Board Converting News, August 28, 2023

Acme Corrugated Box (CONT’D FROM PAGE 44)

busy until June of 2022, when business seemed to fall off. Our numbers are back to where they were in 2019. Vol- ume is about where it was pre-pandemic, only now due to price increases during the Pandemic revenue is up.” In what appeared to be a preview of his 2024 Convert- er Outlook, the annual and popular feature in Board Con- verting News , Cohen expounds, “People ask me if I think we are heading into a recession but I think we have been

in a recession. High input costs have started to level off, volumes have been up and down but I have seen stronger activity in the last couple of months. I think 2024 may not be as bad as a lot of people think.” Acme’s geographic footprint continues to be the same the five states of the mid-Atlantic region it has always served – Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and a little bit of New York. The company has a staff of Its new system allowed Acme to optimize the vertical rack cell design for enhanced efficiencies and maximum WIP capacity designed around Acme’s specific order mix.

16 outside salespeople. Approximately 20 percent of its work is handled by outside brokers who have established long-term relationships with Acme. It also maintains part- nerships with some major distributors. Both Bob and Jeremy Cohen say now that the expan- sion is largely done, Acme can continue to focus on its EAM Mosca’s SQ4 fully automatic squaring bundler combines high-speed with the flexibility to strap the wide variety of bun- dle sizes Acme Corrugated Box produces.



August 28, 2023

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