Board Converting News, August 28, 2023

Koenig & Bauer Honors Paul Malnove, Founder Of Malnove Inc. The management team from Dallas, Texas based Koenig & Bauer North America announced the recent commemo- ration of its longstanding partnership with Malnove Incor- porated by dedicating a plaque in honor of the firm’s late founder, Paul Malnove, at the unveiling of its new Koenig & Bauer Rapida 145 press at its Omaha, Nebraska facility. Kilian Renschler, CEO and President of Koenig & Bauer North America, expressed his gratitude for the partnership as Malnove is one of the company’s largest customers in the United States. “Koenig & Bauer is very proud that we were able to grow with Malnove,” Renschler said. The decision to invest in Koenig & Bauer’s technolo- gy emphasizes Malnove’s forward-thinking approach and dedication to meeting the ever-evolving demands of the market. By integrating the Koenig & Bauer Rapida 145 press into its production processes, Malnove aims to achieve great- er efficiency, reduce lead times, and deliver high-quality packaging solutions. “At Malnove, we have consistently proven our commit- ment to technologies, ensuring we remain at the leading edge of the paperboard packaging industry,” says Mal- nove President Dale Houck.

“Malnove had the very first Koenig & Bauer large format press in the country. We always strive to stay in the fore- front of technology.

“This strategic move is expected to enhance our com- pany’s capabilities and solidify our reputation as a reliable and innovative partner for businesses seeking top-of-the- line packaging solutions.” The Koenig & Bauer Rapida 145 press boasts speeds CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 At the official ceremony, from left, are Charlotte Malnove, daughter of Eric Malnove; Eric Malnove, Owner; Dale Houck, Malnove President; Tom Williams, Malnove’s VP of Manufac- turing; Doug Whitacre, Koenig & Bauer VP of National Ac- counts; and Kilian Renschler, CEO and President of Koenig & Bauer North America.


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August 28, 2023

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