King's Business - 1924-06

June 1924

T H E K I N Ô ’S B U S I N E S S


TILL HE COME! Homera Hodgson

He was not wanted here, and they—— MEN—were quite capable of running th is world to th eir own satisfaction, if not to His. Ah, what a day of glory would have dawned for th is sad old earth if He had been given th e title th a t is His by rights, and made King over it all! But no. They pushed Him out of th e ir lives, and th e ir descendants have been doing it ever since: the average man does not object to th e idea of a nice, kind God away up in heaven who will make everything go righ t, and take them all to heaven when they die: b u t like the Kaiser of Germany, before the late war, when told about the re tu rn of Christ, they object, say­ ing— “T h at would no t do a t all! That would upset all my p la n s!” Well, God is going to upset all th eir plans one of these days— “ overturn, overturn, overturn, un til He come Whose rig h t it is to reign .” And till then we who read and believe our Bibles will keep on saying— “ God’s in His heaven, All’s w rong w ith the world.” This world lieth in th e arm s of the wicked one. It is evil from beginning to end and to tally corrupt from the days of Cain, the first Antichrist, to th e days of th e la st A ntichrist. It will be u tte rly vile, un til the day when God steps down from heaven and, in th e person of Jesus Christ, seats H im­ self upon His Throne a t Jerusalem . And th en our song will be “God’s on th is earth , All’s rig h t w ith th e w orld!” Amen, Even so, come Lord Jesus.

H e l p f u l Bo o k s Splendid for Graduation Presents Shelton of Tibet By Mrs. A. L. Shelton Told by Mrs. Shelton, the constant companion of his heroic service and ad­ ventures, this life story of Dr. A. L. Shelton, missionary to Tibet, is a book of surpassing interest and importance in the realm of missionary biography. “ In the murded by bandits of Dr. A. L. Shelton, the brilliant and adventur­ ous missionary, the cause of Christ in Asia^ lost one of the boldest and most heroic spirits known to missionary life in this generation.*’ Cloth, $2.00 Getting Things From God By Dr. Charles A Blanchard If you care for a book that will not only be food for your soul while being read but will also result in a very^-defi­ nite deepening and broadening of your prayer life, this is the book to read, re-read and then pass on to your friends. Paper, 75c; Cloth, $1.25 God and Me By Peter Ainslie This little book is designed for all be­ lievers in Jesus, and especially for those who have recently entered into the blessed relationship of adoption into the holy family of the Heavenly Father, and so it may be called a primer for the be­ ginners in Christian living. Boards, 50c The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life By Hannah Whitall Smith To commend this work seems almost superflous, and yet to Christians who do not know it, we cannot refrain from saying, “Buy this book and keep it with your Bible for constant study, until you have thoroughly mastered, in your own experience, the Secret of which it tells.’’ This is a book needed today as never before. It will transform those dark days in your life and bring happiness to your home, once its message is known and understood. Cloth, $1.00 The Peerless Poems of David the King A New Metrical Version of the Psalms By Miss Jane Copley Everyone who has ever enjoyed read­ ing the Psalms in the prosaic King James version will all the more thor­ oughly enjoy them in their new poetic form. .All the outstanding features of the Psalms—Praise, Adoration, Worship, Thanksgiving—seem to be more thor­ oughly emphasized in poetry than in prose. Miss Copley has literally spent many years of her life in these Psalms, studying their every feature. And as a result of these years of application, we are able to offer the finest poetic ver­ sion of the Psalms that has ever been issued. Splendidly printed from large broad faced type on a superior quality of paper and well bound. Cloth, $1.75 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B IO L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los A ngeles, Cal.

A popular little verse by Robert Browning appears everywhere today on th e pages of “ religious” papers, and because of its brevity and rhythm it catches on and is found far and wide; it is probably th e most quoted sentence from all his w ritings, and is as follows— “God’s in His heaven, All’s rig h t w ith th e world.” ,I t is from a charm ing little poem called “Pippa Passes,” and as far as mere literary grace is concerned it certainly deserves its popularity. But in spite of its happy spirit, its cheeri­ ness, its charm and popularity it is actually a LIE. But how attractiv e a Lie can be, decked in soft words, w ith a swing and a lilt! M inisters adorn th e ir sermons w ith it, and editors em­ bellish th e ir columns w ith cheerful predictions of coming peace and pros­ perity, and lull th eir h earers to its tuneful lilt. Yet it is ju st a LIE. God is in His Heaven, and because He is there all is wrong w ith this world! Once in the fulness of times He came here, to His own, but His own received Him not; they hu rried Him through th e narrow streets and up the slope of Calvary shouting, yelling, cursing, scream ing— “Away w ith H im !” And so they got rid of .Him. At least they though t they got rid of Him. They sent Him back to heaven where He belonged, w ith th e very plain and clear understanding th a t

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