
Maximize Value Across the Entire Customer Lifecycle

Provenir for Payment Providers Simplify Merchant Onboarding, KYC, AML and Risk Decisioning with the Provenir Platform Payment providers strive to deliver efficient, client-focused service to their merchants. But they must balance the need for quick merchant onboarding and payment services with extensive compliance requirements, often across multiple jurisdictions and countries. Too often, fragmented origination, credit risk analytics and decisioning, transaction monitoring and payment processes get in the way of delivering service that is both efficient and compliant. Provenir delivers a unified, agile platform to simplify merchant onboarding and payment processing. Leveraging the Provenir r isk analytics and d ecisioning Platform, payment firms can streamline merchant onboarding, KYC, risk analytics and decisioning, AML and fraud processes. With Provenir, you can offer your customers the most efficient service possible at lower risk and with greater compliance. • Cut merchant onboarding time and costs with end-to-end workflow orchestration and configurable integration adapt e rs that automatically aggregate information from internal and external systems and databases, credit bureaus, websites and even social media. • Meet regulatory requirements with KYC built into the merchant onboarding process to automatically gather data, standardize it, apply the appropriate regulations and determine compliance. • Make faster, better credit risk decisions with industry-standard risk models built in R, SAS, Excel and PMML easily operationalized in automated decisioning processes. • Reduce risk with automated AML processes that monitor transactions to identify and flag behaviors associated with money laundering or fraud. • Rapidly accommodate regulatory change with visual configuration tools to quickly configure, test and optimize user interfaces, rules, processes and integrations without any programming or dependence on Provenir. • Accelerate deployment with the Provenir Cloud which offers a highly secure cloud environment with flexible options for deployment, availability and scalability.

“Provenir is the core of our underwriting and decisioning platform. The platform enables our analysts and data scientists to deal with the complexity that is needed to make good risk decisions.” - Brian Billingsley , CEO, Klarna

Provenir for Payment Providers

Accelerate Merchant Onboarding • Industry-standard web technology makes it easy to configure an application interface that simplifies the application process. • Multi-currency and multi-language support ensure users in different countries can work in their native languages and currencies. • Multi-channel support lets merchants submit credit and lending applications over any channel and device including the Web, mobile phones and tablets. Cut Time and Costs for KYC Compliance • KYC integrated into onboarding workflow can automatically identify, verify and validate the merchant, perform checks and flag areas of potential non-compliance. • Dynamic decisioning supports specialization, applying the right regulations for each application for automated compliance across jurisdictions and countries. • Automated standardization creates data uniformity, ensuring business logic can be applied to all information. Enable Instant Credit Risk Analytics and Decisioning • Easy integration allows any risk model or scorecard developed in industry-standard analytics tools − including SAS, R, and Excel, PMML or MathML − to be operationalized in automated decisioning processes. • Pre-defined, configurable integration adapters aggregate all required data in real time, such as merchant information, credit reports, financial statements and document verification. • Business-defined rules ensure only the right data is aggregated for each merchant, eliminating expensive, unnecessary calls to credit bureaus. • Straight-through processing offers fully automated decisioning on applications, when appropriate. Streamline AML and Fraud Monitoring • Automated transactional monitoring uses real-time data to identify patterns of abnormal behavior, issue the appropriate alert and recommend the next best action. • Pre-built adapters speed integration with enterprise and third-party systems, credit bureaus and social media to automate data gathering on an ongoing basis. Increase Business Agility • A visual configuration environment provides graphical tools and wizards so that business users can quickly design, test and modify streamlined processes. • Configurable adapt e rs support quick integration with multiple data sources including enterprise and third-party systems, websites and social media.

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