TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
July 1924
“ Biola Best Books*'
EVANGELICAL THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE A DENOMINATIONALLY UNRELATED SEMINARY D A L L A S , T E X A S A Complete and Thorough Theological Course Exegetical and Expository Instruction in the Scriptures A Practical and Experimental Training for the Ministry A. H. Perpetuo Wm. L. Pettingill, D. D. B. B. Sutcliffe W . H. Griffith Thomas, D. D. A. B. W inchester Wm . P. White, D. D. The College provides a complete course covering three years. The 1924-25 sessions offer the first year work only, with the following teachers: Wm . M. Anderson. Jr. D. D. W . Irving Carroll, D. D. Lewis Sperry Chafer Arno C. Gaebelein, D. D. A. H. Perpetuo W . H. Griffith Thomas, D. D. A. B. W inchester F A C U L T Y Wm . M. Anderson, Jr. D. D. W . Irving Carroll, D. D. Lewis Sperry Chafer Arno C. Gaebelein, D. D. George E. Guille H. A. Ironside H erbert Mackenzie
Tke Prophet The Priest The King Dr. R. A. Torrey says:
“God grant that the reading of these sermons may bring to many thou sands in many lands a joy and bless ing like to that which the prepara tion of them has brought to my own heart.“ Tuck This Good Little Book In Your Bag! when you start away for a vacation, it will profitably fill in the spare moments. Cloth 65c, Paper 35c Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord Dr. R. A . Torrey This is without doubt the best aid to Bible study in the life o f the Saviour. One who has gone through this book thoroughly will have a splendid knowledge o f the life o f our Lord— for Dr. T orrey makes one search The W ord. Order today! Cloth $2.00
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS, ROLLIN T. CHAFER, REGISTRAR, PRO TEM., 804 Central Bank Building, - - - - - , - - Dallas, Texas
has filled the departments of political economy in our universities with eager young men and women, who cherish the illusion that an under standing of the basis of social and political institutions will enable them to lead multitudes into the promised land of peace and righteousness. Al ready this fabric of dreams is crumb ling, and young enthusiasts begin to realize the baselessness of their vision. As their trust in mankind becomes un dermined, they will inevitably seek service under a new banner. Whose shall that banner be? Only through a revival of the human consciousness of sin, can men be led to seek Him who, being made sin for us, is Eng land’s need, and the world’s sole hope of salvation.-Wr-The Christian. Dear King’s Business: I have been a reader of The King’s Business for nearly four years, and find it the most practical and helpful magazine that I ever read. There are no flowers, but a lot of truth in it. It has meant more to me than any other thing I have ever read, except the Bible. It gave me a new vision of life. Keep the good work going, for there is too much crawfishing trying to get around the truth to please some hy pocrite who may be standing in some poor sinner’s way. Yours, etc. C. A. R. (Illinois) A NEW VISION OF LIFE
bers of some denomination. The Sen ate has 96 members, and of this num ber 76 are professors of religion. Methodists lead the procession, with 96 in the House and 23 in the Senate. Next are the Episcopalians, with 66 in the House and 18 in the Senate. The Presbyterian family is represent ed by 73 members in House and Sen ate, while the Baptists have 48. There are 31 Congregrationalists, 17 Dis ciples, 14 Lutherans, three Dutch Re formed, three Quakers, one United Brethren, one Mennonite. There are 43 Roman Catholics, 13 of whom are from New York State. Nine Jews are among our lawmakers, also three Mor mons, one Universalist and one Chris tian Scientist.---United Presbyterian. ENGLAND’S NEED The deplorable condition of the post-war world gives full warrant for Cannon Green’s statement, in a ser mon at Manchester last week, that “ England needs nothing so much as a deepened sense of sin.” He enlarged upon the fallacy of the ordinary man’s belief that people can be made good by education, or by social reform, or by a change in our system of govern ment— improvements which, in prac tice, are of small influence in turning mens hearts to God. In consequence of the sentiments ofd o s e human com panionship aroused during the -days of the war, a feeling became wide spread that co-operation could remove mountains, and, even in a spiritual sense, change the face of the world and the nature of mankind. The de sire to participate in social service,
The Return of The Lord Jesus
Dr. R. A. Torrey Sets forth very clearly what the Bible teaches in relation to the per sonal, visible return o f Jesus. A book you need to read just now! Paper 50c, Cloth 75c
The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Introduction by Dr. R. A. Torrey
The one book about which Dr. Torrey says, “ If it should ever so happen that I was com pelled to limit my library to two books, I should choose m y Bible and The Treasury o f Scripture Knowledge.” This book contains 500,000 scrip ture references and parallel pass ages. Cloth $3.00 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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