King's Business - 1924-07

July 1924

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


assistance and held five services to accomplish the purpose. On my arrival the first night at the church my automobile in the darkness ran against a tree and the wreckage was all around. I left the excitement of the assembled curios­ ity-seekers, went into the church and performed my ser­ vice without any anxiety or even a thought of the accident. The man who repaired that automobile said to me, “ It doesn’t make any difference whether you are a minister or not. You get it just the same.” I said to him, “No, sir, you’re mistaken, sadly mistaken. When that happened a smile came on my face, not a. word crossed the threshold of my lips, there was no blasphemy in the air, there was no mean feeling and I never had a shadow of anxiety concern­ ing it.' I said to myself, “ I am my Father’s child; I am in my Father’s care; out of this, like all other things, some good must come.” The workman said, “ I never thought of it that way. If that had been me I would have made the air blue with my profanity; I would have caused my family to be disturbed; I would not have gotten over it for a month. I wish I knew the secret of your life.” This is no secret. It is the open truth of our Bible. It is the revealed life of Christ. It is the life which is life indeed. This is my privilege, my God-given privilege, to live not in things, but above them; to live in the spiritual and in touch with the infinite and eternal. I protest, I Protest, ! PROTEST, by the reality of experience and by the testimony of the Word of God, that this which is in me was not first born in a monkey. I will not, I will not live on the animal level. I cannot, I cannot look into the human face and believe in this disgusting, destroying, death-deal­ ing, abominable heresy of extrene evolution. I must, I must believe that I was made by God, to be like God and to live with God and my real life is in the great things of the soul. We must meet this hour, this tragic hour, in this spirit and do our best to live in the spiritual, to stay con­ sciously in His presence and to show this selfish, sensual, sinful old world that there is another life a better life, a real life. It is ours to have a bit of heaven before we get there, to breathe the atmosphere of the gardens of God be­ fore we see them, and to hear the music of eternity amidst the discords of time. Remember, it fell from His lips, and it is everlastingly true-—“ YE CANNOT SERVE GOD AND MAMMON.” m m m ARE YOU? Precious days are passing by, Life’s brief journey soon will cease; Are you treading in the Way Which will bring you endless peace? Are you walking with your Lord

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