King's Business - 1924-06

June 1924

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


THE F IVE POINTS (Continued from page 345)

EveryStudent oftheBible Whether Preacher or Teacher will find these books very helpful By A ndrew M u rray T he best analysis of th e Epistle to th e H ebrew s on th e m ark e t today. A n d n o t only th a t b u t it is a v eri­ table tre a su re house filled w ith soul food fo r th e real Bible stu d en t and very helpful to even th e m ost casual read er. A tru ly w onderful book th a t you will alw ays be glad to own and read. O v er 500 p ag es of legible type. C loth, $3 .0 0 The Holiest of A ll

I am thinking ton igh t of Jam es Guthrie of the Church of Scotland who went to th e scaffold on June 1, 1661. As he reached th e ladder he addressed the assembled crowd for more th an an hour in words like these: “T h ese sacred, solem n, p u blic o a th s to God w hich, sin ce w e en tered in to them , h ave been a tteste d by th e con version or so m any thou san d of sou ls, can n ever be relea sed or rem oved by an y man, or p arty, or p ow er bn earth. A s th e y are now, so for a ll fu tu re tim e w ill th ey rem ain, o b lig a to ry upon th is realm . I ta k e God to record on m y sou l th a t I w ou ld n ot e x ­ ch a n g e th is scaffold fo r the p alace or m itre of the g rea test p rela te in B ritain .” At the in stan t he was precipitated from the ladder, lift­ ing the napkin from his face, he cried, “THE COVEN­ ANTS? THE COVENANTS SHALL YET BE SCOTLAND’S REVIVING!” His head was cut from his lifeless body and affixed to the wall over one of th e gates of th e city of Edinburgh, black­ ening in sun th rough all the d ark years of th e persecution th a t followed. God g ran t us in these days th a t th e m antle of th e glor­ ious leaders of our Church may fall upon us, and may the head of Guthrie blackening in the sun be a constant chal­ lenge to undying and unflinching loyalty. Yet once more, our Lord declares th a t “th e F ath e r h ath comm itted all judgm ent unto the Son, th a t all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the F a th e r.” He has given Christ th is “ au tho rity to execute judgment, because He is th é Son of Man.” How wonderful th a t He to whom God has en tru sted th e eternal destinies of man­ kind, is no t only the Judge hu t th e Infinite Redeemer who “ tasted death for every m an !” Such love is enough to break a h eart of stone; “O, th é depth of the richés both of th e wisdom and knowledge of God| How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding o u t!” Summing up th e S criptural evidence, we see th a t Moses, St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, and St. Peter, together w ith the w riter of the Epistle to the Hebrews, all testify to the trem endous reality of th e Divine Voice. More­ over, St. Paul, to whom, under God, we owe th e g reater p art of the New Testament, testifies th a t he himself heard the Voice of th e glorified Redeemer calling unto him, in the Hebrew language, “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me? . . . I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.” I t is impossible for honest men to deny th is evidence except by rejecting the Scriptures altogether. We cannot have it both ways. I tru st therefore th a t many will con­ clude w ith me, th a t wherever we tu rn , from Genesis to Revelation, for time and for eternity, we are face to face w ith God, and th a t His Son Jesus Christ is our all in all. To Him be th e glory for ever! ' ¿èS> 3te THE CHOSEN PEOPLE (Continued from page 394) “The New P alestine” fu rth e r quotes him as saying: “ I have been to Palestine. I have seen th e work of the Jewish pioneer. And I felt the joy of th e sp iritual values th a t are being created anew in th e land of our F ath ers. I w ent to P alestine a non-Zionist. I did not re tu rn a hun ­ dred per cent Zionist, b u t I did come back w ith enough Zionism to throw myself wholeheartedly into th e work of the Keren Hayesod. P alestine will be rebuilt. But its re­ building must be expedited by funds given quickly and generously.” THE VOICE OF DEITY (Continued from page 345)

The True Vine Meditation for a month on John 15:1-16. The author says: “ I have felt drawn to try to write what young Christians might easily appre­ hend as a help to them to take up that position in which the Christian life must be a suc­ cess.” This book is most helpful. Boards, 75c Humility If Jesus is indeed to be our Example in His lowliness, we need to understand the prin­ ciples in which it was rooted, and in which we can find com­ mon ground on which we stand with Him, and in which our likeness to Him is to be attained. And that is just what this splendid book shows us so very clearly. Boards, 75c By Andrew Murray If you would like to know the secret of the Com­ forting Presence, the in­ dwelling personality and power of the Holy Spirit, this is the one book that you need most to read. Better order it today. Boards 75c The Master’s Indwelling

rhe Full Blessing of Pentecost No writer is safer or more sane than Andrew Murray, and we are glad to have him to turn to in these days of so much wrong “Pentecostal Bless­ ing” teaching. This book rings true to the Scripture teaching and is a book you need to hold you true. Cloth, $1.00 Abide in Christ Thoughts on the Blessed Life of Fellowship with the Son of God. The •thirty-one short- story chapters of this book are arranged as daily read­ ings for a month. They are an exposition of the fif­ teenth chapter of John, — Christ’s words about the vine and the branches. Boards, $1.00 Like Christ The object of this book is to “ study the image of God in the man Christ Jesus, to yield and set open our inmost being for that image to take possession and live in us, and then to go forth and let the heavenly likeness reflect itself and shine out in our life among our fellowmen.” Boards, 75c

God’s Best Secrets

By A ndrew M urray If th e re ever w as a m an since th e days of th e A postle P aul w ho has dwelt in th e secret p lace of th e Most H igh w h ere he could an d did lea rn Cod*® Best Secrets, th a t m an w as A n d rew M urray. A n d h e is giving us eight of these best secrets in this book,— T h e se c re t of A d o ra ­ tion, T h e Secret of th e A biding Presence, T h e F aith Life, T h e S ecret of Fellow ship, T h e S ecret of Inspiration, T lie S ecret of Intercession, a n d T h e S ecret of U nited P ra y e r. W ritten in th e last days of his long and useful life, this b o o k bring® his very last w ord to th e C h ris­ tian C hurch. T he book is m ade up of eight sections, each containing th irty -o n e sh o rt ch ap ters. E ach c h ap ter has a S c rip tu re heading so th a t it is p a rticu la rly helpful w hen used fo r daily m editation. C loth, $2 .0 0 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. unless otherwise specified, if books are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal._______

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