of spiritual things when talking with her friends. She often brings out her les­ son work to show to others and to dis­ cuss with them some of the questions set forth in the lessons. We trust that she will at least be able to complete her seventh course and so win the dis­ tinction of attaining the perfect num­ ber." Mrs. McQuaid is not the only person of advanced age who is taking cor­ respondence Bible work. Both old and young enjoy the courses and get great inspiration for service out of them. If you would like information concerning our eight courses, send a card to Mr. Keith L. Brooks, secretary of the Correspondence School. GULL LAKE BIBLE CONFERENCE will be held at Midland Park, on the shores of beautiful Gull Lake, (Mich­ igan) July 14 to August 17, inclusive. The list of speakers includes such well known names as Rev. W. S. Hot- tel, Rev. J. C. O’Hair, Rev. E. J. Pace, Dr. W. Leon Tucker, Rev. H. Bultema, Rev. Wm. Pettingill, Rev. “ Bob” Moyer and others. A large attendance is looked for this year, and reserva­ tions should be made as early as pos­ sible. Address all communications to Mr. D. J. DePree, Conference Secre­ tary, Midland Park, Augusta, Mich­ igan. ' *•

“SAVINGAMERICA’SYOUTH” By Evang. J. T. Larsen, Pemberton, Minn. For Pastors, teachers, parents, and young people. Eight chapters, 124 pages, Price 50c

CHICAGO-BLADET PUB. CO. \y 3477 North Clark St., Chicago

F O R T Y P R I N C I P L E S InBibleandSundaySchoolLesson StudyandTeaching This concise, inspirational, practical and yet thorough book was prepared by a speaker who has addressed m ore than one audience a day for 10 years in U. S. and Canada. Price postpaid 40c. BISHOP C. F. DERSTINE Eureka Illinois Answered Prayer W ill all Christians who have had direct answers to prayer please send a record of the experience to us. W e want to com ­ pile a book o f “ Answered Prayers.“ ^ Co-operation o f Pastors Requested HerbertL.Chase,Inc.,319 S.Salina St.,Syracuse,N.Y. SAMUEL MORRIS The story o f an A frican b oy who cam e to Am erica to learn, o f the H oly Spirit. Thou­ sands helped b y it. One hundred were given out in Hawaii— an entire comm unity turned to God. W e know o f no b ook that will warm hearts like this. Order, a cop y, 10c; 20 for $ 1.00 postpaid. GOLDEN RULE BOOK SHOP Albion, Michigan -f^HURCn FURNITURE / Pews, P ulpits, Chairs, Altars, Book (g — I Racks, Tables, Communion W ars—EVERY- 7 a | THING. The finest furniture made. Direct \ from our factory to your church. Catalog free. \LJI D eM ou li^ B ^ ^ ^ C O j^ pts^ G reen ville^ l. ^ , r1

Scofield Bibles— Biola Books and Christian Literature. Free tracts. A gent for King’s Business. C atalog on request. N. J. Bible & Tract Depot, 353 Summer St., Paterson, N. J.

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