King's Business - 1924-06

•Tune 1924


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

hind them .”-—Exodus 14:19. P ra y for Missions in Mexico. SUNDAY, 29 Through th e Cloud. “He spake un­ to them in the cloudy pilar: they kept h is testimonies, and the ordinance th a t he gave them .”-—Psa. 99:7. P ray for Native M issionaries. MONDAY, 30 No Clouds, No Showers of Blessing. “Though he slay me, yet will I tru s t in him : bu t I will m aintain m ine own ways before him .”— Job. 13:15. P ray for Missions in Korea.

w arder of them th a t diligently seek him .”— Heb. 11:6. P ra y fo r Chris­ tia n Laymen of our Country. FRIDAY, 27 Rejoice in th e Lord. “Rejoice in th e Lord always: and again I say, Re­ joice.”-^—Phil. 4:4. P ra y fo r Your Sunday School Superintendent. SATURDAY, 28 Under th e Cloud. “And the Angel of God,-which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them ; and th e pillar of the cloud went from before th e ir face, and stood be­

THE FAMILY CIRCLE (Continued from page 358) WEDNESDAY, 25

The F irs t F ru itr—F aith . J“Now thè ju st shall live by faith : bu t if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him .”-—Heb. 10: 38. P ray fo r China In land Mission. THURSDAY, 26 Diligence B rings Reward. “ But w ithout faith it is impossible, to please him : for he th a t cometh to God must believe th a t he is, and th a t he is a re­

Practical Methods of Christian Work For “Defenders o f the Faith”

Nearly ONE THOUSAND “Defenders of the F a ith ” ;a re now enlisted in th is army of those who are determ ined to do all w ithin th e ir power to fight the good fight of faith in defense of th e ir children, th e ir homes, th e ir country and th e ir Lord. To all of these “Ammunition” and suggestions for carrying on the b attle have been sent: We are planning to do everything possible to assist them to stem th e tide of Satanic sedition which is seeking to spoil th e lives of our children and young people and rob them of th e ir faith in God’s infallible Word. Under th is head, therefore, we propose each month to present a series of practical helps along the line of Personal Work in which, ,we tru st, pastors, teachers and church members will find helpful suggestions concerning th e most im portant command and promise ever given by ju r Lord Jesus Christ,; “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19)... ■ -:.i ■■ ¡ v . - . God has designed, th a t His work for a ruined world should be of such a character as would be simple and prac­ tical, so th a t it m ight bç possible of accomplishment for every believer— young and old. W hat was God’s purpose in the creation of th is world? To reveal H imself and His plan for the ea rth in its rela­ tion to the universe. There are m illions of worlds, b u t we know nothing1about them save th a t they exist a n d 'th a t God has a purpose for each and every one of them. This world we can know, and, by His grace, ire can know something of His purpose for it. W hat is th e essential thing which He h a s revealed to us?s; Is it not th a t Christ has.djied for us .and th a t we are saved through faith in His finished work? W hat is His purpose in leaving us here after He has saved us? Is it not to be His representatives and to make m anifest His desire and ability to save others? FIRST LESSON A Seven-Fold R u le fo r Securing R esults in P ersonal Work If your life is to tell more for Christ than the lives of others, th ere are certain things th a t you must do; and if you do more, you must be more: (1) You must deny yourself more th an others, Luke 9: 23 ( “Let him deny him self” not th in g s). This is the basis of real discipleship— everything a t God’s dis­ position: Men are saved by grace, kept by grace, b u t under obligations to God, T itus 2:12, (2) : You must pray more th an Others. The prayerless soul is a fruitless soul, (John 16:23, 24; Jas. 5 :1 6 ). He who fails to pray, robs God. (3 ) You must love more than others, Rom. 5:5. The love of God must be shed ab ro a d -in your h ea rt by the

Holy Spirit, 2 Cor. 5:14. It must be a restrain ing and constraining love, Gal. 5:6. (4) You must be more determ ined th an others. P au l’s life was undergirded w ith a g reat determ ination,,,! Cor. 2 :2 ; Phil. 3:13, 14. When a man says “ I w ill,” God says “You shall. ’,’, H( ,, (5) You must believe more than others, John 7;38, ,39. The emphasis here is laid upon believing, Heb. 11:6. W ithout believing you cannot please God. In Rom. 1:8 P aul bears a rem arkable testimony to the faith of the Roman believers. (6) You must know more th an others, Hos. 4:6, There is no excuse for believers n o t knowing the mind of Christ, or the will of God, Col. 3:16. The word of Christ should dwell in us richly. (7) You m ust have a la rg e r revelation of Christ to your Soul th an others, Heb. 2:9. Will you seek by God’s grace, daily, to be more th a n you have ever been, and all th a t God wants you to be, for Him­ self? There are tens of thousands of people waiting for someone to be more for Christ than th e average Chris­ tia n is. DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH “Dread not the din and smoke, The stifling poisdn of th e ’ fiery air; C o u rag e !,,It is the b attle of thy God! Go, and for him learn how to do and dare! “Look to th ine arm or .well! Thine the one panoply po blow th a t fears; Ours is th e day of ru sted Swords and shields,5 Of loosened helmets and of broken spears. “Heed not th e th rong of foes! To fight ’gainst hosts is s till the Church's lot. Side thoU w ith God’, and thou m ust win the day;' Woe to: th e man ’gainst whom hell fighteth not? “ Say no t the fight is long— ’Tis but one battle, and the fight is o'er; No second w arfare mars thy victory, : : .:,t And the. one trjumpji is for evermore?” ; If you have not yet enlisted turn to Page 39 0 , sign the coupon you will find there, and send it in. If you are already a “Defender,” use the coupon to recruit someone1else, and D O I T N O W ! ’ — Selected! „

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