July 1924
T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
THE CHILDREN'S GARDEN (Continued from page 457) (8) Does the condition of the pres ent world lead you to any con clusion? Memory Work for All Groups: Matt. 24:42; Matt. 25:13; Mark 13:37; Heb. 9:28; 1 Cor. 9:24; Titus 2:11-13. (1) The pupil in each of the four Groups (See “ Rules” at top of Chil dren’s Garden Page) sending in best work for the three months will re ceive $5.00 each. (2) Second best— $3.00 each. (3) Third best-igi$2.00 each. (4) Fourth best— $1.00 each. (5) All others competing will have names put on Honor Roll in Children’s Garden. (Note to Parents) The money of fered as prizes has been given for this purpose by a friend who is desirous that the children may form the habit of reading and studying the Word of God.
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A Book That Sines Itself! The hundredsof thousandsof T aber- TABERNACLE HYMNS No. 2 is the only nacle Hymns No. 2 sold in die past 1 320-page Book for Churches and Bible Schools to two years permit us to offer this be had at these very low prices. wonderful book at a There are 351 Hym ns-som e the gems of the a ges-a" Bior Price Reduction! written outof Christian experience—strong in the raith. r „ ....... Many of the best of all other Hymnals are m it. It has as follows. been adopted by hundreds of wonderfulChurches and $40 per 100 i n f u l l c l o t n Bible Schools—names on request. $ 25 per 100 i n M a n ila We continue the Art Buckram superfine W e loan one sample copy for 30 days to Music Com mittees. But if you are a lover of really good Church and Sunday School Music, sign and Tabernacle Publishing Co.
binding at $50 per hundred. MailCouponTodayJi-ltl Thousands of buyers say Tabernacle Hymns No. 2 contains the choicest collection of standards and “ singable songs” now offered. Thew orkof everyweil- known composer and writer is found on its pages. Its doth binding is made doubly strong. It will stand very rough psage., B iola . B ook R oom 536.558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Col. T a b e r n a c l e P u b l is h in g C o « C h i c a g o A FREE LESSON IN SYSTEMATIC BIBLE STUDY The course that has opened the w ay to efficiency and success for thousands o f Sun day School Teachers and Bible Ctudents. A post-card will bring it. BIBLE STUDENTS LEAGUE Dept. 9 6 ...................................Claremont, Cal. Can the Stars be Quenched bÿ the Ocean Spraÿ? . . . . r 1 L 1 « L « J L , t f K a n r a n n “ As the stars are beyond the reach of the watering pot of man and cannot be quenched by the ocean spray, so is God’ s Word established in Heaven, far beyond the reach of all disturbing causes. For a Delightful Vacation Study of God’sWord Books that will help you to enjoy Vacation time! Waiting on God W e need m ore o f God. This book teaches us in our worship m ore to wait upon Him. Boards 75c Humility take with you The Bible and Spiritual Life Dr. A. T. Pierson A book you will study with joy. Light thrown on difficult pass ages, interesting study charts. Your faith in the Infallible W o rd will be strengthened. Dealing ably with Get acquainted With these friends in Vacation time ! Shelton of Tibet Mrs. A. L. Shelton This life story o f Dr. A. L. Shelton, m issionary to Tibet is o f surpassing interest. Cloth $2.00 Lo Michael Grace Livingston Hill The story o f “ M ickey” a new sboy and his love for a banker’s daughter. Cloth $1.75 29 S. LaSalle Street, R 9 1 5 Chicago, 111. ( Gentlemen: I accept jour special efisr and endow ( 3“° ) lor which plena« send me a (cloth Manila) bound copy of Tabernacle Hymns No. 2. Name Ö # b * - -b : #
If Jesus is indeed to be our Example in His lowliness, we need to under stand the principles in which it was rooted. Boards 75c ‘‘Study the image of God in the man, Christ Jesus, let Him take possession o f you and then go forth and let the heavenly likeness reflect itself. Cloth 75c
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Exit Betty
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Meditation for a month on John 15:1 to 16. Boards 75c
B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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