King's Business - 1924-06


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

June 1924

A /CRISIS s C hallenge (Reprinted from October issue) We are confronting conditions in our land and throughout the world of startling significance. The moral menace is stupendous. The lure of lawlessness is swaying both young and old. From the dream of the dawn of a world peace we have awakened to the awful consciousness of a world calamity. T h e religious w orld is ra n k w ith S atanic sedition ag ain st th e claim s of C hristianity. T h e clam orous cajo l­ eries of th e m ultiplying cu lts; th e bom bastic bickerings of th e B ible-blasting p re ac h ers and p rofessors w ho seek to rob the c h u rch of its G od-given in h eritan ce— th e faith of the fa th e rs in the infallible W ord of God,— all testify to th e tru th of th e p ro p h ecy con cern in g th e last days and dem and a clarion call to th e sleeping soldiers of the Son of God. If you love y o u r co u n try— RALLY TO TH E FLAG ,— th e red, th e w hite, the blue, w hich speaks of the Bible upon w hich th a t c o u n try w as founded. If you love y o u r hom es— take un to you the WHOLE ARMOR O F GOD. If you love y o u r children— tak e th e SH IELD OF FA ITH WHEREW ITH YE SHALL BE ABLE TO QUENCH ALL TH E FIERY DARTS O F TH E W ICKED ONE. If you love th e C h u rc h of C hrist— tak e th e HELMET O F SALVAT ION a n d th e SWORD O F TH E SPIRIT, w hich is the WORD O F GOD, an d jo in HEAD and HEAR T an d HAND w ith y o u r b re th re n ag ain st th e foe w hich faces us. T h e fight is on, and only united action an d ceaseless p ra y e r will avail. RESOLVE to m ake any sacrifice of y o u r tim e and m eans w hich m ay be necessary in this fight fo r th e faith of o u r fathers. RESOLVE to give yourself to p ra y e r a n d personal e ffo rt to enlist th e sym pathy of those w ho a re like- m inded w ith you, b u t w ho have no t y e t sensed th e seriousness of the situation. RESOLVE to respond to this call, and DO IT NOW !

Books You Need to Read if you are to get yourself posted on present-day conditions The World in Convulsion and the Impending Tragedy of Bolshevism By W. Lamb During the last few years tremendous movements have shaken the deepest foundations of the whole fabric in human experience. Are you fully aware of the conditions in most of. the world today—and what these conditions mean? Maybe you only think that you know. This book will help you to a correct understanding of what is about to take place, basing every conclusion upon what appears to be plain teaching of Scripture. Paper, 50 cents By Miss Elizabeth Knauss This is the book of the hour for everyone who is in any way interested in the conflict between the Modernist wing of the Church and those who hold fact to the great fundamental doc­ trines of the Christian religion. “The Conflict” tells the story in story form—-a real live story entertaining from beginning to end—arid very helpful. You will want at least one copy for yourself and one for your pastor. Order at once and put in circulation in your community. Cloth, $1.25 Is the church threatened with division by opposing factions impossible to reconcile? Upon a broader canvas than hereto­ fore, and with all the pathos and humor and realism which dis­ tinguished Mrs. Mason s earlier stories, she shows in her novel the problem of the ministry during the present religious crisis. Into this new novel with its charming love story and vivid glimpses of modern social life, Mrs. Mason introduces a vital issue, which is now generally recognized,.and which bids fair to divide the Christian church today. Fundamentalists and mod­ ernists alike are recognizing in Mrs. Mason’s fascinating story a way to a better understanding of each other’s difficulties. A book that no active Christian can afford to overlook. Cloth, $2.00 By Sydney Watson This book should speak to the hearts of many who, living in a so-called Christian land and surrounded by Christian in­ fluences, have yet failed to settle definitely the question of their own personal salvation. The delineation of true Christian char­ acter will appeal to the reader and enhance his interest in the story, and he himself will be brought face to face with the ne­ cessity of a definite acceptance of Christ if he would find peace and salvation. Cloth, $1.25 A new edition of a book first published nearly a generation ago. Dr. Kellogg was a man of sound elarning and worthy achievement. He had nothing of intolerance or narrowness in his make up and in calm measured fashion he undertakes to show the validity of the ground the Premillenialists have for their belief, and how that belief is buttrussed by Holy Scripture. Cloth, $1.00 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. unless otherwise specified. If boohs are to come by mail add 10% for postage. The Conflict The High W ay By Caroline Atwater Mason A novel which challenges the religious world Scarlet and Purple Are The Premillenialists Right? By Samuel Henry Kellogg D. D.


536 S. H ope Street,

Los A ngeles, Calif.,

D ear F riend: Please enroll my nam e as a “D efender of th e F a ith “ to fight th e d estructive deniers of th e W ord of God and send me suggestions for c arry in g on th e b a ttle in defense of th e h o n o r of o u r Lord, o u r hom es a n d o u r children. Nam e .... ............ .................... .................................... _.............. .

C ity and S tre et.......................... ...... S tate .......................................................

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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