King's Business - 1924-07

July 1924

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


ing the committee on shortening the Committee on Arrangements announc­ ed a deficit in the expense fund, and after three collections had been taken it was decided to ask the boards of the different churches to pay the deficit out of the missionary budgets. Mr. Wardsky then sang “ There Will Be No Dark Valley Till Jesus Comes,” and we adjourned. Sincerely, JEREMIAH OF THE OZARKS, (Ira, N. Faurot, Nortonville, Kan­ sas, in "Eastern Methodist” ) VAliUABIiE BACK NUMBERS Addressing young preachers at Mansfield, Dr. Dinsdale T. Young ex­ horted them never to put the per­ spective of eternity into the rear. They must not forget the eternal side; the social and ethical would find their in­ spiration in the eternal. “ Preach about eternity, young preacher,” ex­ claimed Dr. Young; “ it will give edge to- your preaching. Never mind if they tell you you are behind the times, and that you are old-fashioned; never mind if they do call you a back num­ ber. There are some magazines the back numbers of which I greatly pre­ fer to the contemporary numbers.” 1 —The Christian.

the moving picture in increasing the attendance at funerals. It was the general opinion that this would be ap­ propriate and that for the majority the service might well be held in the picture show as they were better known there than at the church. Sev­ eral producers have announced that they have sets Of slides especially ap­ propriate for funeral services. The picture film producers enter­ tained the delegates at lunch at the Biltmore Hotel and a number of in­ spiring talks were heard, and a com­ mittee was appointed to draw up plans for organic union. The afternoon was spent at the bathing beach, where the Social Work­ ers received great inspiration and en­ couragement, and all agreed that their program was timely. At the evening service Professor Kneedsom spoke on the soothsayers, witch doctors and fakirs of Israel and covered the entire field of prophetic literature. Mr. Curly J. Shase read a paper on “ The Pessimistic Hope of the Redeemer’s Return,” and the great as­ sembly of almost 75 people were pro­ foundly moved over the menace of Or­ thodoxy which continues to ignore the findings and bones of scholarship, and in spite of the nonsensus of opin­ ion blindly marches on with an ever- increasing adherence threatening to cut the nerve of missions and inspir­ ing the minds of people with the pess­ imism of a literal millennium. Mr. Franklin Raugh spoke at length of the divinity of humanity, after which a resolution was passed request­

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