Sports Turf Agronomic Management Program

Overseeding warm weather grasses such as Bermuda begin to go

dormant in late fall and winter. Over seeding with perennial rye grass in the

fall gives our premier sports fields a growing surface to play on and helps

prevent the complete destruction of the dormant Bermuda turf. Seed is

spread by a broadcast type applicator and covered with a specified top

dressing material.

lnterseeding/Spike and Seed is a second method of over

seeding that the City of Irvine utilizes. Seed is inserted into the soil using an

inter - seeding or spike and seed machine. Applying the seed in two different

directions over the designated area ensure optimal coverage is achieved.

After completion of the inter - seeding application, all debris is removed from adjacent hardscapes and walkways. In some cases an application of 1 / 4 - inch organics may be scheduled immediately after this process. Over seeding with

perennial rye seed usually only occurs on city designated fields that are

considered premier and lighted.

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