
An important feature of neural networks is that when they learn, they have the option to be supervised or unsupervised .

For unsupervised neural network learning , the system makes use of clustering, which groups patterns based on similarity. The two main unsupervised learning methods are Hebbian and Kohonen. Hebbian learning takes place by association, meaning that if two neurons which are on either side of a synapse are activated simultaneously, the strength of that synapse will be increased. Kohonen (also called Self-Organizing Maps) learning takes place by learning the categorization of the input space 13 . For supervised neural network learning (back-propagation), the correct output values for certain input data are determined before starting the algorithm, and the system then learns the function between the paired input and output nodes 14 . A user can train a neural network by running through examples of past data. The learning process occurs when the output data is compared to that of the ANN’s predicted output. The weights for each connection are then adjusted based on the exampled data, allowing the system to learn new patterns and behavior and improve accuracy without having to be taught or shown it 15 .

FUZZY NEURAL NETWORKS. Fuzzy Neural Networks (FNNs) are a branch of hybrid intelligence systems which make use of fuzzy logic together with ANNs to detect fraudulent activity. The idea was first developed and proposed by Zadeh and has since been used and implemented successfully in a variety of industries 16 . The core framework for fuzzy logic is to provide an accuratemethod for describing human perceptions. Some experts believe that the use of fuzzy rules can provide a more natural estimate as to the amount of deviation from the normal 17 .

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