King's Business - 1924-07


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July 1924

COMMENTS ON C. E. TOPICS August 3, 1924 (Continued from page 428)

ir=BOOK L O V E R S ^ Ministers, Missionaries, Students, Workers, Everybody LOOK AT THESE Special Combination Offers Here is your opportunity to obtain some of the BEST BOOKS published, at greatly reduced prices FOR ONLY $1.50 You can have any of the following combinations, or you can change the combination to suit yourself, ju s t s o it d o e s n o t ru n o v e r $ 1 .9 5 King’s Business one year.;. -1* ................,...1.............;.$1.25 W hy I Believe in the V irgin Birth— Wm . Evans...™ ’....................60 $1.85 King’s Business one year....................................... .............................. $1.25 Exposition o f Genesis— Wm . Evans........................... .25 Truth for You— J. H. Samm is...X ;ji.l.;i^;Jj,.:.jJ;j.p..il____ King’s Business one year......_.>.:...^^ The Two Genealogies o f Jesus— J. C. S t i l l i o n . ___ .25 God’s Dispensations— C. M cKay Sm ock..;.........— .....................25 $1.75 King’s Business one year.___..........I...................— ................ $1.25 The Return o f the Lord Jesus— R. A . Torrey.................50 $1.75 King’s Business one year.....!;;........................................... _________ $1.25 Matthews Gospel Self Interpreted— Keith L. Brooks..................... 50 B U $1.75 K ing's Business one year...................................................................... $1.25 The Mysteries o f the Kingdom— W . C. Steven.........l.....................35 The Triumphs o f the Cross— W . C. Stevens................... . .35 . $1.95 King’s Business one year.......;------- ......................;—P..—^ .....$ 1 ^ 5 The Layman’s Handbook o f Daniel— Dr. G. A. Briegleb............50 $1.75 FOR ONLY $2.00 Y ou can have any o f the follow ing com binations King’s Business one year....... .............................................................. $ 1.25 In The Twinkling o f an Eye— Sydney D. Watson........J...... . 1.25 $2.50 King’s Business one year........... ............. ............................- ............. $ 1.25 The Mark o f the Beast— Sydney D. W atson............................. 1.25 $2.50 King’s Business one year.....................______ . . . I : ': . ', ....................$1.25 The Conflict— Elizabeth Knauss..........................................--........ 1.25 $1.50 King’s Business one year...!........................................-ti....................$1.25 Sermon Illustrations o f the Bible— Keith L. Brooks................ 1.00 The W orld and Its God— Philip M a u r o . . ..... ..........................35 $2.60 K ing’s Business one year....|:l^J(3..1.......;..........l.............................$1.25 Perplexing Passages in the four Gospels— Keith L. Brooks.. 1.50 H E $ 2 ?7 5 K ing’s Business one year............................................. ------------¿¿i!..... $1.25 Personal and Practical Christian W ork— T. C. H orton......... 1.50 $2.75 K ing’s Business one year............ ................................ ......................$1.25 The Patm os Vision— George W . Davis....................................... 1.75 $3.00 K ing’s Business one year.;......:;..;....;............................................... $ 1.25 The Summarized Bible, Cloth— Keith L. Brooks.........1.75 $3.00 FOR ONLY $2.50 Y ou can have any o f the following com binations King’s Business one year............ ......................... ............ ..................$1.25 Knowing the Scriptures— Dr. A. T. Pierson................................ 2.00 $3.25 King’s Business one year....................................................................$1.25 God’s Best Secrets-—Andrew Murray................................... 2.00 $3.25 K ing’s Business one year............ .........................................................$1.25 Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord— Torrey...... 2.00 $3.25 K ing's Business one year._................ ................................................$1.25 The W orld’s Greatest Need— T. E. Jones...,— .;......................... 2.00 $3.25 Y ou can have the King’s Business sent to one address and the books to another if you desire. Tell your friends o f these splendid offers also and get them to subscribe. Don’t Forget - - - Don’t Put It Off DO IT NOW !!! THE KING’S BUSINESS 536-S38 So. Hope St. Los Aageles, Calif. ..................................$1.25 .25 $1.75

Topic: In His Steps. 8. How Jesus Treated Enemies. Luke 23:34; Matt. 5:43-48. (Consecration Meeting). He prayed for them—-Lk. 23:24. Grieved over them—Mark 3:5 R. V. ; Jno. 5:40; Lk. 19:41, 42. Wept for them—Matt. 23:37. Moved with compassion toward them—Matt. 14:14. Received their false accusations in silence— Isa. 53:7; Matt. 26:60-63. Received their indignities with meekness and willing submission— Isa. 50:5-6; 1 Pet. 2:23. Suffered for them'-—1 Pet. 3:18. Died for them—Rom. 5:6-10; John 10:17—8. Justifies those who believe—Rom. 4:5; 1 Cor. 6:9-11. Rebuked them—Matt. 23:13-36. Faithfully warned them of coming judgment—Jno. 8:21- 24; Jno. 3:18; Lk. 19:27; Matt. 25:45-46. Loved them— 1 Jno. 4:10; Lk. 19:10. Ministered unto them—Matt. 20:28. Washed the feet— (Judas) Jno. 13:2-5. Bird’s-Eye Viewiof the Book of Exodus, by Rev. Henry C. Buell. For Sunday School classes and private study, con­ taining an outline of the book, map of Bible lands, story of the book, diagram of Tabernacle, and questions on the book. (Uniform with Bird’s Eye View of Genesis).. 10c; $1.00 per dozen. —.What is the Matter with Protestantism? by Rev. G. W. Ridout. The author is a well known pastor in the Meth­ odist church, and is true blue... The booklet is a challenge to Protestants to stand by the faith. Twelve Great Questions About Christ, by,. Rev. Clarence E. MacCartney, D. D., of Philadelphia. Dr. MacCartney has a unique place in the hearts of God’s true followers. He is the man who stood stoutly for the old faith in the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church last year against the Modernists. In the foreword, Rev. J. Gresham Machen, D. D., of Princeton Seminary, says: “ The center and core of this message is Jesus Christ; not the reduced and un­ real Jesus of Modern Naturalistic Liberalism, but the all- sufficient Saviour presented in the Word of God.” We heartily commend it. (Revell) Price $1.50. R E C R U I T S W A N T E D ! If you have not yet sent in your name as one who desires to join in the battle against the destructive deniers of thei Word of God-—DO IT NOW! The “ Ammunition” will be sent promptly on receipt of your neme. T. C. Horton, f 536 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Please enroll my name as a member of the move­ ment to fight the destructive deniers of the Word of God and send me suggestions for carrying on the bat­ tle in defense of the honor of our Lord, our homes and our children. Name ................................................. City and Street.................................................................. State ...........................................I............ .......................... BEST BOOKS (Continued from page 452)

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