What should be in local heating and cooling plans? – An estimate, mapping, and strategy for increased energy efficiency (via low-temperature district heating readiness, high effi- ciency cogeneration, waste heat recovery, renewable energy in heating and energy for cooling in an area) – Analysis of heating and cooling appliances in buildings, including area-specific energy efficiency measures targeting worst performing buildings and vulnerable households – A plan to finance the implementation of policies and measures – A trajectory to achieve the goals of the plans in line with climate neutrality and a framework for monitoring progress.

The leaders, the learners, and the laggards It won’t come as a surprise to the readers of this magazine that only two countries, Denmark and the Netherlands, currently achieve an ‘Ideal mandate and supportive framework’. That said, we have seen substantial progress in Germany, France, Belgium, Ireland, and Luxembourg. Unfortunately, local heating and cooling are entirely absent in nearly half of EU member states’ legal frameworks.

That last bit is particularly key. Making plans is good. But bringing those plans to life is what really matters.

That is why Energy Cities has put together an online tracker of national heating and cooling policies to shine a light on which countries are doing well and which countries need to step up their game in the challenge of decarbonising heat. You can find the tracker at


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