T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 455 I W ill Give You a Chance to Earn $200 aWeek
July 1924
CURRENT COMMENT (Continued from page 424) acre that humanity was now again tending. Mutual extermination might he the destiny of man if he willed it so. It was for mankind to decide.— Life of Faith. TAINTED MONEY Between problems of overproduc tion, storage and Congressional in vestigation the oil industry has been having a hard season, but there is at least one bright spot. The oil corpor ations will not be called upon for their usual political contributions. In other campaigns they have virtually been forced to become heavy contributors to the treasure chests of both parties. They had more ready money than most folk, and the politicians natur ally found them and relieved them of some of their surplus. They were im pelled to respond to the touch from both sides. But this year the situa tion is different. If an oil magnate contributes he will have to sneak up in the dark and shove his money un der the door anonymously— and then his offering will have to be fumigated before its use.—Los Angeles Times. A CONSISTENT MODERNIST The Rev. Paul Chapman, pastor of the Scott Methodist Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, has severed his connec tion with the Methodist denomination and applied for admission to the Uni tarian Church. Mr. Chapman, who is one of the younger preachers of the Conference, feels that his ad vanced views on doctrinal subjects make it necessary, as a matter of con science, to withdraw from the Meth odist Church. That, at least, is the consistent thing to do, and the young man is to be commended for his hon esty. Much as his brethren of the ministry may regret his course, they certainly will esteem him more highly than if he had continued to hold views that were out of harmony with the teachings and creed of the Methodist Church and yet remained in the min istry of that church.—Methodist Pro testant. RELIGIOUS COMPLEXION OF CONGRESS We have often wondered how much religious profession might be found in the legislative department of our national government. For this par ticular body of our fellow-countrymen we have) a high respect. To be sure, they sometimes displease us, doing things with which we are not in ac cord. Now and then we are tempted to think that there are some queer citizens in the Senate, a few radicals and reactionaries who have missed their calling. But, on the whole, our national Congress is composed of men of earnest spirit and good judgment in whom the country takes a just pride. The recent survey conducted by the board of temperance of the Method ist Episcopal Church has revealed some interesting facts. There are 435 members in the House of Representa tives. Of this number 373 are mem-: (Continued on next page)
R IGHT now, today, I offer you an opportunity to be your own boss—to work just as many hours a day as you please—to start when you want to and quit when you want to—and earn $200 a week. These Are Facts
Now, Comer Coats are not sold in stores. All our orders come through our own representatives. Within the next few months we will pay representatives more than three hundred thousand dollars for sending us orders. And now I’m offering you the chance to become our representative in your ter
ritory and get your share of that three hundred thou sand dollars. All you do is to take orders. We do the rest. We deliver. We col lect and you get your money the same day you take the order. You can see how simple it is. We furnish you with a complete outfit and tell you how to get the business in your territory. We help you to get started. If you send us only four average orders a day, which you can easily get, you will make $100 a week. Maybe You are Worth $1,000 a Month Well, here is your chance to find out, for this is the same proposition that e n a b le d George Garon to make a clear profit of $40 in his first day’s work—the same proposition that gave R. W. Krieger $20 net profit in a half hour. It is the same opportunity that gave A. B. Spencer $625 cash for one month’s spare time. If .you mail the coupon at the bottom of this ad, I will show you the easiest, quick est, simplest plan for mak
Does that sound too good to be true? If it does, then let me tell y o u a b o u t W. S. Cooper, of Ohio, who was making only $3 a day. He accepted my offer. I gave him the same chance I am offer ing you. Now he makes as high as $700 a month and works only about five hours a day. You can do every bit as well as he did. If that isn’t enough, then let me tell you about E. A. Sweet, of Michigan. He was an electrical engi neer and didn’t know anything about selling. In his first month’s spare time he earned $243. I n s i d e of six months he was mak ing b e t w e e n $600 a n d $1,200 a month.
W. S. Cooper Was working in a fac tory—ten long hours e v e r y day—for an average pay of $20 per week. Quit his !job and be came a Comer Repre sentative.:; . Has been engaged in this work for six years and has made as high as $700 in a single month. Now controls a perma nent, profitable business which pays him an in come that makes him independent of money worries.
ing money that you ever heard of. If you are interested in a chance to earn $200 a week and can devote all your time or only an hour or so a day to my proposition, write your name down below, cut out the coupon and mail it to me at once. Ypu take no risk, and this may be the one out standing opportunity of your life to earn more money than you ever thought possible. Find Out NOW ! Remember, it doesn’t cost you a penny. You don’t agree to anything and you will have a chance to go right out and make big money. Do it. Don’t wait. Get full details. Mail the coupon now. C. E. COMER Dept. 46-E Dayton, Ohio J u s t M a il T h is N O W ! the ; c o m e r m f g . co . Dept. 40-E, Dayton, Ohio Please tell me how I can make $200 a week as your representative. Send me complete details of your offer w ithout any obligation to me whatsoever. Name __ ____...'..7.:.:....................... ....................... Address.:.:..!.’:.... ........................................... ........
J. R. Head, of Kansas, lives in a small town of 631 population. He was sick, broke, out of a job. He accepted my offer. At this new work he has made as high as $69.50 in one day. W. J. McCrary is another man I want to tell you about. His regular job paid him $2 a day, but this won derful new. work has enabled him to make $9,000 a year. Yes, and right this very minute you are being offered the same proposi tion that has made these men so successful. Do you want it? Do you want to earn $40 a day? A Clean, High-Grade Dignified Business Have you ever heard of Comer All- Weather Coats? They are advertised in the leading magazines. A good-looking, stylish coat that’s good for summer or winter—that keeps out wind, rain or snow, a coat that everybody should have, made of fine materials for men, women and children, and sells for less than the price of an ordinary coat.
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