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De jeunes amateurs de soccer se sont réunis pour célébrer la fin de la saison sur le terrain de soccer de l’aréna de Clarence-Rockland au cours du week-end, afin de recueillir de l’argent et du soutien pour les équipes de l’année prochaine. - photo fournie

Players took a break from the soccer to get their faces painted at one of the booths set up in the arena parking lot. - photo supplied.


having a blast really warms our hearts,” said Julie Coté, Rockland United Soccer Club’s office administrator. “It’s fantastic to hear that the kids had such a great time, and we’re thrilled that the parents loved it too.” Rockland United Soccer Club (RUSC) also offered a tip of the cap to their dedicated coaches, who “stepped up as incredible lea- ders and teachers for all the kids throughout the season,” according to Coté. “Your dedication is inspiring, and it›s heartwarming to know that young soccer enthusiasts are already looking forward to

next year. It›s a testament to the positive influence you›ve had on them.” Apart from a weekend filled with running, jumping and scoring, several local vendors attended to celebrate with local soccer fans. Café Joyeaux, Frozen Flamingo, M&M Meat Shop and Crunchy Creations set up booths in the arena parking lot. “A special thank you goes out to our gene- rous sponsors who contributed a portion of their weekend sales to the club,” said Coté. “Your support goes beyond just the event. It helps us continue to grow and provide

amazing experiences for our community.” Event organizers also thanked Gold Spon- sors MVP Trophies and Portage Insurance, as well as the City of Clarence-Rockland for providing their facilities to the young soccer players and their families. “It’s all about unity, fun, growth, and grati- tude,” said Coté. “Soccerfest isn›t just about the game, it›s about creating memories, fostering teamwork, and bringing people together. We›re thrilled with how things tur- ned out this year, and we can›t wait to make the next one even more amazing.”

On the eve of Spain’s women’s soccer team coming away with a surprise victo- ry at the World Cup on Sunday, Clarence- Rockland’s aspiring soccer greats spent their weekend at Clarence-Rockland Arena’s field to end the season. The Rockland United Knights hosted their annual Soccerfest, welcoming hundreds of residents to the event. “Seeing over 600 visitors and participants


Brunet 20 e tournoi de golf Subway Brunet / ACSM 2023 20 th Subway Brunet / CMHA Golf Tournament 2023 Une belle réussite! Les participants au tournoi de golf Subway Brunet ainsi que les commanditaires et les bénévoles sont fiers d’avoir amassé un montant de 38 000$ pour l’année 2023.

SUR LA PHOTO DE GAUCHE À DROITE: Pascal Brunet - Co-propriétaire, Subway Brunet Joanne Ledoux-Moshonas - Directrice Générale, Association canadienne pour la santé mentale (Champlain Est) Gisele Brunet – Coordonnatrice – tournoi de golf Subway Brunet Christian Brunet – Co-propriétaire, Subway Brunet

Des vendeurs locaux comme Crunchy Creations sont venus soutenir le club de football, offrant une partie des ventes de la journée aux équipes. - photo fournie

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