King's Business - 1924-06


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

June 1924

THE CHILDREN’S GARDEN •;! (Continued from page 360) 3. Rejection—Gen. 37:4-8; Isa. 53:3; John 1:11. 4. Buried in Ground—Gen. 37 r 24; John 6:32-35. 5. Sold by Those near to H im -B Gen. 37:27, 28; Matt. 26:14-16; Matt. 27:3-5. : 6. Exalted to Throne— Gen. 41: 39-57; Matt. 26:29; Isa. 2:4. 7. Dispenser of Food— Gen. chap. 43-45; John 6:32-35. 8. Forgives His Enem ies— Gen. 45th chap.; Luke 23:34. 9. Perfection of His Life (no evil told of Joseph) 1 Pet. 2:21, 22. 10. Gives His People a Perfect Homesr—Gen. 47:11; Isa. 2:1-5; Isa. 11th chap. REWARDS FOR NEW SUBSCRIP­ TIONS TO “THE KING’S BUSINESS” (no t fo r renewals) One new subscription ($1.25) beau­ tifu l Scripture Text Wall Motto.. Two new subscriptions ($2.50) Scripture Text Wall Motto and R. B. C. badge (Red Book Club) Three new subscriptions ($3.75) Badge and Biblical Card Game. Four New subscriptions ($5.00) Badge and Book; “Tip Lewis and His Lamp” for boys. F o r th e girls a choice of one of the following books: K ing’s Daughter; Wise and O ther­ wise (S equel); Three People; Chau- taqua Girls A t Home. Send money by P. O. order or d raft to Sophie Shaw Meader, 225 W. 15th St., Long Beach, California. D. L. MOODY’S THEOLOGY Rev. James M. Gray, P resid en t of Moody Bible In stitu te, in th e opening address a t the Founders W eek . Con­ ference, said: “D. L. Moody, the founder of the* Moody In stitu te, stood for th a t faith in its purity. He was a messenger of peace, but he knew th a t th ere could be no peace where the tru th of God, which is the tru th of the Bihle, is minimized, denied or ignored. I t has been said recently by the ad ­ vocates of Modernism, so-called, th a t if D. L. Moody were now living he would be on the side of liberal theol­ ogy, and opposed to what he formerly believed and taugh t, bu t th e extracts from his sermons which adorn these walls are the best answer we can give to so serious a reflection upon his hon­ ored name. Some of the extracts are: ‘You would have a queer kind of Bible if everybody cut out what he wanted to.’ ‘Souls are always saved in the church where th e Blood of Christ is preached.’ ‘A usurper has got th is world now bu t Christ will have it soon.’ ‘It is easier to believe th a t man was made afte r th e image of God th an th a t he is the offspring of a monkey.’ ‘A man who has broken away from the g reat fundam entals is like a blast­ ed tree in the desert.’

HEAD, of Kansas, who lives in a small town - of 631 people. He has made as high as $69.50 in on* dav selling, o m e r A l l Weather Coats.

man who repre­ sents us in spare tim e. We paid him $626 for one month’s spare

WillYcmGiveMe aChance to Paÿ Yot*$100 ä Week?

I WANT to m ake an offer w hereby you can e arn from $100 to $1,000 a m onth cash. You can be y o u r own boss. You can w o rk ju st as m any h o u rs a day as you please. You can sta rt w hen you w an t to a n d q u it w hen you w a n t to. You don’t need experience1an d you get y o u r m oney in cash every day w hen you earn it. These Are Facts Doe« th a t sound too good to be tru e? If it does, th en let m e tell you w h at J. R. H ead did in a sm all tow n in K ansas. H ead lives in a tow n of 631 people. H e w as sick, broke, ou t of a job. H e a c ­ cepted m y offer. I gave him the sam e ch an ce I am now offering you. A t this new w o rk he has m ade a« high as $69.50 for one .day’s w ork. If th a t isn’t m aking betw een $600 and $2,200 a m onth. W. J. M cC rary is a n o th e r m an I w an t to tell you about. H is re g u la r job paid him $2.00 a day, b u t this w on­ derful new w o rk enabled him to m ake $ 9,000 a y e ar. Yes, and rig h t this very m inute, you a re b ein g offered th e sam e proposition th a t ha« m ade these m en so successful. Do you w an t it? Do you w an t to e arn $40.00 a day? A Clean, High-grade, Dignified Business H ave you ever h e ard of C om er A ll- W ea th e r C oats? T h ey a re advertised in th e leading m agazines. T h in k of a single coat th a t can be w o rn all y e ar round. A good-looking, stylish coat th a t’s good for sum m er o r w in ter— th a t keeps ou t wind, rain or snow , a c o at th at everybody should have, m ade of fine m aterials for m en, w om en and children, a n d sells for less th a n th e p rice of an o rd in ary coat. Now, C om er C oats a re n o t sold in stores. A ll o u r o rd ers com e th ro u g h o u r own representatives. W ithin th e nex t few m onths w e will pay rep resen tativ es m ore th an th ree h u n d red thousand dol­ enough, th en let me tell you a b o u t E. A. Sw eet of M ichigan. H e w as a n electrical en g in eer an d didn’t know a n y th in g ab o u t selling. In his first m o n th ’s sp a re tim e he e arn e d $243. Inside of six m onths he was

la rs fo r sending us orders. A nd now I am offering you th e chance to becom e o u r rep resen tativ e in y o u r te rrito ry and get y o u r sh a re of th a t m oney. A ll you do is to tak e orders. W e d o th e re«t. W e deliver. W e collect and you get y o u r m oney the sam e day y o u tak e the o rd er. You can see. how sim ple it is. W e furn ish you w ith a com plete outfit and tell you how to get th e business in y o u r te rrito ry . W e help you to get started . If you send us only four a v e r­ age o rd ers a day, w hich you cap get in an h o u r o r «o in th e evening, you will m ake $ 100 a week. Maybe You a re Worth $1 ,000 a Month

Well, here is your chance to find out, for this is the same proposition that enabled 'George Garon to make a clear profit of $40.00 in his first day’s work—the same proposi­ tion that gave R. W. Krieger $20.00 net profit in a half hour. It is the same opportunity that gave A. B. Spencer $625 cash for one month’s spare time. 1 need 500 men and women, and I need them

FREE In addition to your big earnings we oiler you a Buick Touring Car without a cent of cost, that you can use to help you'in*de­ veloping this great business. Mail the coupon.NOW.

right away. If you mail the coupon at the bottom of this ad I will show you the easiest, quickest, simplest plan for making money that^you ever heard of. If you are interested in increasing your income from $100 to $1,000 a month and can devote all your time or only an hour or so a day to my proposi­ tion, write your name down below, cut out the coupon and mail it to me at once. You take no risk, and this may be the one out­ standing opportunity of your life to earn more money than you ever thought possible. Find Out NOW! Remember, it doesn’t cost you a penny. You don’t agree to anything, and you will have a chance to go right out and make big money. Do it. Don't wait. Get full details. Mail the coupon NOW. C . E . COM ER , T h e C o m e r M fg. C o. D ept* 36-EB D a y to n , O h io « u n M i B u n H i m B B n M i i M H a B M n a n i m i i t n i a r ! JUST MAIL THIS NOW } « THE COMER MFG. CO. Dept. 36-EB. Dayton Ohio. , * Please tell me. without obligation or g , cost on my part how 1 can increase my g I income from $100. to $1,000 a month as ■ * your representative, and get a Buick ■ E Touring car. ff Name.................. .\____ _____ _______.... , I Address ............. .... ....... ...... Print or write plainly

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