Sports Turf Agronomic Management Program

Soil Organics

 Help prevent compaction

 Add Billions of Microbes, Bacteria That Break Down Fertilizer

 Cause Turf To Go Dormant Later & Green Up Quicker ln The Spring

 Help To Control Diseases

 Provide Dark Green Color For Disease Control

 Bio - stimulate Native Populations of Soil Organisms to Prevent Diseases

 Contain Suppressive Micro - organisms Which Suppress Root Infecting Pathogens - Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Pythium Blight, Necrotic Ringspot, Red Thread, Typula Blight

 Root - zone Incorporation Can Provide Up to 4 years of Disease Suppression

Organic soil contains carbon - based material that is living or once living.

It contains organic matter that is rich in many nutrients and minerals. Organic

soils consist of decaying plant material, microorganisms, worms and many

other things. Mulch, compost, and manure can be used to amend nutrient

deficient soil like sandy soil, and turn it into rich, organic soil packed with

nutrients. Organic materials also facilitate drainage while retaining moisture.

Soil amendments are vital when preparing soil for planting. Soils must be

amended often to avoid becoming void of nutrients and organic matter.

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