King's Business - 1924-06

June 1924


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

“F o r th u s saitli th e high and lofty One th a t inhab iteth eternity, whose nam e is Holy; I.dw ell in- th e h ig h and holy place, w ith him also th a t is of a con trite and humble spirit, to revive th e sp irit of th e humble, and to revive th e h ea rt of th e con trite ones.” ; God inhabits etern ity and God inhabits you and me if we have a broken, a lowly, a humble and a contrite heart.

gold keep the sheep from th e Master’s fold, b u t where two or th ree believers meet in th e name of th e Lord Jesus Christ; and where th e Lord Jesus Christ is magnified, th ere He is in the m idst of them . There are b u t two places in th e Bible where God is ever said to dwell, and they are mentioned in Isa. 57:15.

Tke Ckrist: A Cure or Curse? Evangelist T. T. M artin, Blue Mountain, Mississippi A uthor of “H ell and th e H igh Schools,” “God’s P lan W ith Men,” etc., an d th e leading B ap tist E vangelist of th e South

H WHOSOEVER believeth th a t Jesus is the Christ is I born of God.” (Johns 5 :1 ;) then it follows logic- | ally whosoever does n o t believe th a t Jesus is th e Christ is not born of God. T hat th e re should be a Saviour sent to th is world was clearly foretold in the Old Testament. No intelligent man denies th a t th e Old Testam ent was tran slated from Hebrew into Greek, long, long before Christ. Take two prophecies: F irst, Isaiah fifty-third chapter. No honest man can read th a t chapter and say th a t it is not a prophecy of Christ. The man who will warp and becloud th a t wonder­ ful prophecy and try to make it appear th a t it does not refer to Christ and thus try to rob th e world of a real Re­ deemer-Saviour deserves, and Will receive, a home among th e doomed and damned in hell. Second: Daniel 9:24-27. The teaching of th e “Christ-re- deem ing-from -sin-and-hell” haters, th a t Daniel did not w rite Daniel, is proven utterly , w ilfully false by th is one prophecy. If the read er will get John U rquh art’s “ Roger’s Reasons No. 2” (10c, Biola Book Room, Los Angeles, Cal.) he will see th a t th e very y ear of Christ’s death was fore­ told. The teaching of these self-styled “ intellectuals,” per- verters of God’s Word, and destroyers of souls, is th a t Dan­ iel did not w rite Daniel, bu t th a t it was w ritten by some un­ known w riter about 167 B. C. Here is a real prophecy; only God could thu s fortell. He would not endorse a liar and deceiver by prophesying through him. The w riter says “ I, Daniel” ; thus th e w riter m ust have been Daniel, for God sets His seal upon his message. But what does th e “Messiah, the Christ,” mean? Let Jesus H imself tell us; “The Son of Man came no t to be m in­ istered unto, bu t to m inister, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Matt. 2 0 :2 $ ). “This is my blood of th e new covenant which is shed for many fo r th e rem ission of sin” (Matt. 26:28.) How can any man, in th e face of these Scriptures—words from th e Saviour Himself— claim to ac­ cept Jesus as a religious teacher and deny th a t He died for our sins, and afte r th a t look his fellow man in th e face w ithout th e conscious feeling th a t he is a hypocrite? Well, it is “ for revenue only.” “The Christ” means th a t He died for our sins,— “Christ died for our sins” (1 Cor. 1 5 :3 ); hence “ through faith in His blood,” (Rom. 3 :2 5 ), “ th e Lord h ath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” (Isa. 53 :6 ). “ But it is morally wrong for the innocent to bear the penalty of the guilty.” . Is it? Two men, a t night, find two other men down in th e g u tter, w ith th e ir faces and bodies gashed and bleeding from a drunken street-fight; these two deserve every pang they are suffering and every pang they will suffer till they die; b u t the o ther two pay for a doctor, a nurse, and the hospital bill and save th e ir lives. I s th a t morally w rong? The Saviour did exactly th a t, in principle, when He died for our sins.

But w hat is the sense of God laying our sins on Christ, of Christ dying for our sins,— if it does no t pay for them ; if it does not ransom , redeem , us from our sins? Another question: How can God be a jjist God and let anyone be lost, le t anyone go to hell, for th e sins th a t Christ died for, th a t Christ gave H imself a ransom for, th a t Christ redeemed th a t one from? T hat is making two pay th e same debt; th a t is down-right dishonesty. Still ano ther question: F rom how many of th e believer’s sins did Christ redeem him? F o r how many of th e be­ liever’s sins did Christ give Himself? F o r how many of the believer’s sins did Christ die? “And Aaron shall lay both his hands on th e head of th e live goat, and confess over him ALL th e iniquities of th e children of Israel, and ALL th e ir transgressions in ALL th e ir sins, pu ttin g them upon th e h ead of th e goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into th e w ilderness; and th e goat shall bear upon him ALL th e ir iniquities unto a land not in ­ habited.” (Lev. 1 6 :21 ). “All we like sheep have gone astray ; we have tu rn ed everyone to his own way; and the Lord h a th laid on H im the iniquity of us all.” (Isa. 5 3 :6 ). But how many of our sins did th e Lord lay upon Him? “Our Saviour Jesus Christ who gave him self fo r us th a t He m ight redeem us from ALL iniquity.” (T itus 2:13, 14). Then th è moment one believes th a t Jesus is the Christ, accepts Him as real Redeemer from all iniquity, he is ran ­ somed from , redeemed from, all iniquity, from th e first sin he ever committed, to the la st one,— “ all iniquity.” Then every Catholic, every evangelical, every man on the outside of all churches and all baptism s, who believes th a t Jesus is the Christ, who accepts Him as real Redeemer from all in­ iquity, is born again,— “WHOSOEVER believeth th a t Jesus is th e Christ is born of God.” (1 John 5 :1 ), and is going to Heaven when he dies; fo r Jesus said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he th a t heareth my word and believeth on Him th a t sent me, h ath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation.” (John 5 :2 4 ); and everyone who does not believe th a t Jesus is the Christ will die in his sins; will not be born again; will go to hell w ith his old sinful natu re, and will continue to sin against God. “ He th a t is u n righ t­ eous, let him DO unrighteousness still.” (Rev, 22:11, R. V. ) ; hence, eternal punishment. But no one believes th a t Jesus is th e Christ, no one can believe th a t Jesus is the Christ, who believes in evolution, th a t th e first living cell evolved into a higher species and th a t into a higher and so on up to m an; for th a t means th a t man has evolved upward; hence th a t th e re has been no fall; hence th a t th ere is no need of a Redeemer from all in ­ iquity. Not only so, bu t ten times Genesis says th a t everything brought fo rth “ afte r his k ind .” Jesus endorsed Genesis as the Word of God; rea l Deity would no t endorse ten lies as the word of God; hence the man who believes in evolu­ tion can no t believe th a t “ Jesus is the Christ,” but th a t He

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