July 1924
T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
'heart of his questioner. "Thank God, I am saved. Saved through faith in the precious blood of God’s dear Son, and I’m here today in front of Biola Hall, this great fishing pool, and desire to land my fish.” As he then rehearsed his story he added, “ I wouldn’t recognize that lad again and I ques tion whether he would know me, but some day up there he’ll know that God’s Word never returns to Him void.” Is there anything too hard for God to do? This is but one of the scores of incidents which have come to us illus trating the power of the Word of God during the past month.
BIOLA HALL WORK (Continued from page 423)
He discovered he could not get away from God’s Spirit but he put up a big fight and for three years battled and matched his will against God’s hut found it a losing game. Weakened in body, soul and spirit he finally sought the little woman in whose home he roomed. He had read the secret of peace and love in her face and in his ex tremity he opened his heart and told her of his struggle and the incident which started things. Like a wise little woman she reached for her Bible and, turning its well-worn pages, let his eyes rest on the blessed message of the Eternal Christ. Faith took hold of the Word; the fetters fell off and the peace of God flooded his soul. He came to Los Angeles, gave himself wholeheartedly to the Lord for service, and one day recently, standing in front of Biola Hall, a watcher of souls put before him the vital question, ^‘Are you a saved man?” The face lighted up, the hand shot out and the clear note of assurance gladdened the
Really Helpful Helps for the Christian Endeavor Prayer-meeting W ill be found on Page 428
BEST BOOKS FREEH Here is your chance to get those books you’ve been wanting absolutely free. We Offer You the following books as Premiums for New Subscriptions to the King’s Business (Subscriptions $1.25 in U. S. $1.50 for Canada and Foreign)
The Return o f the Lord Jesus— Dr. R. A . Torrey..$ .75 W hy I R eject the H elping Hand o f Millennial Dawn— W . C. Stevens...!.,.!.,.:............ 40 $1,15 FOR 4 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one o f the follow ing:— The Conflict— Elizabeth Knauss.........................*..... ................ In The Twinkling of an Eye— Sydney W atson............ 1.25 The Mark o f the Beast— Sydney W atson.............................. 1.25 Scarlet and Purple— Sydney W atson...................................... 1.25 The Patm os Vision— George W . Davis......................i....... 1.25 Jam ison's Comprehensive Bible Chart,........,..,.........— 1.25 FOR 5 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one o f the follow ing:— In Christ Jesus; The Sphere o f . ' the Believer’s Life— A. T. Pierson.............extra cloth $1.50 The Passing o f “ The W ord”— Helen Henshaw.X....... ......... 1.50 Perplexing Passages „ . f . ? S f l , in the Four Gospels— Keith L. Brooks.................. cloth 1.50 Personal and Practical Christian W ork — T. C. H orton............ H------------ cloth 1.50 Divine Uhity o f the Scriptures— Adolph Saphir...... cloth 1.50 Gospel Solos and Duets— Herbert G, Tovey.............. 1.25 FOR 6 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one o f the follow ing:— Knowing the Scriptures— Dr. A . T. Pierson......................... $2.00 The Bible and Spiritual Life— Dr. A . T. Pierson................ 2.00 The Peerless Poem s o f David the King— Jane Copley».., 1.75 Things New and Old— Dr. C. I. S cofield ...........— ............... 2.00 Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord— R. A. T orrey ........................H ................. 2.00 The Summarized Bible— Keith L. Brooks........ ......... ........... 2.00 God’s Best Secrets— Andrew Murray..........- ........................... 2.00 The Patm os Vision— Geo. W . Davis.....-----............—........... 1.75 The W orld’s Greatest Need— T. E. H. Jones.......................... 2.00 The Revival at Broad Lane— Kate D rew..».....w .................. 1.75 Or if you send in tw o or m ore you can make up any com bination you want just so the com bination price does not exceed 65c for 2. $1.15 for 3, $1.40 for 4, $1.65 for 5, $2.00 for 6, $2.40 for 7, $2.65 for 8, $3.15 for 9, $3.40 for 10, $3.65 for 11, or $4.00 for 12. This is both delightful and profitable work and is sure to bring blessing from our Lord both in your life and those who subscribe. . This offer is only for a limited time so ‘‘get busy” and see what you can do during this Summer Vacation. WE W ILL FURNISH A L L THE SAMPLES YOU W A N T - ASK FOR THEM. BUSINESS Los Angeles, California
FOR 1 NEW SUBSCRIPTION any one o f the follow ing:— Death Defeated and Defied— R. A. T orrey............................$ Christian Science and the W ord— Frank Huling................ Truth for Y ou— J. H. Sammis............. ...............—............ ....... Chalk Talks— Frank Miller......................... ................................. Diary of a D octor’s Son— Keith L. Brooks— ................- The Growing Church— Cleland Boyd M c.Afee...,........... The Hidden Life— Adolph Saphir................ Exposition o f Genesis— W illiam Evans.—................—— — Higher Criticism— Dr. R. A . Torrey— ———— -— - Is Salvation Safe— Keith L. B rooks........ , y . . . --------.... Key W ords to the King’s Treasury com bined with W atch W ords for the K ing’s Servants— C. E. Paxon......... The Shepherd Psalm— Dr. R. A. Torrey-.--:.,..:^-...-..-;-.--'..-; The L ord from Heaven— Sir R obert Anderson......... Jesus, Prophet, Priest and King— Dr. R. A. Torrey........... Mysteries o f the Kingdom— W . C. Stevens............................ Triumphs of the Cross— W . C. Stevens................................. The Prophet Jonah— Dr. A . C. Dixon.».-................................ Ransacking the Scriptures— Keith L. Brooks............. - W hat Saith the Scriptures— Keith L. B rooks............. ~ W hy I R eject the Helping Hand o f Millennial Dawn— W . C. Stevens................................... Satan— Lewis Sperry Chafer............ ............. Simple Lessons in Bible M arkm g-^K eith L. B rooks......... Strongholds of Truth— W . H. Griffith Thom as.................. The Time o f the End— W . E. C ap erton ..»...»».....--........... These Premillenialists, W ho Are They— T. C. H orton...... The Two Genealogies— J. C. Stillion...... ............... ................... .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .35 .35 .35 .25 .25 .25 .40 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 FOR 2 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one o f the follow ing:— The Gospel o f the Grace o f God— John T. C opley — $ .50 The Laym en’s Hand Book of Daniel— G. A. Briegleb............50 Jesus Prophet Priest and King— Dr. R. A. Torrey..Cloth .50 Matthews Gospel Self Interpreted— Keith L. Brooks...............50 The Son o f God— Keith L. Brooks ..».¿X.»»».............. ........... 50 The Son o f Man— Keith L. Brooks.......------- ---------- - .50 Suggestive Lessons . ' on the Tabernacle— Mrs. A. L. Dennis.....— .50 W hy I Am A Christian— Dr. A . C. Dixon........ .....X.:...:...X.. .50 FOR 3 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one o f the follow ing:— Sermon Illustrations from the Bible— K. L. Brooks........ 1.00 Perplexing Passages in the Four Gospels— K. L. Brooks 1.00 The Virgin Birth— Wm . Evans...— ..............................Cloth 1.00 The Divine Unity o f The Scriptures— A . Saphir............. . 1.00 The Layman’s H andbook o f Daniel— G. A . Briegleb cloth 1.00 Old Testament Types— W . B. Riley..............................$ .40 Prophet Priest and King— Dr. R. A . Torrey-------- ... .65 $1.05 THE K ING ’S 536-558 South Hope Street
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