King's Business - 1924-06

June 1924

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


th e Southern Jalifo rn ia Prem illennial Association, w ith a constituency of ever two hundred m inisters. The As­ sociation meets once a month a t the, Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles for a Members’ Luncheon a t 12:30, followed by a Members’ Meeting a t 1:30, and a P opular Meeting a t 3:00, which is ad­ dressed by some well known speaker on fundam ental doctrines. The Association has proved to be a splendid rallying point for m inisters who are tru e to th e Word of God, and has also been the means of streng then ­ ing the faith of others. LARGEST SCRIPTURE DISTRIBU­ TION IN HISTORY OF AMERICA The largest distribution of the Scriptures ever made in the history of th is country in a single year is re­ ported by th e American Bible Society for 1923. More than 2*395,000 copies in over 100 languages and dialects m ark this high record. All these vol­ umes were actually circulated in the United States, and do not include books m anufactured bu t not yet put into circulation, nor do they include the work of the Society in foreign lands reports of which are not yet in hand. The Society’s secretaries from all p arts of the country in conference a t the Bible House repo rted the g reat­ est in te rest in th e Bible ever known in th e ir experience. The number of books circulated is nearly twice as large as th a t reported last year. The increase has been made in every sec­ tion of th e country from coast to coast. The Rev. Wm. I. Haven, who has ju st completed twenty-five years of service as general secretary of th e So­ ciety, said in making th is announce­ ment: “ In th e past q u arte r of a century th e re has never been a more manifest in te rest in and demand for the Chris­ tian Scriptures th a n there is today. This is tru e not only in our own coun­ try where circulation is phenom inal bu t in all p arts of th e world. In Japan, for example, in spite of the g reat losses by earthqu ak e the num­ ber of copies of Scriptures circulated is nearly twice as large as last year. The whole world is a le rt and eager to receive th e Bible. The resources of th e American Bible Society are taxed beyond th e ir capacity to meet the clamorous needs. I am convinced as never before th a t th e Bible is the most potent force in modern civiliza­ tion .”

daughters. The Mission T reasu rer in Germany has now reg retfu lly inform ­ ed th is man th a t they have no funds for his homeward passage, nor have they sufficient in hand to send his wife back to China, thu s you have th e sorry spectacle of a Missionary marooned in the in terio r of China, w ith little if any prospect of being joined by his family. This Mission occupies one of th e most fertile, and certainly one of th e most prosperous areas in K iangsi P ro ­ vince, and to a large degree they are responsible for its evangelization, since they are the only resident Miss­ ionaries. Ju st what the outcome will be it is difficult for a visitor to even conjecture. To the casual observer, however, it appears as though miss­ ionary work in th a t large area must be hampered for many years to come, and th is almost unbelievable d isaster may be attribu ted , not in part, bu t absolutely to the economic chaos in Europe.—Geo. W. Shepherd, of the B ritish and Foreign Bible Society (China). “ THE FUNDAMENTALS” MINISTERS’ UNION O F C H I C A G O “S p eak in g .the tru th in lo v e,” and “E a rn estly con ten d in g for th e fa ith w h ich w a s once d elivered unto th e sa in ts,” m ay be nam ed as the ob jective of The F un d am en tal M in isters’ U nion of C hicago” w h ich is an organ ization com ­ posed of m in isters, ed itors of relig io u s papers, th eo lo g ica l p rofessors, and o th ­ ers en g a g ed in a ctiv e C hristian service, u n ited for the purpose of b earin g a p o si­ tiv e testim o n y to th e g rea t fu n d am en tal tru th s of the C hristian faith . The w arm th of fellow sh ip w ith those of lik e p reciou s fa ith is certa in ly e x ­ perien ced in th e b u sin ess m eetin g s and B ib le co n feren ces held m on th ly by th ese brethren w h o m eet to fellow sh ip w ith each other in th e w ork of th e Gospel. In th e se days o f doubt and d rift a m an w ho is b ea rin g an a ctiv e p o sitiv e te s ti­ m ony to th e truth, as it is found in C hrist Jesu s, m ay find h im self iso la ted and “T he F u n d am en tal M in isters’ Union of C hicago” offers an op p ortu n ity for fellow sh ip w ith others w ho stand on the sam e platform . Of cou rse th a t p latform is based on th e Scripture a s th e in erran t w ord of God w ith a ll th a t is im plied in an accep tan ce of th a t fact. B ib le con feren ces are h eld m on th ly in the variou s ch u rch es of the c ity open to th e Union. A lso a b u sin ess m eetin g is held on th e secon d Monday of each m onth in the H otel La Salle, Chicago. An in crea sin g number o f brethren, lo y a l to th e w ord of God, and a n xiou s to p ro­ claim the old m essa g e of sa lv a tio n from sin through fa ith in a crucified, risen, ascended and com in g Lord, are u n itin g w ith the U nion as a m ean s of ex p ressin g th eir lo y a lty and d esire to co-op erate w ith b rethren o f a n y denom in ation w ho a lso stan d for th e T ruth. “The F u n d a­ m en tal M in isters’ U nion of C hicago” w ill w elcom e an y m in isters or oth ers as nam ed above w h o are a ctiv ely en g a g ed in C hristian service. T he secreta ry is R ev. Theodore H oltorf, G len E llyn , I ll­ inois, w h o w ill be g la d to g iv e a n y fu r ­ ther in form ation con cern in g m em bership in the Union. The organization spoken of above, though different in name, is sim ilar in purpose, to the organization known as

THE CHARIOTS A famous architect, speaking re­ cently in P aris, made the statem en t th a t w ithin tw enty years New York, Chicago, P aris, London and other large cities will have to be demolished and bu ilt all over again, because of the congestion th a t will be caused by automobiles, °He said th a t if the auto­ mobiles keep on increasing as they have th e last th ree years, by 1940 motor tran spo rtation will be literally impossible except in certain streets distinguished by th e ir width. This calls to m ind the prophecy u ttered by Nahum : “The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in th e broadways, they shall seem like torches, they shall ru n like the lightnings.” This is a description of automobiles in w ar­ time, b u t the fact th a t it says it will be “ in -the day of his prep aration ,” seems to imply th a t such a condition will also be present before the last war will actually take place. At any rate, it is a fact th a t the jostling of automobiles one* against another, and th e ir raging in the broadways, is a serious thing rig h t now. The faster, then, th a t automobiles are manufac­ tu red , the g reater th e congestion and the jostling, and th e nearer th e end of the age. If the arch itect should be rig h t and by 1940 traffic will be im­ possible, then th e g reat la st w ar in th e streets m ust be dangerously near. — The Faith. THE PLIGHT OE GERMAN M I S S I O N S I N C H I N A The disasters resu lting from the present economic chaos in Europe, have not been over stated in th e vol­ umes of editorials th a t have been pouring fo rth from the press in a never ending stream . The almost superhu­ man efforts of th e German Christians to m aintain work in the far corners of the earth have now resulted in com­ plete failure. Their currency when exchanged into foreign money is in ­ finitesimal and incapable of support­ ing even a small fraction of the work. A strik ing instance has recently come to the w riter’s atten tion while travelling through the in terio r of K iangsi Province, China. A Mission financially dependent upon German Christians, recently sent the passage money to two of its m issionaries who had been working in China for th ir­ teen years w ithout' a furlough. The wife and mother took passage some two years ago hoping th a t her hus­ band would follow in a few months. In the meantime ano th er pressing need developed, and he generously handed the money to one of his col­ leagues, who was in dire circum ­ stances over th e education of his two

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