King's Business - 1924-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June 1924

¿u iiiiiiiiiiiiitiii)iiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiia iiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij| | iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiifiiM iiiM iiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii| (

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Any Book Reviewed in These Columns may be Obtained a t B iola Book Room 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

NOTE!: It is our in te n tio n to end o rse in th e se co lu m n s, and o ffer fo r sa le in B io la B o ok Ro om , o n ly th o se b ook s w con flic t w ith th e flv e g r e a t fu n d am en ta ls o f th e fa ith , i. e„ th e B ib le a s th e in fa llib le W or d o f God, th e J e su s C h ris t, H is V ir g in B irth , H is B lood A ton em en t fo r Sin an d H is P h y sic a l R e su rrection . H ow ev er, w e w ish it d istin c tly und erstood th a t -our en d o r sem en t o f a n y bo ok a p p lie s o n ly to th e p a r ticu la r ev iew ed or offer ed fo r sa le , and n o t to o th er b ook s b y th e sam e au th o r, or b o ok s w h ich m ay b e ud v ertis book r e v iew ed or so ld , or b y it s p u b lish ers. W e sh a ll g r e a tly app re c ia te it i f a n y o f ou r read ers w h o h av e a n y qu estion ab ou t a n y bo ok r ev iew ed in th e s w ill w r ite fu lly and fr a n k ly to th e ed ito r r e g a r d in g sam e . P ro testan tism , Its Principles and Reasons, by R. D itterich.

m arkable fine sermons b y the pastor of T remont Temple, Boston, on the Book of Joshua. Intensely in terest­ ing, strong and exceedingly appropri­ ate for th e professing church in this crucial hour of her history. (Revell) $1.50. The R etu rn of th e Lord, by E rnest Baker. A well w ritten book on the theme th a t is ever p ertin en t and ab­ sorbingly interesting. A work th a t thoroughly covers th e ground. In the 16 th chapter th e au th o r traces the history of the loss to th e church of the doctrine of our Lord’s re tu rn and the story of the robbing of th e saints of God of thé blessed hope by the Roman church. (Seeley, Service & Co.) The Evolution Issue, by Rev. T. T. Martin. An address delivered in Los Angeles by th is well known evangelist

of th e South. Strong, vivid, dynamic, sta rtlin g and unanswerable. It is re­ plete w ith quotations from g reat sci­ entists who refu te th e evolutionary theory. Should have a very wide cir­ culation and be read in connection w ith th e au th o r’s two books, “Hell and the High Schools” and “Evolution or C h rist?” Death and A fterward, by H, A. Iron ­ side. This booklet is for the Chris- tan and clarifies th e question of spirit, soul and body. We h eartily commend it. Mr. Ironside is a careful, clear and practical studen t of the Bible and th is booklet will help many who are troubled concerning the relation of spirit, soul and body to this and to the next world. 15c. Bible A lphabets Memory Work, by Alan S. Pearce. A helpful compila­ tion of Scripture alphabets and drills, appropriate for Sunday School Super­ intendents, D epartm ent Heads and teachers; also for home use. Indeed, it would be a blessing to every Chris­ tian home. (S.S. Times Pub. Co.) 25c. P rinciples of In terp retation , by James B. Todd. A valuable contri­ bution to Bible study, giving in a con­ cise and lucid manner some of the rules of interp retation . Students and young preachers will find it helpful. (B. I. Colportage Ass’n ). 30c. Why God. Used D. L. Moody, by R. A. Torrey, D. D. A mesage by th is well known Bible teacher, au tho r and evangelist, delivered on th e 8 6 th an ­ niversary of the b irth of Mr. Moody. Dr. Torrey is perhaps b etter qualified to speak on th is subject th an any other person and has given us a book th a t every Bible studen t and Christian worker will be greatly profited by reading. (Revell) 35c. Orthodox Christianity vs. Modern­ ism, by W illiam Jennings Bryan. A small book, containing only two chap­ te rs but packed w ith interesting, valu­ able and timely m aterial. In th e first chapter, Mr. Bryan deals w ith the now widely discussed “ five points” of the P resbyterian Church, showing th a t each point is absolutely essential to an orthodox creed. The second chap­ te r is an ab stract of Mr. B ryan’s ad­ dress on “Evolution” given before the State Legislature of West Vir-

An opportune and valuable book for th e present generation who ask, “W hat is a P ro testan t, and why?” The au tho r says: “This book aims to give a clear, concise, courteous state­ ment of tat- principles of the P io test- an t faith and the basis in Scripture, and reason which justifies it,” and he has accomplished his purpose. (Bible In stitu te Ooip. Ass’n) 30c. The Anti-Christ, by A rthu r W. Pink A volume of over 300 pages, by a well known Bible lectu rer and w riter, on a subject about which very few books have been w ritten. The book shows long, careful, though tfu l study and thoroughly covers the subject. (Bible T ru th Depot). Conflict and Conquest in Holiness, by J. C. Massee, D. D. A series of re-



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A Book That Sings Itself! ThehundredsofthousandsofTaber- 'T'ABERNACLE HYMNS No. 2 is th e only nacle Hymns No. 2 sold in the past 1 320-page Book for Churches and Bible Schools to be had at these very low prices.

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