King's Business - 1924-07

July 1924

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


ONE THING IN WHICH THE PULPIT WILL NEVER HAVE DANGEROUS COMPETITION Mr. Preacher, when you preach science, either true or false, the acad­ emicians can beat you. When you preach politics, the politicians and pa­ pers can beat you. When you preach doubt and infidelity, the Ingersolls and Tom Paynes and rationalistic pro­ fessors of learning can beat you. When you preach the natural good­ ness of man, every sycophant who wins favor by fawning can beat you. When you offer classical music, the opera can beat you. When you go in for “ attractive” novelities e v e r y amusement house can beat you. When you go in for stiff forms and cere­ monials, the social clubs can beat you. Mr. Preacher, even if you hardly know the Christ yourself, even if you only follow afar off some glimmerings of that truth that makes your calling the greatest on earth, it certainly does look as if common, ordinary horse sense would lead you to preach some­ thing else in which you can beat all the others “ hands down.” That some­ thing else happens to be the Cross of Christ, the only thing you ever had any business preaching anyhow! Be sure, Mr. Preacher, that neither the world, the flesh nor the devil will ever compete with you in the performance of your real job. They are strong for religion, but never, never never the Christ and Cross religion! !—Western Recorder.

THE TRAINING SCHOOL FOR CHRISTIAN WORKERS (Interdenom inational) Prepares Young Women for Christian Leadership The course o f instruction includes: Bible Study, Church H istory, Christian M issions, P sych ology and Pedagogy, Organization and Adm inistration o f Religious Education, The A rt o f Story Telling, Hygiene and Health, Practical Experience in Church and Mission W ork. Under the auspices o f the W om an’s Branch, NEW YORK CITY MISSION SOCIETY Mrs. A . F. Schauffler, First Directress Forfurtherinformationaddress MISS CHARLOTTE A. PORTER, Dean 7 Gram ercy Park, W est New Y ork City

A Wonderful Opportunity for Ministers and Other Refined Men and Women SELL The System Bible Study “ The Masterpiece of Bi le Helps” By Over Thirty of the World's Greatest Bible Scholars. OUR BEST SALESMEN ARE MAKING FROM $100 TO $250 PER WEEK!

A big opening for sales people of ability, energy and refinement; also WELL ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS OF PASTORS who wish to earn $20 to $50 per week during spare time. An opportunity to do untold good by placing this wonderful work in the hands of the public—a work that is receiving the unre­ served endorsement of America’s and England’s leading Bible scholars. WRITE TODAY FOR PARTICULARS TO THE SYSTEM BIBLE COMPANY (Dept. KB) 209 South State Street Chicago, Illinois

“ Biola Best Books”

“Biola Best Books”

W h o—What Was Judas Iscariot?

Was he human? Or was he demon? Will the Anti-Christ be the re-incamation of Judas Iscariot ? Some people think so.

The Mark o f the Beast



A book that will make you think— and these are the days when you NEED to think.

A touch of romance lends effectiveness to the message given in story fornri. Buy this hook today— read it— circulate it among your friends. Cloth $1.25 GetThese Good Books for Vacation and Rest Time

The Way of the Cross

To Start the Day

George Muller of Bristol A . T. Pierson

John Tim othy Stone, D. D. A Thought, A Verse, A Song. A simple but helpful volum e o f meditations and devotions with which to start the day. Order it ! Cloth $1.50 "Is it really possible for people who are driven and under heavy pressure to be free from w orry? "These chapters are winsome, tender consoling. Cloth $1.25 B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. Living Without Worry J. R. Miller, D. D.

J. Gregory Mantle D. D. This deepest teaching o f the Cross is constructive, unitive and deserves rev­ erent pondering. Read it! Study it! Cloth $1.50 Rev. John Tim othy Stone, D. D. A first volum e o f sermons by one of Am erica’s greatest preachers. Assured o f w ide reading and high appreciation. Cloth $2.00 If money does not accom pany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. unless otherwise specified. Places of Quiet Strength

It is a great story o f a great man, told in a wonderful way. It will do your soul untold good. Be sure to order it tod a y! Cloth $2.50 "It is gigantic,’* writes Rev. J. M. E. R oss, "colossal, nothing like it in the whole literature o f the subject.’’ Don’t delay getting it! Cloth $2.00

Lord, Teach Us to Pray Alexander W hyte, D. D.

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