Roz Marketing Nov/Dec 2017

Jong Lee had 20-plus years of experience as a forensic auditor when he was introduced to tax resolution. As an auditor, he investigated clients’ records and multiple employers’ trust funds for proper benefit contributions, and he viewed tax resolution as a similar service. “The investigative audit was a large part of my practice,” Jong says. “Tax resolution is a quite similar approach, and so when I was introduced to it, I felt it was a natural progression.” But natural and easy are two different things. Jong says he ran into challenges when he first decided to focus on tax resolution about three years ago. “It was an awfully lonely proposition because I really did not have any resources to address the problems I had,” he says. “I didn’t know whom to ask or where to go for answers. So, I did the best I could with the limited knowledge I had at the time.” But now that he is working with Michael and is a member in Michael’s mastermind group and also ASTPS, it has opened up the horizon. “There’s a wealth of knowledge out there to help clients, as well as good resources to increase my practice in terms of dollar amount.” Jong credits the mastermind group for providing helpful input and building his confidence as a tax resolution expert. A recent meeting in Los Angeles JONG LEE, CPA, DBA, EA SPOTLIGHT: MEMBER MASTERMIND MEMBER

provided the resources he needed to resolve some staffing issues he was facing. “The mastermind group definitely helps,” he says. “We had a meeting in Los Angeles, and I was going through staffing problems. I received helpful input from other members. It is great working with 25 like-minded people who can help me.” Jong also credits being in the mastermind for increasing his confidence to conduct direct marketing and to present himself as a tax resolution expert. In fact, he is on the verge of signing with a radio program to provide expert advice over the airwaves. Adopting Michael’s pricing structure has done the most to build Jong’s confidence. He says that in the past he was at his clients’ mercy. “Then, it was ‘If you pay me, I’m so grateful,’” he laughs. “Now, I feel comfortable and can speak confidently about pricing. I have the attitude that says, ‘I’m an expert, and I want to get paid what I’m worth.’” Today, Jong’s tax resolution practice in Oakland, California, is thriving. He and his wife of almost 50 years enjoy the Bay Area (except, perhaps, for the traffic), and Jong spends his leisure time reading and writing, and he recently took up boxing. He loves a challenge!

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