King's Business - 1924-06



K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June 1924

We never saw th a t man again, bu t believe when we enter into th e joy of the Lord, he will be th e re as a trophy of grace, won by Mary, the girl whose conversion some had doubted but who in her, last weeks on earth , glorified her Lord by her faith fu l testimony and won a soul for Christ. iH Mi SPANISH WORK Robert H. Bender, Supt.—Gospel Meetings and House to House Work among 50,000 Mexicans in Los Angeles and Vicinity. “And many th a t w ere rich cast in much and th e re came a certain poor widow and she threw in two m ites— and He called un to H im His disciples and saith un to them , Verily, I say un to you, T h at th is poor widow h a th cast more in, th a n all they which have cast into th e treasu ry , F o r all they did cast in of th e ir abundance, b u t she of h e r w an t did cast all she had, even all h er living.” (Mark 12:42-44). IOMEONE has said, “W ithout a sacrifice th ere is nothing of importance done in the world. The men th a t have accomplished g reat things have done it through sacrifice and Jesus Christ, the g reatest of all, by sacrifice is w inning thousands to H imself.” Recently while teaching a Bible Class in one of our Mex­ ican colonies, we mentioned th e privilege of every believer giving to fu rth e r the work of the Lord. We spoke of our desire to pu t a Mexican man in colportage work for the selling of Bibles, Testaments, Gospels and Christian lit­ erature. To our u tte r surprise one old lady spoke up a t the close of th e service and asked if she could say a word. We asked what she wanted to speak about, and she said, “About what you ju st m entioned.” Then she .said, “ I have no money to give bu t I am w illing to do something. I have two houses,— a large one and a small one. I w ant to give the larg est one for th e work of th e Lord.” “B ut,” we rem onstrated, “You need th a t house for your living ex­ pense.” “No,” she said, “ God has been so good to me and cared for me these many years and I haven’t words with which to th ank Him. I w ant to give my house.” So the following week the papers were made out and the housq tu rn ed over to us to sell or rent. Dear friends, as Jesus said about th e widow, so this dear woman “ of her want did cast all she had, even all her living” into the Lord’s treasury. She had saved her hard earned money by doing washing and invested it all in a house in order to have something for her old age. This surely must be very well pleasing to our heavenly F ather. Would to God th ere were many more who had th e faith and courage to give th e ir all to the Lord like th is w asher­ woman. Do you th ink it was worth while to give the Gos­ pel to this woman who is giving freely as she has received? Since th is gift we feel more encouraged to pray for and believe th a t God our F a th e r wants us to have a Mexican helper as a Colporteur. It would be fine if our Mexican be­ lievers were able to support one themselves, bu t un fo rtun ­ ately they do not have steady employment and consequently we cannot always count on th e ir contributions. So we would ask you, dear reader, to join w ith us th a t very soon God may answer our prayers and give us th e man and th e means. The Lord has graciously blessed th e Word among these dear people. One of our students reported a young man converted through a tra c t handed to him some months ago. Another reports the conversion of several women, and ano th er reports holding two large meetings for children which resulted in five conversions. Recently in a camp to which one of our believers has moved, we had a meeting and some twenty-five men gath­

ered in his room. A fter th e message we gave the invita­ tion and seven men professed to accept Christ as th eir Saviour. We do praise God for His wonderful work among the children of men. L et us pray for th e enlargem ent of the work among Mexicans and th a t we, may have the help we need, for it is a worth while work. WORK AMONG THE JEWS James A. Vaus, Supt.-—Bible classes and Personal Work, Street Meet­ ings and Semi-monthly Mass Meetings for Jews of Los Angeles. Jewish Rabbi and his daughter, a young woman about twenty-five years of age, came one day to th e office of the Jewish D epartm ent to inquire for a Hebrew and English Old Testament. They were A rabian Jews, who had been visiting China, and had but recently come, to the United States. Their English was very imperfect, but they both spoke Hebrew fluently. We had on hand two Bibles of the kind asked for and agreed to sell one to the Rabbi. One of these books was an unmarked Bible th a t had ju st come from th e book shelves; the other was a marked Bible w ith a leath er cover, which a worker had left th a t very morning. In addition to having th e Messianic passages underlined it also had a number of m arginal comments. In the fron t of th is Bible had been placed an outline of the w riter’s, showing Old and New Testam ent proofs th a t Jesus Christ was Isra el’s long-promised Messiah. Desiring to keep the • marked, leather-bound Bible for a reference volume we sought to dispose of the other one to the Rabbi, bu t he insisted on having the leather-bound one instead. Realizing th a t God had no doubt sent in th a t marked Bible in advance, know­ ing of the Rabbi’s intended visit, we agreed to p art w ith it. Before leaving we persuaded them to sit down for a while, as we wanted to ask the Rabbi a few questions (for, of course, it is perfectly proper and in keeping w ith Rabbin­ ical dignity to answer questions). Taking th e Hebrew Bible we tu rned to Isaiah 9:6 and read th e passage in the Hebrew tongue. Turning to the Rabbi we asked how he would tran slate th a t passage. He answered th a t the la tte r p art of th e text simply gave the name of the child spoken of in the first p art of th e verse. In answer to the question, “W hat was the name of th a t child” ? He said: “ It is Peleyoatesailgibboraveaddsar- sholom.” But we rem onstrated, th a t name is composed of several Hebrew words is it not? His answer was: “No, it is all one word, and th a t is the name of th e child men­ tioned.” Dividing th is long phrase, which he said was all one word, into separate words, as follows: Pele-Yoates, El-Gibbor Ave-Add Sar-Sholom,” we asked him th e meaning of “E l .” } r He said th a t it had several meanings, which is, strictly speaking, true, b u t th is was merely an -evasion. A sked th e .meaning of “Gibbor,” and he said it meant “ stren g th ” or “m ight.” Again asked if “E l” was not often used for God and ElGibbor for God, the Mighty One, he a t first said “No,” bu t on being rem inded th a t th ere were many such Hebrew expressions in the Old Testament such as “ El, E lyon”— “Most High God”— “ El Shaddai”— “ God A lm ighty,” and th a t Prof. Isaac Leeser, who has* given to the Jews the world over th e ir most popular English tran slation of the Hebrew Scriptures, tran slates those words, “The Mighty God,” he reluctantly adm itted th a t the words m ight be so translated.

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