King's Business - 1924-06

June 1924

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


about it w a at, on account of the lack of Christian workers, th ere was no one in th a t neighborhood to keep up th is work and lead them fu rth e r into th e ligh t of Gospel tru th .” Another worker w rites: “ In one of the suburbs the number of children who come to us for reli­ gious instruction increased w ithin one month tenfold. In another suburb, th e number increased twentyfold. Many children sit on th e steps io the platform and many on th e floor. I have now 1200 children to teach. 0,r may the Lord God help us by sending us a worker. I am physically ex­ h au sted .” TO F U N D A M E N T A L I S T There is certainly food for thought in a le tte r which came to us recently from one of our good subscribers. A fter giving us the name of a m in­ ister in h er town of large influence, bu t an advanced Modernist, to whom she wished The K ing’s Business sent in the hope th a t it would cause him to see th e erro r of his ways, she goes on to Say: “X am a m em ber of the--------------church and our m in ister w a s a very lib eral M odernist; b u t a num ber o f n s m et in p rayer for him , and w e wer,p le d 'to send h is nam e also to a num ber of our sound, fa ith fu l F un d am en tal headq u arters th a t sound C h ristian litera tu re m ig h t be sen t to him . Our H ea v en ly F a th er h as heard our p rayer and g ra cio u sly cau sed our p astor to turn about, and w h a t a w o n ­ d erfu l ch an ge h a s been w rou gh t! And, oh, th e b lessed m essa g e of sp iritu a l food he g iv e s us now . H e p reach es th e W ord and th e church is fu ll ev ery Sabbath day. So m any ask , “W hat h as w rou gh t th is w on d erfu l ch a n g e in Hr.--------------?” but God k n ow s, and to H im be a ll the glory. W e are g rea tly en cou raged and are p ra y in g for the other m in isters in ’ th e tow n .” Here is a splendid suggestion and il­ lu stration of what it is possible to ac­ complish through prayer, and we h eartily commend th is plan to those d ear saints who have been carrying the heavy burden of a pastor who fails to feed his flock with th e Bread of Life. “P ray er changes th in g s!” Then, P ray! PRAY! P R A Y ! THE B I B L E SOCIETY General Feng, the first Christian Governor in China and one of its lead­ ing Generals, has been made an Hon. Foreign Member of the B ritish and Foreign Bible Society. In acknowl­ edging the certificate of membership he said, “ It is a g reat honour to me, bu t dare no t say I am worthy enough to deserve it.” He adds th a t all the officers under his command have Bibles. Some read th em every day. In his army th ere are week-day Bible Classes and Sunday services. “We have six Chinese preachers of our own, P R O M M O D E R N I S T AN HONORARY MEMBER OF

THE GOSPEL IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA During th e early p art of th e year we had the pleasure of a 'v is it from Rev. V. Losa, the Secretary of the American Hussite Society, w ith h eadqu arters in P ittsburg, Penn., who brought to us stirrin g and inspiring accounts of the spread of th e Gospel, not only among th e Czechs in this country, b u t also those still in Europe. As is well known, the country of Czechoslovakia comprises what was formerly th e coun­ tries of Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Slovakia, all of which were P ro testan t countries th ree hundred years ago. Bohemians have venerated th e ir hero, John Huss, ever since his m artyrdom in 1415, and m ultitudes are now tu rn ­ ing to the Gospel which he preached. A le tte r from Rev. J. Kohout, a na­ tive m inister who is working in Czechoslovakia, under the auspices of the American Hussite Society, w riting to Mr. Losa, tells many in terest­ ing instances of the g reat opportuni­ ties which are presented for the preaching of th e Gospel there, of which we relate bu t one. Mr. Kohout says: ; “I was asked to conduct a number of funeral services. At one time I was in a remote village where one year be­ fore almost th e en tire village gave up Catholicism and joined the P ro test­ a n t church. One ;: of th e , poorest women of th e ir number died and the village folk bore all the funeral ex-; penses. A choir composed of the des­ cendants of ancestors banished by Catholics for th e ir faith 300 years ago, who had ju st come back to Po­ land to settle, by perm ission of the government, was asked to help in the singing. Not only did all the people of th e village tu rn out, bu t from dif­ feren t nearby Catholic villages large numbers came to see a P ro testan t funeral. As the burial was in a cemetery two miles distant, by th e tim e we reached th ere, the throng of people was in­ numerable. I had the chance to preach God’s Word several times on this occasion,— once upon th e street in fron t of th e humble cottage; then a t the lim it of th e village where the procession stopped, and again a t the cemetery where th ere was scarcely standing room. So eager were the people to hear what was said th a t the atten tion and order was something wonderful. In this village where th e woman was buried, th e people were affected in such a way th a t many of them left the Catholic church. But the sad thing

and the Peking preachers, either Chi­ nese or foreigners, -help us a good deal. We have established a small chapel a t the S treet in Nan Yuan, where my officers go to preach in tu rn .” He apologizes, for not having done more as he has been very busy. Would th a t we. had many Fengs com­ m anding th e arm ies of the world! Their influence would be a g reat power for righteousness'and th e King­ dom of God.-—Evangelical Christen­ dom. THE CITY OF DAVID A discovery has been made in Je ru ­ salem which, in Its importance, far surpasses th e sensational find in the Tomb of Tutankhamen. The dead past is giving up its secrets in confirmation of th e accuracy o f ’ the te x t’ of Holy Scripture, and the archaeologists and historical critics have been pu t to con­ fusion in th e ir clever guesses, by the revelations of th e spade. Under the auspices of the P alestine Exploration Fund and th e Daily Telegraph, Prof. R. A. S. Macalister has: unveiled the City of David, and by so doing has solved one of the most outstanding of Biblical problems. Jebusite w alls'and towers which date from 2000 B. C. have been discovered, bu t th e out­ standing disclosure is the City of David and Solomon, which dates from about 1000 B. C. The excavations have also revealed the additions built by King Hezekiah, and in stone can be read the story of th e past. Let us quote th e words of Prof. Macalis­ te r: “Reviewing the whole subject, it will be seen how exactly— almost uncannily— the archaeological evi­ dence accords w ith the literary (i. e., th e B iblical). Wë should find a fo rt­ ress built, filling a breach in the wall, and we have found it. T hat tower should show signs of a later repair un­ der stress of imm inent danger, and it does. There should be a fortification wall bu ilt ‘inward from ’ the tower, and th ere is. There should be no con­ spicuous fortification here earlier than the tim e of Solomon, and th ere ,js not. Absolutely everything th a t’ w e ’know about Millo— except the m urder of Jo- ash, which could hardly be expected to leave recognizable traces in the stru ctu res th a t have now passed un­ der th e read er’s eye.” The Scriptural references in II. Samuel 5, 9; I. Kings 9:15, 24; I. K ings 11:27; II. Kings 12:20, and 11; Chronicles 32:5, are all correct in every detail.— Evangel­ ical Christendom. (Continued on page 396)

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