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The UCDSB’s trade training initiative visited Rockland District High School. The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) began an initiative to bring hands- on learning to Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) and Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) students across the region, and from June 6 to 10 the initiative visited Rockland District High School. Thirty-two students attended each workshop per day, spending two and a half hours learning car- pentry, welding, electrical, fitness, nutrition, and culinary science from an instructor from St. Lawrence College. “It’s great that we’re reaching our SHSM students in this way this week,” said Ashley Grant, UCDSB Student Success Learning Partner and co-lead on the initiative. “The two SHSMs offered at RDHS – Agriculture and )FBMUIBOE8FMMOFTTmBSFEJSFDUMZBMJHOFE with the six workshops offered. Also, as part of this program, we’ve been ensuring that the groups who are under-represented in skilled trades careers have the opportunity to participate.” 0O8FEOFTEBZ +VOF TUVEFOUTFYQMPSFE the electrical and fitness trailers. “I’m coming out of this workshop with a greater understanding of muscle groups and exercises to engage them,” said Grade TUVEFOU)PMMZ8IJUFi8FBMTPEJTDVTTFE what a career might be like in fitness, which was very interesting.” handle and prepare food for both nutrition and fitness. “I’m proud that we have invested in this opportunity for students,” said UCDSB Chair John McAllister. “Trades people are in high demand and these are career paths that those who are interested in working with their hands should seriously consider. The fact that students can earn a college-level micro-credential certificate through this op- portunity is an excellent way to start out.”

L’initiative de formation professionnelle de l’UCDSB a visité la Rockland District High School la semaine dernière. -photo d’archive MOBILE SKILLS LAB COMING TO ROCKLAND SCHOOL


i8FBSFWFSZFYDJUFEUPCFBCMFUPCSJOH these trailers to the UCDSB,” said Cameron Jones, Vice-Principal of Student Success. “Students will get to try out a variety of skills, get to use their hands and really dig JOUPUIFTFFYQFSJFODFT8FBSFQVUUJOHJO extra efforts to ensure that young women and Indigenous youth are aware that these career paths are real options for them.” The labs will focus on re-engaging students and teaching them basic skills required to be successful in the related professions. The workshops will last 2.5 hours each and award participants with a

micro-credential certificate from St. Lawrence College. The first lab will provide experience in skilled trades and carpentry, welding, and electrical training. Students will have the opportunity to use hand and power tools, along with training aids such as a welding simulation and virtual reality for an innova- tive, hands-on learning experience. The second lab will focus on wellness, including teaching students about indepen- dent living, meal planning, and how to safely

Rockland District High School students will have two hands-on learning experi- ences this year. The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) is providing students additional hands-on learning in skilled trades this spring. Rockland District High School will host two mobile training labs from June 6 to 10 and provide introductory skills in carpentry, welding, electrical, fitness, nutri- tion, and culinary disciplines.

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Le laboratoire mobile de compétences sera à l’école secondaire du district de Rockland du 6 au 10 juin —photo fournie

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