King's Business - 1924-07

July 1924

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


TDK CHILDREN’S GARDEN (Continued from page 429)

12; 2 Tim. 4:7, 8; Rev. 2:10. (15) Write a story of 200 words telling what kind of work you would like to be doing when Jesus comes again. IGroup 2. (1) Read Matt. 24:3, 42- 44 and Mark 13:33-37; tell for whom people are to watch, how many are to watch and why they should watch. : (2) Read Matt. 24: 48-51 and tell whether the evil servant was watching for the Lord. Give a reason for your answer. (3) Did Jesus come the first time just as the Bible says He would come? (See Isa. 7:14; Micah 5:2; Psa. 69: 21; Zech. 11:12; Ps. 41:9; Isa. 53; Zech 9:9. (Instructor refer to New Testament to show fulfillment of these prophecies.) (4) Tell of two people who were watching for Him. (Luke 2:25-38). (5 ) When Jesus comes the second time, who-will be watching for Him? (Matt. 24: 36-44). (6) To whom will Jesus appear the second time? (Heb. 9:28). (7) What is promised to those who watch? (Rev. 16:15). (8) Write a story of 350 words using as your subject (Matt. 24: 44). Group 3. Read Matt. 24 referring to (Gen. 6:5-8). in connection with, (Matt. 24:37-39). Also read the first chapter in Geike’s Life of Christ or see; Stalker or Edersheim or an An­ cient History which tells of the condi­ tion of the world before Christ came thé first time. Write a story of about 600 words on the subject, ‘“ Condition of the World Before Christ Came Compared with Present Conditions.” Use the fol­ lowing outline: (1) Socially. (2) Morally. ( 3) Politically. (4) Right of the individual. ( 5) : Condition of women. (6) Were the people in general watching for Jesus to come the first time? Are the people watch­ ing for Him to come now? (7) Bible picture of the world as it will be before Jesus comes again Matt. 24:37-39; Gen. 6:5-14. (Continued on next page)

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THREE MONTHS B I B L E STUDY CONTEST (July 1st to October 1st) Subject: The Coming of the King Subject for July: Watchfulness Text:— “ Blessed is he that Watch- eth, and keepeth his garments” Reve­ lation 16:15. Primary Group,— an­ swer first ten questions. Group 1, an­ swer all. (Instructor may write for Primary Group if necessary; but lan­ guage and thought must be that of child.) (1) Read Mark 13:32-37 and tell how many times the word Watch is used. (2) How many people are told to watch? Mark 13:35-37. (3) For whom are they to watch? Mark 13:26 and Matt. 24:42, 44. (4) If you were watching for a king who was to visit you, how would you be dressed? How would your house look? What fruit would you have in your pantry? - (5) Since we are told to watch for the King Jesus, what should we wear? see Matt. 22:8,12. (6) What is this wedding garment? Isa. 61:10; Job 29:14. (7) Who is our righteousness or our covering? (1st Cor. 1:30) compare with Isa. 64:6. (8) How can we put on this garment? that is be saved, Rom. 10:9, 10. (9) Will Jesus be pleased if when He comes He finds us with cards, tobacco, bad pictures and bad books in our homes? (10) What fruits or good things should be in our pantries? (our lives) Gal. 5:22, 23. (11) What will we be doing as we are watching for Jesus to come? John 9:4. (12) Will working or being good save us? Eph. 2: 8, 9; ReT. 22:17; Rom. 6:23. (13) Why then should we work for God and be good? John 15:10, 14, 8. (14) What does God offer those who work for Him? Matt. 10:42; Rev. 22:

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