King's Business - 1924-06

June 1924

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


new vision and a grasp upon the Scriptures th a t has made them a trem endous blessing in the churches. At the present tim e th ere are nearly i.100 students re­ porting lessons by correspondence and getting what per­ sonal atten tion is needed from our in stru cto rs by way of clearing up th eir difficulties. The m ajority of these are young people in the churches, although many strugling pas­ tors in small communities as well as m issionaries on for­ eign fields are included. There are also some very in­ teresting classes going on under the instruction of our Cor­ respondence Department, such as in Some of the state prisons where conversions frequently result. We wish especially to commend our correspondence courses to all who feel the need of some definite method of Bible study and who are unable to have the privilege of coming in personal touch w ith the members of our faculty. These courses are graded to su it the needs of the studen t and one may enroll a t any tim e and complete the work as he is able. The Beginners’ Course, covering many of the v ital teachings of the Bible in a simple way, can be gotten for only $2.00. O ther courses tak ing up studies of the various books as well as practical Christian work, can be procured for from $2:50 to $5.00. We urge our readers to get in touch w ith th e Secretary. Mr. Keith L. Brooks, who will be glad to send printed m at­ ter or give advice as to the courses best adapted to the individual need. CORRECTING AN ERROR Things are n o t always w hat they seem. The m ul­ tiplication of books sent us fo r review calls fo r much tim e fo r reading, and renders us sometimes, liable to th e erro r of tak ing it for g ran ted th a t if a w riter is sound on one o r two of th e fundam entals, he is all rig h t on th e others. Our atten tio n has been called to a serious m istake in our review of “The R etu rn ing Tide of F a ith ” by Bishop Neville S. Talbot, D. D., M. C., of P reto ria, South Africa, and we desire to say th a t we cannot commend th is book, and it has never been fo r sale in our Book Room. We reg ret th a t a favorable m ention was given it in our columns. I’m restin g only, Saviour, on T h y blood once shed for me; It is a ll m y hope and com fort, m y confidence and plea^. N oth in g th a t I m ig h t ever do could stan d th e sea rch in g lig h t, W hich stream eth from T hy g rea t w h ite throne, so radiant, pure and b right. W hat g ro ss p resum ption ’tis for m an to thin k th a t he can stand B efore the sea rch in g ey e o f God, w h o doth of him comm and A p erfect rig h teo u sn ess, a pure and h oly life , w hen he H as n ou gh t but sin to offer God, and no ex cu se nor plea. ’T is for th e sin n er God p rovid es a w ondrous Su b stitu te, And w h en our h ands are feeb le and our to n g u es w ith g u ilt are m ute, W e flee u n to our refu g e and w e claim w h a t h as been done To sa tisfy God’s ju stice in th e p erson of H is Son. It w a s the sp o tless Lamb of God bore a ll m y sin and g u ilt; It w a s for th is upon the cro ss H is p recious blood w a s sp ilt; And n ow I claim th a t blood, for God h as p laced it on, m y soul: It h eals, it covers, and it m akes m e everm ore q u ite w hole. Oh! blood o f Christ, I’ll ever sin g T hy p reciou sn ess, T hy w orth, I can n ot com prehend or te ll it all upon th is earth; B ut w h en I reach yon h ea v en ly shore I’ll sin g in en d less so n g The m erits of th e Saviou r’s d eath am ong the b lood -w ash ed throng. —A. E. R. in “Kingdo^m T id in gs.” WITHOUT BLOOD NO REMISSION H eb rew s 9:22

T H E B I O G R A P H Y OF ARTHUR T. PIERSON A Spiritual W arrior, Mighty in th e Scriptures, A Leader in the Modern Missionary Crusade. By his son, Delavan L. Pierson, E d ito r of th e Missionary Review of th e World Dr. Pierson was a sp iritu al leader in th is coun­ try for many years. He was a man of unusually diversified culture,, and in the pulpit, on the p lat­ form, in the religious press, or in conference w ith religious leaders, he was recognized as a wise, de­ voted and successful servant of the Lord, both in this country and in Great B ritain. Few men have equalled Dr. Pierson in his ability to present tru th in a clear,- concise and attractive manner. His experience was world-wide. His in­ terest in the spread of th e Gospel was definite and practical, as was manifested in “The Missionary Review of the W orld’’ of which magazine he was the editor until his d ep artu re to be w ith the Lord. His biography by his son, Delavan L. Pierson, is an interesting story of the plan and place of God in one man’s life, and of the possibilities of large fruitage resu ltan t from a surrendered will. to. the will of God. The w riter of this review owes so much, person­ ally, to Dr. Pierson for his generous-hearted help along spiritual lines and for the influence of his life during several years of fellowship w ith him as Associate P asto r in Bethany P resbyterian Church, in Philadelphia, th a t he joyfully pears tes­ timony to the greatness of th e man and to the unselfishness of his service. Any m inister of the Gospel, any stud en t looking forward to a m inisterial life, or any Christian de­ siring to know the experiences of a soul in its te st­ ings and tria ls in Christian service, will be stimu­ lated to g reater devotion to God through th e per­ usal of this book. Buy it. Read it. Give it to your pastor. T. C. H. BIBLE TRAINING FOR ALL It is probably not known by many of our readers th a t the educational departm ent of the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles consists of th ree units, each in itself being a m ighty work for God and each one a work of faith depending al­ most entirely upon th e £ ifts of Christian people. F irst, th ere is the Day School, holding classes during the forenoons five days each week and providing board and room for its several hundred students w ithout profit, and making no tu ition charge. We are dependent upon the gifts of God’s people th a t enable us to train and send into the harvest field these many young lives. Second, for those who cannot attend the Day School on account of having to earn a livelihood, th ere is th e Evening School, giving practically the same train ing although re­ quiring a longer period to complete it. Here are enrolled many hard working men and women of Los Angeles and vicinity, also receiving th eir train ing w ithout charge. Third, reaching out to the hundreds everywhere who can­ not avail themselves of classroom privileges, is our Cor­ respondence School, in which eight courses are offered covering the principal subjects ta u g h t in the In stitu te. For these courses only a nominal charge is made covering merely the cost of m aterials and not sufficient to meet the salaries of workers. The Correspondence Department can­ not, of course, offer th e equivalent of an In stitu te training, yet Bible study by correspondence has given hundreds a

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