Aabenraa heat utility knows what quality looks like Every year since 1997, utilities across Denmark have dismounted and sent more than 60.000 Kamstrup heat meters to our accredited laboratory for testing. Measurement precision is the focus of the examination, and the test is completed according to ISO 2869 AQL 4 standards. The results underline what we strive for - a best in industry performance. This is something they have experienced first-hand at Aabenraa heating utility, where some of their current meters have been in operation for more than 25 years. The completed tests showed that meters installed in Aabenraa in average still lived up to verification requirements, and are therefore allowed another nine years in use, extending the possible lifespan up to 34 years for the meters installed back in 1996.

34 YEARS meter lifespan

“It is important for us to focus on quality to ensure a long lifecycle and reduced maintenance when choosing a metering solution.” ROBERT BRODERSEN, PRODUKTIONSCHEF AT AABENRAA FJERNVARME


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