King's Business - 1924-06

June 1924


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

tion, however, is being destroyed in most of our schools through the widespread denial of the authority and authenticity of the Word of God. If the Bible goes, then “ Ichabod” is written over the American flag and all of our boasted civilization will go crumbling in the dust. This is so •perfectly clear and obvious that the wonder is that any right- thinking man or woman, and especially any Christian father or mother, can fail to appreciate the danger that besets us. With these facts before you, we solicit your earnest prayers in behalf of our beloved country in this time of its peril, and on behalf of the boys and girls and the young men and women whose characters are now in the making, that God will stem the tide and raise up some means by which the Gospel of the Son of God may be given to them. We hope, in the July issue, to give some additional facts and suggest a remedy. ■ “GOD’S WORD TO WOMEN” We are in receipt of a le tte r from Dr. Jam es M. Gray, P residen t of the Moody Bible In stitu te, Chicago, enclosing a notice regarding a book bearing the above title, which he advises is being published in the April issue of Moody Bible In stitu te Monthly, and asking th a t we mention it in The K ing’s Business, also. Inasmuch as th is book was re­ viewed in the K ing’s Business of March, 1922, under cir­ cumstances sim ilar to those, which attended its review in th e M. B. I. monthly, i. e., the book review appearing w ith­ out th e knowledge of the Editor-in-Chief, we are very glad indeed to publish Dr. Gray’s disavowal of any endorsement of the position taken in this book, and to add th a t neither Dr. Torrey nor the editor of this magazine have ever given it th e ir endorsement, but— on the contrary—-regard th e teaching th erein contained as unscriptural. Dr. Gray’s communication follows: “GOD’S WORD TO WOMEN” This is the title of a book by K atherine C. Bushnell, M. D., for which an advertising leaflet is in circulation quot­ ing a favorable notice of w hat seems to have been an abridged edition of th e book wh-ieh- appeared in th e Moody Bible In stitu te Monthly for May, 1921. The leaflet also contains a quotation from a respected and influential per­ iodical on the Pacific coast a ttrib u tin g the favorable notice in th e Monthly to me personally, in these w ords:— > “Dr. Jan ies M. Gray sa y s of the w ork: ‘It is tim e a w om an should in terp ret w h a t the B ib le sa y s about w om en. Dr. B u sh - n ell’s w ork is sch o la rly and erudite, but devou t and lo y a l to the B ib le.’ ” I feel it my duty to the Christian public to say th a t the connection of my name w ith th e afore-mentioned book no­ tice is erroneous. It was not w ritten by me, and I knew nothing o f it un til it appeared in th e dep artm en t’ of Book Notices in the Monthly, whereupon I immediately expressed my disapproval of it to its author. Dr. Bushnell, th e w riter of the book, has now w ritten me to say th a t she herself has discovered the erro r in the use of my name on her advertising leaflet, th a t she is sorry it oc­ curred, and th a t if I wish it altered she will “make the cor­ rection and rep rin t.” I have w ritten her th a t I no t only desire the correction to be made so far as my name is con­ cerned, bu t also th a t th e name of th e Moody Bible In stitu te Monthly be om itted from the leaflet. The immediate occasion for this public disclaimer is the inform ation reaching me as to th e infuence of the book both here and in mission lands. (Signed) James M. Gray. A'e. s-i&. ate ate ate Every Child W ill Be Interested in “ The Children’s Garden” Page 360

God help us to have a burden of prayer for the sheep who have no shepherd, that they may be spared from the ravages of the wolves in sheep’s clothing who have wrought such havoc among the Lord’s flock! PERPLEXING PROBLEMS CONFRONTING OUR COUNTRY There are, of course, many problems of a serious nature, and always will be, but some are more import­ ant than others. Under the caption “ A Startling Dis­ covery ’’ some facts have been sent to us for publica­ tion from Washington, D. C., over the signature, “ Georgia Robertson.”' We wish we had space to publish the entire article but will give a few excerpts which are, indeed start­ ling.- Miss Robertson says : “T rained scientists spent th ree years and expended $100,000.00 in discovering facts, th e knowledge of which in the fu tu re may lead to the elim ination of many d istu rb ­ ing and perplexing problems which confront us today.” These facts were obtained by taking the children from our schools and, through the use of laboratory tests, baring their souls to the gaze of the scientists. These children were from different sections of the United States, from various stations in life and from different types of homes and environments. It was found that over half of the children would lie, cheat and steal. The trend of their minds was dis­ covered through what were called “ true-false tests.” Every reader should carefully consider this photo­ graph of the working of the minds, of these children and then ask themselves the question: ‘‘What is the reason for this false conception of life and action which dominates the mind of the modern child?” Look at the answers from a majority of the thou­ sands of boys and girls to whom the tests were given: “All the children had to do was to make a pencil m ark under the word tru e or false to show what they though t of th e statem ent. It is NO® wrong to steal from one who has secured his w ealth dishonestly. Stupidity is MORE sinful than deceit. Unnecessarily failing to meet an appointment on time is NOT immoral or unchristian. Cheating a railroad is NOT so much a sin as cheating a person. It is TRUE th a t if a storekeeper gives you too much money, it is all rig h t to keep it, because he would probably do the same if you paid him too much.” The test was also made in a practical manner, show­ ing that in practice the children carried out their thoughts of right and wrong: “When sent to the store w ith a qu arter to buy a certain article, and— by prearrangem ent— the clerk would say: ‘We are selling th is for fifteen cents today’ or would give a dime in change as though by m istake, 64 per cent of the children did n o t re tu rn th e dime eith er to the teacher or to the store.” Another test was made by written examinations: “The paper was in double sheets, th e lower one waxed so th a t it showed corrections. The questions and answers were put on th e blackboard, th e answer concealed by a map. While th e children were left alone in th e room the map fell down and plenty of time was allowed for them to cor­ rect th e ir papers from th e board. In some of these tests lOO per cent of th e children yielded.” The public school system was established in the United States in order that our children might have the foundation of an education which would fit them to become useful, law-abiding citizens. This founda­

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