King's Business - 1924-06


June 1924

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

Makes the Deaf Hear

Ja n u ary 3rd. Mr. Straus received a warm reception upon his arrival and was invited to a meeting of the Pales­ tine Zionist Executive. Among those present a t the meeting were Miss Hen­ rie tta Szold, Mr. M. M. Ussischkin, David Yellin, Ben Zvi, Joseph Meu- chas and Dr. S. Tannenbaum , director of the Hadassah Medical Organiza­ tion. Mr. Straus took p art in the dis­ cussion of a number of , im po rtan t problems which came before the Ex­ ecutive a t th is meeting. London Times Lauds Hebrew P rogress The London Times contains an ar­ ticle which describes the wonderful progress of the Hebrew language in Palestine. This article was w ritten on th e occasion of th e first anniver­ sary of the death of E lizer Ben Ye­ huda, the Hebrew lexicographer and protagonist of Hebrew as a spoken language. This progress of th e He­ brew language is due to. the life work of a single man, the w riter says, and he compares conditions in Palestine fifty years ago w ith th e present when newspapers, speeches, schools in Pales­ tine and elsewhere have Hebrew as th e medium of expression. (New P al­ estine.)


A K ing’s Business subscriber, who is preaching th e Gospel in Poland, sends us th is cheering word from th ere: • “Two years ago God pu t it upon my h ea rt to re tu rn to Poland from Amer­ ica for evangelistic work. In the place where I live th ere were only a few be­ lievers when I came back, bu t now th ere arA about two hundred souls which believe in Jesus Christ as th eir Saviour. P raise th e Lord for the: power of the Holy Spirit which con­ victs sinners and brings them to Christ! This past December I spent in visit­ ing about twenty-five villages in the Eastern p art of Poland. God greatly blessed His Word and many people lis­ tened w ith tears in th e ir eyes. Oh, what a sp iritu al need in Poland! Many of our brothers in Christ live very poorly and economically, but they rejoice th a t they have th e life of Christ. P ray for a g reat revival in Poland! P ray fo i every m issionary in Po land !” N athan Straus in P alestine In a cablegram to the "New Pales­ tin e” from its Jerusalem correspon­ dent, we are informed th a t Mr. Na­ than Straus arrived th ere on Monday,

Hereis good news fo r th e Deaf o r people w h o are h a rd o f h e a r­ ing. Science has a t last triumphed over deafness. Unless yonr Audi­ tory Nerve is entirely destroyed, the Acousticon will enable you to hear as perfectly as anyone whose hearing is normal. Thousands who have been Deaf for years report most gratifying results—many say they can hear the slightest whisper and th a t their .natural hearing has been greatly improved. We have testimonials from G o v e rn o rs , Bankers, Ministers, Lawyers and thousands of others. So great is

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