ivan hernandez quintela
florian jungen
hamilton hadden
city surfaces K atherine B ourke : Parking Surface I nese B irstins : Road Kill
david hernandez quintela
6 7 8
katherine bourke
T onkao P anin : In the City — how are we surfaced? A lexander E isenstadt : Stadbilder — memory, place, wall. R aphael G omez -M oriana and S heila N adimi : Out of Sight. Architecture as camouflage in everyday life. building surfaces K uth /R anieri : The Body in Repose. An installation at for Fabrications at SFMOMA. A calya K iyak : Rock and Liberty: Gehry’s Experience Music Project draped in Seattle. K erry R oss : Detail: snow/surface/water. The Bear Street project in Banff. K arl L oeffler : The Ice Hotel, Duchesnay Ecological Reserve. F ernando D inez M oreira : A Surface for Breathing. Lucio Costa and Parque Guinle, Brazil. F ederico de M atteis : The Post Office and the Telegraph Band — an architecture parlante . J uan M anuel H eredia : Transparence of an Opaque Surface. Juan O’Gorman’s Central Library at the University of Mexico. A niket S hahane : Letter from Barcelona. On the Surface. M arie R upert : Shiny Surfaces. An ICF wall on a zero-lot line. C aren Y glesias : Vague Places with Fine Edges. room surfaces J in B aek : Infinity and a Wooden Cross. Two churches by Tadao Ando. M anoo : Deep Skin. PS Offices, Cuernavaca, Mexico. J oylyn M arshall and P eter O sborne : Spectacular, Spectacular. West Edmonton Mall changes its skin. earth surfaces P hillip B eesley : Orgone Reef, an installation at the University of Manitoba. H amilton H adden : Elemental Surfaces, a water controlling geosynthetic surface. C hristine M aile : Smooth Diagrams on a Complex Earth
alexander eisenschmidt
caren yglesias
10 12
aniket shahane
joylyn marshal and peter osborne
brian lemond
philip beesley
rafael gomez-moriana sheila nadimi
fernando dinez moreira
kerry ross
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41 43
inese birstins
tom martin
juan manuel heredia
christina maile
tonkao panin
material surfaces
elizabeth ranieri and byron kuth
B rian L emond : Two Surfaces E duardo A quino : Flatbox, an installation at Fort Whyte, Manitoba. F lorian J ungen : The Mi’kmaq Wigwam. T om M artin : Wet’swet’en Bridges, British Columbia. L yndale G eorge : Letter from Hagewelit
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47 48 50
half the design and construction team of Emile Gilbert + associates
stephanie white
S urface
O n S ite review
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