The case Vraa •

Facts about Vraa

A small town in growth

2,500 inhabitants

• The new school and daycare center have won national awards for sustainable construction. • Surrounded by farmland, the city has, among other things, two grain and feed stores and several new industrial companies due to its roots.

Energy Park Vraa

Just outside the city are two well-established large biogas plants. One of them has also recently built a pyrolysis plant. A transmission district heating grid has been established from the two biogas plants to the city's district heating plant. Both supply excess heat as derived effects from the production of biogas and pyrolysis. In addition, there is a solar park and a wind farm on the way, which are expected to be established within the next two years. Both biogas plants have major expansion plans in the near future. Vraa Heating Plant The district heating plant in Vraa is being transformed to use locally produced energy and is being electrified. The goal is heating with 100% renewable energy by the end of 2024. The heat demand is generally growing, and natural gas must be phased out at the same time. It is, therefore, interesting to connect excess heat to the mix of heat sources. Economically, excess heat is interesting; it is affordable both in terms of investment and heat delivery. The excess heat supplier makes the investment in the transmission grid, and once paid for, the supply of the heat must be renegotiated. The disadvantage

The energy park is to the right with solar panels (dotted lines) and wind turbines (stars), 2 biogas plants, from which two transmission lines lead to Vrå heating plant.

Chairman Vraa Fjernvarme, Niels Henrik Nielsen: ” We would like to become 100% free of fossil fuels. At the same time, we have a city that is growing with new homes and businesses. Today, almost all homes and businesses in Vraa are heated by district heating. Today, heat production takes place in a mix of different sources: solar collectors, electric boilers, excess heat from the two biogas plants, accumulation tanks, and a natural gas boiler as backup and for peak load production in the coldest months.”

2022 Natural gas Solar heat Electric boiler (electricity) Heat from Green Gas

12 HOTCOOL no.4 2024

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